Did you know Sunshine Coast Council responds to over 175,000 phone calls, 36,000 emails, 38,000 counter visits and 6000 web chats each year?

To assist in constantly improving our service levels and developing a Sunshine Coast Council Customer Experience Strategy, council is seeking to understand your opinion on what constitutes a great customer experience. Perhaps it’s having your enquiry addressed promptly and professionally. It could be having access to round-the-clock service, speaking to a real person or simply being able to access information and make payments online at a time that suits you best.

Whatever shape superior customer service takes for you, we’d like to hear about it.  

We encourage you to fill out the survey below – it only takes a few minutes. All responses are confidential and will be used to enhance our customers’ service experience.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Thank you, Sunshine Coast Council

Question Title
