Award Abstract # 1453204
CAREER: Many-body Ab initio Potentials and Quantum Dynamics Methods for "First Principles" Simulations in Solution: Hydration, Vibrational Spectroscopy, & Proton Transfer/Transport

Division Of Chemistry
Initial Amendment Date: February 19, 2015
Latest Amendment Date: February 19, 2015
Award Number: 1453204
Award Instrument: Standard Grant
Program Manager: Evelyn Goldfield
 Division Of Chemistry
 Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien
Start Date: April 1, 2015
End Date: March 31, 2020 (Estimated)
Total Intended Award Amount: $625,000.00
Total Awarded Amount to Date: $625,000.00
Funds Obligated to Date: FY 2015 = $625,000.00
History of Investigator:
  • Francesco Paesani (Principal Investigator)
Recipient Sponsored Research Office: University of California-San Diego
CA  US  92093-0021
Sponsor Congressional District: 50
Primary Place of Performance: University of California-San Diego
CA  US  92093-0934
Primary Place of Performance
Congressional District:
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): UYTTZT6G9DT1
Parent UEI:
Chem Thry, Mdls & Cmptnl Mthds
Primary Program Source: 01001516DB NSF RESEARCH & RELATED ACTIVIT
Program Reference Code(s): 1045, 7433, 8084, 9216, 9263
Program Element Code(s): 104500, 688100
Award Agency Code: 4900
Fund Agency Code: 4900
Assistance Listing Number(s): 47.049


Francesco Paesani of the University of California San Diego is supported by a CAREER award from the Chemical Theory, Models, and Computational Methods program in the Chemistry Division and the Division of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure to develop new theoretical and computational approaches for molecular-level computer simulations. Such simulations have become a powerful tool in chemistry, often providing fundamental insights into complex phenomena which are otherwise difficult to obtain. However, achieving the necessary accuracy for realistic and predictive simulations remains challenging. Paesani and his research group are meeting this challenge by combining a variety of approaches to generate very accurate models of many systems including ions in solution. The new methodology enables computer simulations of aqueous systems with unprecedented accuracy, providing information on fundamental molecular processes from ion hydration in bulk and at interfaces to proton transfer and transport in solution. The new methodology will be available to the community through its implementation in the open and free OpenMM software toolkit for molecular simulations. This "reference implementation" aims to provide the community with a completely open computational tool which may be used by other researchers interested in implementing it in their own simulation codes. In addition, this initial implementation is a starting point for future developments of unique software elements specifically designed for high-performance computing which will enable many-body simulations with unprecedented accuracy on both multicore CPU and GPU architectures.

In parallel with the proposed research activities, Paesani has established an innovative education and outreach plan focusing on the development of an entry level course that introduces undergraduate students in their freshman and sophomore years to the use of computational methods in chemistry, as well as on mentoring activities specifically designed to promote study in the STEM disciplines among students from underprivileged and traditionally underrepresented groups through the development of a summer exchange program at UC-San Diego.

Both the realism and the predicting power of a computer simulation strongly depend on the accuracy with which the molecular interactions and the overall system dynamics are described. Although ab initio methods can, in principle, enable the characterization of physicochemical processes without resorting to ad hoc simplifications, the associated computational cost effectively prevents the use of these methods to model realistic condensed-phase systems. Furthermore, a rigorous description of the actual molecular dynamics often requires a quantum-mechanical treatment of the nuclear motion, which further increases the computational cost associated with ab initio computer simulations. The methods developed by Paesani and coworkers seeks to overcome these limitations by combining machine-learning many-body potential energy surfaces derived entirely from highly-correlated electronic structure data with novel quantum-dynamical approaches based on path-integral molecular dynamics and centroid molecular dynamics. The efficient integration of these components pushes the boundaries of current molecular dynamics techniques and provides new opportunities for realistic simulations of condensed-phase systems in direct connection with corresponding spectroscopic measurements. Although much broader in scope, the initial application of the methodology is to modeling physicochemical processes in solution, with a specific focus on ion hydration, linear and nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy, and proton transfer/transport. The new methodology will be made available to the community through its implementation in the C++ "reference platform" of the open and free OpenMM software toolkit for molecular simulations. Specifically, implementation will consist of an independent plug-in to provide the community with a completely open implementation of these many-body potentials. This plug-in will include a complete suite of unit tests that cover all energy and force components as well as the inner functions of our many-body potentials. A number of test cases will also be made available for comparing output energies and forces obtained with OpenMM with the reference values calculated with the PI's in house implementation. To facilitate the use of the new many-body potentials, the plug-in will also offer a Python wrapper that will simplify both setting up and running many-body molecular simulations to the point where all simulation parameters will be entirely defined in an XML file. This plug-in will thus provide other researchers with a comprehensive implementation of our many-body potentials for aqueous simulations, which can be used as a reference for the implementation in other software. In addition, this reference implementation will serve as a starting point for future developments of unique software elements for the OpenMM toolkit, specifically designed for high-performance computing on both multicore CPU and GPU architectures. The development and application of the new simulation methodology will involve the training and education of undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdoctoral fellows, who will acquire a solid foundation in theoretical, physical, and computational chemistry. The interdisciplinary nature of the proposed project will provide an opportunity for students and postdocs to establish bridges and inter-connections between the fundamental laws of physical chemistry at a molecular level and the properties of condensed-phase systems. The possibility to work at the interface of different disciplines will prepare both students and postdocs for a wide range of scientific careers.


