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Advanced protection for mailboxes anywhere, anytime

Businesses are eagerly embracing the capabilities and flexibility of cloud-enabled Microsoft Office 365. While Office 365 includes strong built-in security features, advanced security is required to protect your organization from today’s highly targeted and rapidly-changing spear-phishing exploits.

As one of your most critical business tools, Office 365 also contains the most targeted attack vector — email.

McAfee Email Protection is the answer. This powerful solution provides enterprise-grade protection against targeted phishing threats, complete with integrated data loss prevention (DLP) technology and email continuity

The Advantages

Protection against targeted phishing attacks

  • Detect malicious URL threats in real time with ClickProtect.
  • Integrates with McAfee Advanced Threat Defence to defend against stealthy malware.
  • Built-in data loss prevention technology.

Security for hosted mailboxes

  • Targeted attack protection no matter where the email goes.
  • Graymail end-user controls.
  • Email continuity.
  • Granular data loss protection and encryption capabilities.

Flexible deployment options

  • Deploy any way you want, when you want.
  • Hybrid deployment option with a single management and reporting console

Find out how you can secure your O365 environment. Call us today on 01865595510.