Recent research in JAMA Dermatology reports a no-anesthesia solution for painful ingrown toenails, which are more common in winter, thanks to snug shoes. Good news, but we'd rather not get them at all. Here's how to halt 'em.


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Illustration by Bee.

If your nails are fine: Trim straight across and leave some of the nail's white edge showing—sharp corners of too-short nails can pierce the skin, causing painful inflammation and potentially leading to a full-blown ingrown toenail. Shoes that squeeze toes to the point of discomfort are a no-go.


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Illustration by Bee.

If you’re in the early stages of an ingrown: Lift the edge of the nails enough to place a small piece of gauze between it and your skin, and change it daily. If it doesn’t get better after 3 days or you notice warmth or pus, consult your doctor.

MORE: 8 Reasons Your Nails Keep Breaking

Headshot of Jessica Chia
Jessica Chia
Jessica is a freelance writer and certified aromatherapist with an MBA from the University of Southern California. Her work has previously appeared in Allure, Vogue Japan, Brides, Brides UK, Women's Health, and Prevention.