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(Showing: 1 - 10 of 33)
Gregory R. Medders, Andreas W. Götz, Miguel A. Morales, Pushp Bajaj, Francesco Paesani "On the representation of many-body interactions in water" Journal of Chemical Physics , v.143 , 2015 , p.104102
Gregory R. Medders, Francesco Paesani "Dissecting the Molecular Structure of the Air/Water Interface from Quantum Simulations of the Sum-Frequency Generation Spectrum" Journal of the American Chemical Society , v.138 , 2016 , p.3912
C. Huy Pham, Sandeep K. Reddy, Karl Chen, Chris Knight, Francesco Paesani "Many-Body Interactions in Ice" Journal of Chemical Theory Computation , 2017 10.1021/acs.jctc.6b01248
Francesco Paesani "Getting the Right Answers for the Right Reasons: Toward Predictive Molecular Simulations of Water with Many-Body Potential Energy Functions" Accounts of Chemical Research , v.49 , 2016 , p.1844 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00285
Gregory R. Medders, Francesco Paesani "Dissecting the Molecular Structure of the Air/Water Interface from Quantum Simulations of the Sum-Frequency Generation Spectrum" Journal of the American Chemical Society , v.138 , 2016 , p.3912 10.1021/jacs.6b00893
Sandeep K. Reddy, Shelby C. Straight, Pushp Bajaj, C. Huy Pham, Marc Riera, Daniel R. Moberg, Miguel A. Morales, Chris Knight, Andreas W. Götz, Francesco Paesani "On the accuracy of the MB-pol many-body potential for water: Interaction energies, vibrational frequencies, and classical thermodynamic and dynamical properties from clusters to liquid water and ice" The Journal of Chemical Physics , v.145 , 2016 , p.194504 10.1063/1.4967719
Shelby C. Straight, Francesco Paesani "Exploring Electrostatic Effects on the Hydrogen Bond Network of Liquid Water through Many-Body Molecular Dynamics" Journal of Physical Chemistry B , v.120 , 2016 , p.8539 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b02366
Alex P. Gaiduk, Tuan Anh Pham, Marco Govoni, Francesco Paesani, Giulia Galli "Electron affinity of liquid water" Nature Communications , v.9 , 2018 , p.247 10.1038/s41467-017-02673-z
Daniel R. Moberg, Shelby C. Straight, Christopher Knight, Francesco Paesani "Molecular Origin of the Vibrational Structure of Ice Ih" Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , v.8 , 2017 , p.2579 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b01106
Francesco Paesani "Getting the Right Answers for the Right Reasons: Toward Predictive Molecular Simulations of Water with Many-Body Potential Energy Functions" Accounts of Chemical Research , v.49 , 2016 , p.1844 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00285
Gerardo Andrés Cisneros, Kjartan Thor Wikfeldt, Lars Ojamäe, Jibao Lu, Yao Xu, Hedieh Torabifard, Albert P. Bartók, Gábor Csányi, Valeria Molinero, Francesco Paesani "Modeling Molecular Interactions in Water: From Pairwise to Many-Body Potential Energy Functions" Chemical Reviews , v.116 , 2016 , p.7501 10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b00644
(Showing: 1 - 10 of 33)



This Project Outcomes Report for the General Public is displayed verbatim as submitted by the Principal Investigator (PI) for this award. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this Report are those of the PI and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation; NSF has not approved or endorsed its content.

