Advice for busy Christians

Tom Ogburn
Shopper News columnist

As I write this, I am preparing to take a few days of vacation. In many ways, vacation is hard for me. Part of me longs for unstructured time to rest and play. Another part of me has an internal to-do list begging for my attention. My vacation plan includes some time to play with my camera along mountain streams in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I can hardly wait! However, my plan also includes getting the carpet at our house cleaned, reorganizing the garage, reordering my closet, painting a rocking chair, cleaning out my fireplace, and a dozen other small tasks. No matter how much I long for rest and play, the call to work perpetually echoes in my ears.

Tom Ogburn, First Baptist Downtown Knoxville

Have you ever experienced a similar struggle in your spiritual life? We hear phrases like: rest in God, abide with God, be still in the presence of God. But too often we define our faith not in who we are with God, but rather what we do for God. We fill our calendars with church-related programs and tasks, confusing our spiritual activity with spiritual growth.

The story of Jesus’ baptism serves as a challenging word to me. In Matthew’s Gospel we read: As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (3:16-17)

Up until this point in Jesus’ ministry, Jesus hasn’t “done” anything. Jesus comes up out of the baptismal waters, and we see the powerful picture of heaven ripped at the seams – the fullness of God on display. We hear those great words of love and affirmation from heaven, which come before Jesus heals anyone, performs any miracles, preaches any sermons, or calls the disciples. The words come before Jesus walks on water and before he takes the cross on our behalf. The words of love and affirmation come not because of what Jesus does or will do, but because of whose Jesus is – God’s son.

Striving to earn God’s love has been a struggle for those following Jesus since the very beginning. Jesus’ baptism serves as a witness for us. It calls us to see that God’s love for us is not determined by what we do, but rather who we are when in relationship with God. So breathe. Slow down. Take some time to rest in God’s presence, hang out in God’s word, and listen for God’s voice. You are God’s and that is enough.

Tom Ogburn, D.Min., is senior pastor at First Baptist Church in downtown Knoxville. More information: