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How To Get More Website Traffic And Leads With Content Marketing

Forbes Agency Council
Kenny Tripura

Getting noticed in the digital marketing world can be difficult. Industries have become saturated, and everyone says they are an expert in their particular field. So how are you supposed to stand out?

In recent years, content marketing is catching on in businesses across the globe. But just like every other industry, there are companies that market their content better than others.

Content marketing has the potential to take your business to new heights. According to a PQ Media report, it’s estimated that businesses spend over $200 billion on content marketing. The report also predicts that businesses will be spending over $300 billion by 2019.

But if you don’t create your content properly, you are wasting your time, effort and money. Let’s take a look at a few tips and tricks to make sure your content stands out among the clutter.

1. Pay attention to what your audience wants.

Even if you write a great article, it may miss the mark. But there is an easy way to fix this. Take the time to read the blog comments that tell you what the reader expected to learn from the article and what your audience is saying on social media. You can take your audience’s needs and turn them into informative content they are sure to love -- since they asked for it already.

2. Write longer posts.

According to BuzzSumo, longer articles get more shares on social media channels. Based on its analysis, content with 0-1,000 words gets less than 5,000 shares while content with 3,000-10,000 words provokes more than 9,000 shares. Longer posts have an effect on search engine rankings as well, with longer content ranking higher than shorter content pieces.

To create longer content, you need to take the time to do your research. The research should include brainstorming topics that are shareworthy, finding short- and long-tail keywords that have high search volumes on Google. It’s also important to keep in mind that you don’t just write long blog posts for the sake of it. If you aren’t able to make the article long without compromising the quality, then just leave it. There will be other opportunities to write longer posts.

3. Create infographics.

More than half (65%) of people are visual learners, which is why assets like infographics should be a key part of your content marketing strategy. In just a few years, Google’s search volume for infographics has increased more than 800%.

When you create infographics, don’t include more than six main data points, so your audience can easily consume the information. Like blog posts, create your graphics on popular topics and promote them on your company’s social media pages.

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4. Build a realistic blogging schedule.

Businesses typically post their blogs on a weekly basis. If your goal is to increase traffic, subscribers and customers, take a look at your blog’s Google Analytics. To find the best days and times, start by posting your weekly blogs on different days of the week for a month. Once you have the data, look at the page views, visits and lead conversions so you can post within the best timeframe for your upcoming content. If you find there are multiple times a week that have high traffic volumes, consider expanding your blogging schedule to posting during the top two timeframes.

Getting more shares and traffic with content marketing requires a lot of effort on your part, but the long-term results will be worth it. For the best results, you should combine your content marketing strategy with the right digital marketing tools to further benefit your company’s online presence.

Imagine the possibilities of high-quality content backed with SEO, social media marketing and email marketing best practices. Your company would see an increase in your traffic and customer base, standing out among your competition. It’s a win-win-win situation.