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authorwebsiteOur thanks to Kiffer Brown of Chanticleer Book Reviews for this guest post. Learn more about WWW’s author website solutions HERE!

How will readers, who you will probably never meet in person, decide to read your book? How will you communicate across the Interverse to compel them to take a chance on your book? To invest their time reading your books? To forge a virtual connection with you as an author? To be able to “connect” with you and your work?

It is good to remember that websites and digital collateral (your digital footprint in the Interverse i.e. social postings, blogposts, etc.) are dynamic, changing entities. You can add, subtract, adjust, pivot, and enhance it. You can add new websites for new books and  new pen names. Nothing is carved in stone.

Your author website should quickly answer the following in a visually appealing manner for your targeted readers:  who, what, when, where, why and how.

The average length of time that you have to make an impression on a website visitor is about 5 to 10 seconds. It is in this amount of time that a website visitor will decide whether to close the browser window to your website or stay and “visit.”

Website Basics

  • websites should load quickly (visitors no longer wait for websites to load)
  • websites should be visually interesting and compelling with a LOT of pertinent photos, graphics, and images
  • websites should always have blog posts with fresh new content for SEO crawlers–even if it is just a paragraph or a blurb at least once a week
  • websites should supply pertinent information as to Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How

 WHO — Who You  Are as an Author? Who Are Your Favorite Authors? Do You Have  Hobbies? What Are Your Interests & Pet Peeves, Your Idiosyncrasies?

WHAT – What Do You Write? What Inspires You? What Do You Like to Read?

WHEN–When Can They Expect: your next installment, your next book, your next signing, your next blogpost, etc.?

WHERE — Where Do You Write? Do you write while  on the bus, at a local café, in the garden, do you do your best work while traveling, or under pressure with NaNoWriMo ?  Where do you get your inspiration?

WHY– Why Do You Write? Why are you inspired to write?

HOW–How Do You Write? Are you fueled by lattes, morning runs,  chocolate, or traveling? Are you a  pantzer or planner? Remember to most readers, authors are intriguing beings with magical skills of creating characters, worlds, and stories.

Notice the order of the questions is in the order of importance. Readers can then choose to drill down for more information or “turn the page” for the rest of the story. Your job is to keep them captivated and interested.

Answering these questions will facilitate interaction with potential readers, and convert readers to fans. Fans amplify your marketing and promotional efforts. Fans are evangelists for your books! Then the Interverse will then amplify these actions and grow your audience and readership organically. Growing your audience increases your book sales. 

3 thoughts on “Hot Tips for Your Author Website

  • January 19, 2015 at 2:20 pm

    Lots of excellent suggestions that every author should make note of. Nicely done!

  • January 15, 2015 at 7:58 pm

    Great questions. Gives me food for thought. “Authors are intriguing beings with magic skills of creating characters”–characters right our of an Italian cafe:)

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