What Role Has Community College Played in Your Life or the Life of Someone You Know?

The hallways of LaGuardia Community College are crowded with students in the mornings.Credit Jake Naughton for The New York Times
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Questions about issues in the news for students 13 and older.

What associations do you have with the idea of “community college”? Who, if anyone, do you know who has been to a community college? What was the experience like for that person? Would you consider attending one?

In a Motherlode post, “The Community College/‘Real College’ Divide,” Kristin O’Keefe writes:

I heard it again, another community college putdown. This one came from an educator explaining criteria for high school graduation. She followed her summary with these words to her audience of parents and incoming freshmen: “So that’s the minimum requirement. But here’s what you should take if you want to go to real college — you know, not community college.”

Did she not stop to consider that some of the parents were likely community college alumni? Did she not know that the community college nearby would enroll more of her county’s high school graduates than any other college or university? Did she have any idea that there are families who hope and pray that their children can go to community college, because even though it’s the most affordable option, it’s still several thousand dollars a year and that’s real money?

We often speak in this country of a red and blue state divide. Here’s another divide: people who believe in community colleges, and people who dismiss and even diminish them. It’s true, community colleges are not the kind of places that pride themselves on 10 percent acceptance rates. Rather, they pride themselves on their open door policies. That’s because access is part of their mission. It’s one of the reasons that 46 percent of our nation’s undergraduates are enrolled in community college.

Community college is real college. Real students must accrue real credits to earn real diplomas. Many students transfer from their real community colleges to real universities, while others enroll in real work force programs and go straight to real jobs. And by the way, they make real money and real contributions to the economy and their communities.

I did not attend a community college, but I worked at one. That experience made me realize how easy I had it as a full-time student at a university where my parents paid my tuition. There wasn’t much excuse for missing a class that was less than a five-minute walk away from my dorm (I still did, on occasion). Sure, I graduated in four years. Had a nice social life, too.

Students: Read the full article, then tell us …

— Do you agree with this writer that community colleges are often “put down” and not considered “real college”? Do you feel she makes a persuasive case that that characterization isn’t fair?

— Have you ever taken a class at a community college? If not, do you know someone who has? What was the experience like?

— What role does community college play in your area in general?

— Many feel that, with the costs of four-year colleges rising, one smart way to save money is to attend community college first, then transfer. Does that idea appeal to you? Do you know anyone who has done it?

— For more on community colleges, visit this Times Topics page or watch this recent video about the role of one community college in New York City.

Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.

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Community college influenced my life in various ways. It broaden my understanding on various science subjects. It contributed to my personal growth in term of confidence building. It was the result of learning there, that helped me to get to University.

I went to the community college to get my general education units out of the way before entering the university. Much less expensive that way. When one of our many wars interrupted my education I attended community college as part of my automotive apprenticeship under International Brotherhood of Machinists. Years later, I took courses for fun in the evening to fill in the blanks in my education: accounting, Spanish, math, etc. It was much more entertaining and beneficial than watching TV at home. Evenings at community college tend to be more informal. For many semesters I repeated Conversational Spanish to gain proficiency – I live in San Diego and that’s an important skill. I also attended the university in the evening to finish the degree interrupted by the war. Because the evenings at community college have many other professionals it is a great place for networking.

My husband went to community college. He did not even graduate but the opportunity provided him with enough education and credits which were appealing on his resume. It then helped him to obtain a decent job that gave him enough work experience and lead him to his well-paying career at a highly regarded company. To say the least, I am very proud of him and it all started at a “real” community college.

Community college is accredited so I believe it is a real education. I think they are important for people who can’t afford college, don’t have good enough grades, or just want the credits. My friend is working a full time job so community college allows him to work towards a degree while maintaining his job.

— What role does community college play in your area in general?
Alot our hole high school NBECHS relays on it due to use being a Early College High School. Our school is the number one in the state of California for CST, and other state stander test’s. Like the SAT, our school is sent mail congratulating us being the #1 school in southern California, and some times the hole state. But in the paper they tell other school they did better and we are never added. Except once we were but in the 3 place spot but were labeled #1 so other schools think they are #1 until they look at the #’s.

The Community College by my house in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago,Illinois is seen as a joke or you “screwed” up and you need to go to the community college to just try and get some sort of college education. It is also for adults who go back to school to get certain degrees or take certain class. But it is mostly seen as a negative thing to attend the community college. It is sad but often times it is true about the “screw ups” going there, but there are more than just “screw ups” at the school. There are some people who cant’t afford higher education and that is there only option which is nothing to be ashamed of.

Community College has influence people who think that there education is over to help them try to do better and it also influences us to think positively. It can positively enlarge you learning skills of our favorite subject or a subject you might dislike. My opinion is that Community College helps physical an academically with life long learning.