75% of consumers reject loyalty apps, study finds


According to a new survey, shoppers still prefer to have a traditional plastic loyalty card in their pocket, despite the availability of a wide number of apps which do the same thing.


The survey by Plastic Card Services (PCS) found that although nine out of ten own a mobile or smartphone device, more than 75% would still prefer to have a plastic loyalty card.

Other key findings from the survey include:

  • the average shopper used loyalty cards twice a week, with the majority taking advantage of supermarket schemes most frequently
  • two in five are more likely to remain loyal to the brand for which they own a loyalty card
  • over 50% said they typically keep their cards for more than 10 years

PCS managing director Rob Nicolls said: “Brands have been wise to the ways of their customers for a long time now, but the commercialisation of digital loyalty schemes is still relatively new ground.

“Our research suggests that going digital isn’t necessarily the way forward. We are urging retailers to consider this to ensure they are keeping all of their customers happy.”

Source: PCS