The most beautiful words in the English language (pictures)

Most beautiful English words visualized BuzzFeed

Some of the most beautiful English words, beautifully visualized and ready to share.

BuzzFeed editor Dan Dalton asked his Twitter followers for their favorite words in the English language. Then, he beautifully visualized the suggestions, adding his own words, as well.

The entire collection of 32 words that were beautifully visualized can be found on BuzzFeed, and below we are sharing our favorites.

If you want to learn beautiful new English words every day, make sure to make the most use of the fantastic Merriam-Webster. You can download a free app to your smartphone or tablet or subscribe to daily newsletters for a constant flow of new carefully picked words.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary‪ app is available for iPad & iPhone as well as Android devices. Once you get it, make sure to enable notifications, and you will have a chance to save favorite words, and easily share them to your social media channels, and – most importantly – build your English language vocabulary.

Another great source of English words delivered daily is You will see a Word of the Day every time you visit the home page, but you can also download a free app for iOS/iPadOS or Android.

What is on your favorite word on the list? To learn the remaining ones, make sure to visit the original list on BuzzFeed and credit Dan Dalton as the author.

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21 most beautiful English words – beautifully visualized


Phosphenes - astounding words in English

phosphenes noun the light and colors produced by rubbing your eyes.


Oblivion - marvelous English words BuzzFeed

oblivion noun the state of being unaware of what is happening around you.


Vellichor - beautiful English words

vellichor noun the strange wistfulness of used bookshops.


Solitude - most wonderful English words

solitude noun a state of seclusion or isolation.


Epiphany - miraculous English words

epiphany noun a moment of sudden revelation.


Serendipity - beautiful English words

serendipity noun the chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way.


Petrichor - fascinating English words

petrichor noun the pleasant, earthy smell after rain.


Supine - most astonishing words in the English language

supine adjective lying face upwards.


Nefarious - amazing English words

nefarious adjective wicked, villainous, despicable.


Mellifluous - beautiful English words BuzzFeed

mellifluous adjective a sound that is sweet and smooth, pleasing to hear.


Ineffable - most gorgeous English words BuzzFeed

ineffable adjective too great to be expressed in words.


Sonder - most awesome words in the English language

sonder noun the realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.


Limerence - BuzzFeed most beautiful English Words

limerence noun the state of being infatuated with another person.


Ephemeral - wonderful words in English

ephemeral adjective lasting for a very short time.


Iridescent - most amazing words in English

iridescent adjective producing a display of rainbowlike colors.


Cromulent - brilliant English words BuzzFeed

cromulent noun appearing legitimate but actually being spurious.


Sonorous - brilliant English words

sonorous adjective an imposingly deep and full sound.


Bombinate - English words visualized

bombinate verb to make a humming or buzzing noise.


Aquiver - magnificent English words

aquiver adjective quivering, trembling.


Ethereal - magnificent English words visualized BuzzFeed

ethereal adjective extremely delicate, light, not of this world.


Denouement - most beautiful words BuzzFeed

denouement noun the resolution of a narrative.

The most beautiful English words – collage

Some of these beautiful visuals created by Dan Dalton we have put together into a handy collage design. Enjoy!

The most beautiful English words infographic

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