
Many say "I Love Zora Neale Hurston, The Great Writer."--Would they, If They Lived When She Did?


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Many say "I Love Zora Neale Hurston, The Great Writer."--Would they, If They Lived When She Did?

I wonder how many of her books have her book lovers read?

I wonder would they have purchased her books while she lived, before she was so called DISCOVERED.

Do you know she died broke & in a home. Not a home, home either. Pretty much a homeless shelter. She was trying to get publishers to consider her works again, years before she died broke & homeless.

Why did she have to keep going to publishers again with her works in later years?

Many Black People did not have a Problems with Rolling with her when she was Nationally & Internationally Known.

Why not roll with her when she was not the Hot Item of A FEW YEARS? Her writing quality did not decline. She got better as a writer as each passing year went by.

What if she had known how to layout her own books from the ground up, get them published herself & came to you (Hypothetically Speaking--TODAY) with her books in the neighborhood, when she was not the HOT ITEM on TVeeeee?

*--->> "Hurston never received the financial rewards she deserved. (The largest royalty she ever earned from any of her books was $943.75.) So when she died on Jan. 28, 1960--at age 69, after suffering a stroke--her neighbors in Fort Pierce, Florida, had to take up a collection for her February 7 funeral. The collection didn't yield enough to pay for a headstone, however, so Hurston was buried in a grave that remained unmarked until 1973."
* Reference--->>

*--->> Forced to enter the St. Lucie County Welfare Home. Dies in the St. Lucie County Welfare Home of "hypertensive heart disease"; buried in an unmarked grave in the Garden of Heavenly Rest, Fort Pierce. Alice Walker publishes "In Search of Zora Neale Hurston"
* Reference--->>

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