
Welcome to Trinity Episcopal Church in Wheaton, Illinois. We are glad you are visiting us online!

Love God
Everyone who enters through our doors is God’s guest.
Love Others
It is a joy and a privilege to come together in worship.
Join God in Changing the World
As a community of faith, we work to make sure that everyone who finds their way to Trinity will find nourishment to support them on their journey of faith.


We offer several types of services during the week. ALL are welcome!

10:00 am Holy Eucharist in Chapel
9:30 am - Adult Education (Zoom)
5:00 pm - Holy Eucharist in Chapel
8:00 am - Holy Eucharist in Chapel
9:30 am - Sunday School (lower level)
10:00 am - Holy Eucharist* in Main Church
* Also streamed on our Facebook Site
(You do not need a Facebook account)


Trinity is working at the Northern Illinois Foodbank this Thursday (May 16). Join us as we help to fill food boxes and fight hunger in our communities. It's a rich and rewarding experience. No experience necessary! If you cannot stand or have limited abilities, we still have a job for you! Contact us for more information!

Our Clergy

Rev. Kevin Caruso
Rev. Robin Currie
Associate Priest
Rev. David Fisher
Associate Priest
Rev. Dcn. James Lanning
Rev. Brenda Lotesta
Rev. Jayachitra Lalitha



Trinity has a long history.
Trinity is a member of the Chicago Diocese.
Trinity and the Diocese of Chicago are a part of the Episcopal Church
Our Ministries
Trinity's ministries serves the community as well as the congregation.
Our Facilities
Our church consists of two worship spaces. The main church is the larger church and is the primary worship space. The Chapel is the original church and is used for the smaller worship services.
Your serach for a wedding chapel is over.