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    17 Under-$15 Subscriptions That Are Actually Worth The Money

    Treat yourself on the cheap.

    We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.

    1. Beauteque Monthly's Mask Maven is perfect for anyone who loves an excuse to chill out with a new sheet mask.

    2. Piquant Post will literally spice up your cooking with their small-batch seasoning blends curated from different regions of the world.

    3. Stickii Club will add a little bit of cuteness to every little part of your life, because you'll suddenly have all the stickers you could ever want.

    4. MintMongoose delivers you a new dose of beautiful jewelry pieces so you're never without a fabulous accessory.

    5. The classic Birchbox so you can try mini-sizes of all kinds of beauty, hair, and makeup products that you wouldn't hear about otherwise.

    6. Or Lip Monthly, if you're really just obsessed with trying new lip products, TBH — and prefer ~full sizes~.

    7. Foot Cardigan refreshes your sock wardrobe every month with a new surprise printed pair.

    8. GlobeIn curates lovely little things made by artisans around the world and ships them straight to your front door.

    9. Billie's luxe but affordable razors, with blades encased in aloe shave soap, guarantee you'll never have a bad shave day again.

    10. You can also cross tampons off your drugstore shopping list with Athena Club — and you won't worry about being caught without a stash.

    11. BootayBag keeps underwear drawers stocked with colorful, lacy creations month after month.

    12. House Plant Box will fill your home with lively green growing things — and comes complete with instructions, so you might have a chance to actually keep your plants alive.

    13. Or if you want to beautify your outdoor space, Bloomin' Bin has all the seeds (and know-how) you need to to start a seasonal garden.

    14. Hot Sauce of the Month Club is exactly what it sounds like — it heats up your life with a new ~artisan~ bottle every month.

    15. Simple Loose Leaf Tea will keep your favorite cup full of something flavorful, cozy, and comforting.

    16. Spiffster Club stocks up your tie rack with a variety of new designs so you can finally stop rotating between the same three ties you've had since college.

    17. The Kids BookCase Club hand picks three books based on a kiddo's age so they can discover new favorites.

    Shopping for something specific? Check out BuzzFeed Reviews to find the best things for every budget!