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PODCAST: Rants, Raves And The Case For A Digital Detox

This article is more than 6 years old.

Listen to the full episode here:

It’s a C&C episode and we’re digging into two of our favorite topics: portfolio careers and financial advice for Human Venn Diagrams! Plus I recently hired a financial advisor and I'm sharing some of my best tips with listeners. We also talk about that viral Aziz Ansari interview and discuss whether or not a digital detox is a real possibility or a fanciful daydream. And, of course, we share what's on our minds.

Robin Roemer

A Twitter follower recommended we check out this great article in the Harvard Business Review (and related podcast episode) talking about portfolio careers, a topic we've been discussing since Randi Zuckerberg joined us in Episode 25. It's the idea that an individual could (should, even?) approach their career like their investments: spreading risk and reward across a portfolio that may include a full-time role in one industry or function, another side hustle or two in unrelated fields, and perhaps an unpaid skill-building or network-expanding labor of love.  We debate the pros and cons of portfolio careers, along with tips for those who may be interested in building one.

Plus we discuss this article from the New York Times about career switching (it even has an interactive infographic!) and debate the plausibility of a real digital detox when you aren't a celebrity who can hire an assistant to deal with the internet for you. Cate weighed in with her take:

"I can really see both sides. We have talked about how we both want to pare back our social media, and there are definite benefits when I set boundaries on social media. But there are so many jobs where you have to be on social media all the time. So how do you just get rid of the internet when it's your job to create content?"

Want to join in our conversation? Download the episode on iTunes.