
How to Make Letterbox Drops Actually Work

The letterbox drop has always been one of the most important part of a real estate agent’s marketing toolbox. But things have changed. Most of what ends up in someone’s letterbox gets tossed right in the garbage, and instead of engaging people, you’re more likely to annoy them, which helps no one.

Considering how much time and energy goes into making these materials, it’s important to find ways to make these published materials work, and if you can’t, it’s time to abandon them in favour of other methods.

Do Letterbox Drops Even Work?

This is an important question to ask before going too far into how to make a letterbox drops work for your agency. And everyone is different, so it’s important you find the marketing strategy that works best for your market.

Letterbox drops can still reach older audiences and passive buyers, but the reality is that most people find out about properties these days on the internet. As a result, you’ll probably want to dedicate more resources to other methods that may do better at producing results.

Furthermore, letterbox drops have a handful of other disadvantages, such as high waste, high production and distribution costs and inconsistent/difficult to measure ROI.

However, there are ways to make it work.

Welcome to the Digital Letterbox Drop

As you might expect, the way to make the letterbox drop in the digital world is to give it a makeover. So instead of harassing people with letters and pamphlets, try distributing these materials online.

The Benefits of the Digital Letterbox Drop

There are many advantages to making your letterbox drop strategy digital, such as:

  1. You can still reach passive buyers.
    One of the goals of a letterbox drop is to get in front of people who might not be actively searching for a property but who are passively searching. Delivering your messages online can still have this effect, but it ensures you reach people where they’re most likely to get information: online.
  2. Streamline your marketing budget and get data-driven results.
    Production costs for online content are much less, and because of all the data out there detailing people’s behaviours and preferences, it’s much easier for you to target the individuals who are most likely to respond to your content. This allows you to craft better campaigns that are better positioned to produce the results you’re looking for.
  3. Reduce your environmental impact.
    It’s no secret that creating paper marketing materials and distributing it to people who are just going to throw them out is not exactly a sustainable business practice. Switching over to a digital approach will allow you to save more money, be more effective and also reduce your environmental impact.

In conclusion, the letterbox drop is not dead. But for you to make it work, you need to adjust your strategy and take a digital approach.

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