Nocturnal Wenchy

African Hips Don't Lie

Rocking the 3am #Wenchytude


Dear friends and other interesting creatures,

The past week I’ve averaged three hours sleep a night.  It’s been exhausting but the days and evenings exciting. I don’t know how I made it through each day but I did, smiling for most of it.

My son Liam James came to visit for the first time in months. I enjoyed spending more than 5 minutes with him.  I felt sad that he had to leave.

Our geyser gave in the week before,  this week our downstairs flooded with a burst pipe in the wall behind a the bath.  Cold showers are underrated but then it is summer here and hot. @SirNoid and I each have our own bathroom and mine is affected, making me feel like I am camping.  lol 😁 Yes that is Diva behaviour…  #justsaying

I went to see a play, a premier of a movie,  attended a number of greatly successful business meetings,  did numerous costing exercises,  I attend two media briefings with multitude of celebrities,  I received a wonderful stat report unexpectedly that just made my day, did a corporate interview,  knitted for @67Blankets, worked on numerous social media accounts, visited The Saxon twice in one week, visited my mom and Tayla-Jade (my niece who had a heart attack at 17 very recently) for a short while, attended  a wedding with my daughter Victoria,  wrote for publication, played #ClashOfClans,  #HayDay and #CandyCrush when I couldn’t sleep,  wore actual business attire more than usual,  updated my purple hair,  went to the optometrist,  did some banking,  took a selfie with Mr. Mandela’s statue in broad daylight in Sandton Square… and still have 1 000 unread emails in my inbox and a mountain of admin that awaits.  Yikes!

I love “Suits”, but I cannot stand Lewis.  No amount of pity thrown his way,  ever makes me feel sorry for him.

My friend Melany introduced me to a special coffee many, many years ago, Enrista , the weak one. I love it. I decided to give it up after looking at the carb content. It has been one week. I miss my coffee,  my brand – but my weight loss has moved in the right direction. I MISS MY COFFEE.

My husband has been long suffering this week. (Trying to make it sound dramatic) He attended two events with me which is most unusual but made me happy.  On Monday evening we were at a cocktail function in Sandton. 20th floor.  It was spectacular! First the sunset and then the lights. Wow #Jozi!

By Friday evening…  I could not walk.  Ankolysing Spondylitis and Fibromyalgia kicked in.  My husband had to park my car.

I WANTED to spend the afternoon with my husband,  instead after I came back from The Norwood Niche Market and I promptly fell asleep.  He woke me up at 19h00 wanting me to still sleep tonight.

Included in the week was showing the next generation how to make a duck face…  Don’t say I don’t give back.  #Wenchytude

What are you looking to this coming week?

I wish you enough.
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One response to “Rocking the 3am #Wenchytude”

  1. No wonder you were shattered! That’s a lot to do in a week!
    Was awesome seeing you on Saturday 🙂


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About Me

Mom to many, wife to SirNoid. Lover of water, walks in the shade and all things purple.