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The Mechanism of Spirit, Mind, Body

The Mechanism of Spirit, Mind, Body


The common notion of the mind, body and spirit is routinely used as the new age term signifying the connection between the physical and the spiritual. Not until recently did I realize how that connection is actually intended to work. The placement of the words also needs to be adjusted. It is spirit, mind and then body.

There is a deep programming network that exists between the above elements. If they are communicating well, your life will be in perfect harmony, which means health, wealth and everything else will be as only imagined. Let’s focus, for instance, on health and how these bridges are supposed to function.

Your spirit self (Higher Self) integrates into the oneness of the world and has access to all information about who you are, lives you’ve lived, plan for this incarnation, etc. In short, it has all the life contracts, events and optimal occurrences all laid out. From the health perspective, it sends signals through its communication channel to the physical. We were given a mechanism called mind to interpret these signals and translate them into easily digestible form specific to each one of us regardless of ability, intelligence, means, etc.

Mind is the link between the spiritual and the physical. It is wired to be a distributor of information from the spiritual through its own mechanism to the human body. The mind encapsulates or surrounds the body, controls the brain, which is its link to the physical, and is able to relay the complete picture back to the spiritual. Because of that direct communication, the mind is able to get not only the information sent from your Higher Self, but also from other beings outside of the human spectrum of comprehension, such as angels, extra-terrestrial beings, spirit guides, etc.

Thus, the mind sends the messages to its own mechanism – the human brain. The brain is the interpreter of mind’s information and a disseminator of it to the human body. It even wires itself into all of our body via the neurological systems, veins and vessels, skeletal and muscular systems, etc. The body, in turn, sends information about the health and function of the vessel of spirit back up the chain thus completing the circle – spirit to mind and mind to body.

That is how this intricate and beautiful process is set up and supposed to work. Its purpose is to allow your spiritual self to experience itself fully through a physical experience. The whole structure is there for you to achieve the goals set forth. When you are in the physical body, if the communication is proper throughout spirit/mind/body connection, the body develops and this integrated vessel of the three aspects goes through the physical existence experiencing what it wants. When the communication is interrupted, we often think of ourselves as cut off, meaning only noticing our physical body. In such cases, much effort, time and energy is spent on trying to get the information flowing and being received again.

Sadly, most of us have the bridges of communication closed. They aren’t really closed, but appear so, metaphorically speaking. Partly, that is because we aren’t aware of the paradigm, and partially because we have changed the source of programming. Instead of following the signals sent from your all-knowing Higher Self or at the very least following the mind’s lead as it gives us signs from our guides, we focus primarily on the physical. We are still programmed to be programmed, but we outsource to society, doctors, parents, TV, books, etc. Your health as well as everything else is dependent on who you allow to program you.

Therefore, restore the line of communication as it has been setup for you by means of meditation and unplug the programming link from the outside world that tells you what you can accomplish or how you can achieve it. Keep in mind that while we would like to believe everyone that programs you has the best intentions, that is not true. Most of them are just like you – without the link to the truth and are regurgitating limited information.

Thus, allow yourself to go back to your original design where the flow of information between the spirit, mind and body can function and experience the true wonder of your creation!

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About the Author

Allen Vaysberg is an intuitive recalibration expert, speaker, coach and author. Speaking on life purpose, career change, work-life balance and the recalibration process, he effortlessly weaves mainstream and mysterious into practical insight that readers can immediately apply to their lives.

Listen to Allen on OMTimes Radio on his show Seamless Life

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