First-ever Report about the Assets and Giving Trends of Canada’s Largest Grantmaking Foundations

grantmakingIn an analysis overviewing data on top assets and top gifted foundations, Imagine Canada and Philanthropic Foundations Canada presents, Assets & Giving Trends of Canada’s Grantmaking Foundations, a research report stemming from 2002-2012.

The objective of this report was to increase understanding of the size, scope and role of Canadian grantmaking foundations. These foundations control tens of billions of dollars in assets, and distribute these finances to qualified donees annually – making them significant funders for the charitable sector.

In 2012, the 150 largest grantmaking foundations reported total assets of $18.7 billion. These consist of both public and private foundations including The Mastercard Foundation, The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation in Ontario, The Azrieli Foundation in Quebec, and many other notable companies.

Grant foundations function in many occasions as long-term supporters and partners of charities. Their institutional status enables them to act strategically for long term durations; in ways most individual Canadian donors may not be able to.

Grant projects like The MasterCard Foundation’s partnership with Habitat for Humanity is a prime example. In a five year project aimed at $6.6 million in funding, The MasterCard Foundation partnership will expand access to housing products and support services to low-income families in Sub-Saharan Africa. The partnership anticipates 17,000 households with improved shelter as well as living conditions. Currently, Ghana and Uganda country programs have been launched.

Majority of top gifts foundations have made grants to qualified donees working in areas such as education & research (86%), health (78%) and social services (78%).
Over half of these foundations also made grants to donees in the areas of arts & culture, religion, as well as international; this includes development assistance, disaster and relief organizations and international human rights and peace programs.

To learn more about key giving trends of Canada’s grantmaking foundations, read the full report here.

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