Computer simulations have become a powerful tool in many areas, including chemistry, materials research, and biophysics, providing fundamental insights into complex phenomena that are often difficult (if not impossible) to obtain by other means. However, both the realism and the predicting ability of a computer simulation depend sensitively on the accuracy with which the underlying molecular interactions and overall system dynamics are represented. Different techniques are nowadays available for describing molecular interactions, ranging from empirical force fields (FFs) to ab initio approaches based on either wave function theory (WFT) or density functional theory (DFT). Although correlated WFT approaches provide high accuracy and can, in principle, enable the characterization of chemical processes without resorting on ad hoc simplifications, the associated computational cost is significantly higher than that required for analogous FF calculations. This effectively precludes the use of correlated WFT approaches in routine simulations of condensed-phase systems, leaving DFT as the only viable ab initio approach applicable to molecular systems in periodic boundary conditions. However, besides being still computational expensive, common DFT models present some limitations in the description of weakly interacting and/or hydrogen-bonded molecular systems. On the other hand, popular FFs exhibit limited accuracy and effectively lack any predictive power, often representing molecular interactions through relatively simple expressions based on harmonic potentials and classical electrostatics.

 To overcome existing limitations in the description of aqueous systems at the molecular level and bridge the gap between experimental measurements and computer modeling, we have developed the so-called many-body molecular dynamics (MB-MD) methodology, which is, at the same time, complementary and alternative to both FF and DFT simulations. MB-MD lies at the intersection of chemistry, physics, and computer science, combining many-body (MB) potential energy functions (PEFs), derived from correlated electronic structure data using machine-learning techniques, with molecular dynamics (MD) schemes based on both classical and quantum treatments of the molecular motion.

 Over the past three years, we have established our many-body molecular dynamics as a new theoretical and computational framework for computer simulations, with unprecedented accuracy and predictive power. Taking advantage of the unprecedented accuracy exhibited by our MB-pol model, we have been able, to the best of my knowledge, for the first time, to address several fundamental questions about the properties of water across the phase diagram. Specifically, quantum MB-MD simulations with MB-pol enabled the characterization of isomeric equilibria of small water clusters, a molecular-level description of structural, thermodynamic, and dynamical properties of liquid water over a wide range of temperatures, from the boiling point down to the supercooled regime, an accurate determination of the energetics of various ice phases, as well as the modeling of infrared, Raman, and sum-frequency generation spectra of water and ice under different conditions and in different environments.

 Building upon the accuracy of the MB-pol PEF for water, we generalized our MB-MD methodology and extend it to the study of ion hydration, with a particular emphasis on determining the evolution of specific ion effects from small clusters to bulk solutions. We demonstrated that our many-body PEFs (called MB-nrg) for halide and alkali-metal ions in water achieve unprecedented accuracy, outperforming both existing DFT and FF models. Our MB-nrg models enabled MB-MD simulations to monitor hydrogen-bond rearrangements in complex systems with far-reaching implications for understanding chemical transformations in various ionic aqueous environments, such as electrolyte solutions for applications in batteries, atmospheric aerosol particles, as well as specific ion effects on the stabilization of biomolecules, just to mention few. Combining our MB-nrg PEFs with state-of-the-art simulation techniques based on the path-integral formalism, we showed that hydrogen-bond rearrangements in the iodide−dihydrate complex can be controlled by selective isotopic substitutions and depend on nontrivial many-body effects specific to the nature of the halide ions. The importance of many-body effects becomes even more relevant in solution where we demonstrated that an accurate representation of individual many-body interactions is necessary for a correct description of ion hydration.

 The results of our research were disseminated to communities of interest through publication of several peer-reviewed articles as well as seminars and public lectures given by the team members at national and international conferences and academic institutions. Over the past five years, several undergraduate and graduate students and postdocs contributed to this research and were trained in broader aspects of theoretical chemistry, and computer and data science, as well as advanced topics in quantum and statistical mechanics, many-body interactions, state-of-the-art computer simulations, and modern programming techniques.


Last Modified: 07/25/2020
Modified by: Francesco Paesani

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