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Year-End Update & Important Meeting Information

Following wonderful Christmas celebrations at church and in our homes, several of our staff members came down with the virus. So we’ve cancelled corporate worship for two weeks as we move into the New Year. (January 10 worship celebration is still to be determined.)

It’s been a challenging year. 

At times we may wonder if this is the worst year ever. Historically speaking, it’s not. One historian picked the year A.D. 536 as history’s worst year. That's when a volcanic eruption in Iceland flung Europe, parts of the Middle East, and Asia into 18 months of plunging temperatures, fog so thick that the sun could not be seen, dying crops, and starvation.

So things have, indeed, been worse. Then why does this feel so difficult? 

Largely because we have been so blessed for so many years! Here are some blessings I’m counting as I process our current challenges.
  • The Church still worships, serves and reaches out even when the doors are temporarily closed. Our church family seems more precious than ever as we have learned to not take our gathering for granted. 
  • Communication technology makes it possible to stay in touch. My family spanned seven time zones as we Zoomed together on December 25th. I’ve heard from so many who connected during the holidays remotely. Send an email greeting, make a phone call, write a card or FaceTime/video call together. 
  • Modern health care offers so much to so many. This is truly a miracle from God. I thank God for so many people dedicated to serving others selflessly. 
  • Our hope for the year ahead is based on more than economic indicators and vaccines. God promises He will sustain His people with everything we need for life and godliness. He has shown Himself to be faithful through the generations.
  • Most significantly, the Savior came that first Christmas to bring salvation into our world! He is Emmanuel—God with us. He will never leave us alone. When King Jesus comes again, there will be no more pandemic or racism or unemployment. 

On January 3 (via pre-recorded video)I’ll continue our teaching series on Signs of the End Times. Interesting timing. 

While we don’t know when the Lord will choose to return, we’ll find encouragement for the trials that come our way.

Thank you for your prayerful support as we continually adjust to the changing opportunities before us. That is one of the ways our church family is so awesome. 

Although the church office is closed for the next week, you can reach us by phone or email.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Rob | Lead Pastor
Northwest Chapel | 614-761-0363
Copyright © 2020 Northwest Chapel, All rights reserved.

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