Nashville Is No. 1 at These 10 Things. Suck It, Every Other City.

Sure, anyone who lives here can see that Nashville is great -- but did you know that it's a scientific fact? Yep, we did the homework and sourced a ton of recent polls, surveys, and studies that all point to Music City being number one in the nation... of course, that's not always a good thing.

Flickr/Stacey Kizer

Duh. These were actually three separate categories, but let’s not get crazy on the bragging rights. Plus, they’re basically the same thing. There’s not much of a surprise that our music scene and accessibility to quality, live entertainment any given night is what we excel at. We also ranked third for festivals and fourth for people watching on this list, but we guarantee if you came to people watch during the CMA Music Festival, we’d get top honors all around.

Flickr/Thomas Hawk

2. Best at being friendly

No surprise here. We've mentioned before the average Nashvillian’s affinity for kindness. We just prefer not to be jerks. If you happen to meet a jerk during your visit here, feel free to give them the bird on our behalf because they’re officially statistically unlikely to be local.

Flickr/Jenny Ingram

Not sure if this is a good one or not, but let’s go with it. Nashville is a top destination to visit and this one happens to think that visit is best had in your 20s. Perhaps it’s due to a thriving nightlife or amount of higher education facilities lending to a fruitful, young, and lively crowd to hang with, but Nashville is currently the top spot to road trip it for millennials. Smiley emoji!

Flickr/Derek Bruff

4. Best job growth in advanced industries

According to a recent study, Nashville is leading the pack in job growth in advanced industries since the recession, which is fancy for saying jobs with employees of a certain skill set specializing in technology, engineering, science, or math.

Flickr/sarah fuqua

We know, we know, these change week to week, and it could’ve changed by the time this publishes, but let us have a moment. This is not a typical list Nashville finds itself on. The Preds are on a hot streak so we will celebrate where possible, even if it’s short-lived.

Visit Music City

U-S-A! U-S-A! The study factored in age, gender, education, household makeup, and income and came out with Nashville being the most American or "most resembling the US," as they put it.

Flickr/Jim Nix

7. Best at summer travel

Summer is a great time to visit Nashville if the humidity behaves itself. Festivals, fairs and fireworks -- there are many reasons to vacation in Nashville this time of year. Airbnb ranked it number one as the fastest-growing travel destination in 2014, so much so, it increased 365% from the previous year. Your move, hotels.

Flickr/Petras Gagilas

Little-known fact: the nation’s largest vinyl pressing plant is located in Nashville. Well-known fact: hipsters everywhere are consuming records so voraciously that United Record Pressing is having a hard time keeping up with demand. Not a bad problem to have on your hands.


Although states like California and Texas lead in overall numbers due to their size, Tennessee ranked number one for megachurches per capita and Nashville is the mecca for megachurchdom. The study even pointed out, "There are as many megachurches today in the greater Nashville area as there were in the entire country in 1960." Whoa nelly!

Dan Gentile/Thrillist

Sorry, Memphis.

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