Leadership Development Trends

As the labor market tightens, retention will continue to be a major challenge for business leaders. This is why leadership development is an essential investment to make -- especially for your middle management. However, before committing to a leadership development program decision makers should be sure that they are working with the best available information. On this page, you’ll find a wealth of content providing key up-to-date insights into leadership development as well as links to the best resources around the web.

What exactly is “leadership development”?

Leadership development has rightfully been receiving a lot of attention recently, but with the attention it’s become something of a buzzword. So, it’s best to clarify what it is and what it seeks to do.

Leadership development is the process by which organizations transform managers in leaders. It increases the capacity of high level members of a business to inspire and motivate those under their direction, rather than simply delegating tasks and telling direct reports what to do.

From here leadership falls into two larger, but not mutually exclusive, camps:

Individual leadership development is where businesses provide coaching to those in key roles requiring greater leadership. This strategy is usually reserved for executive and C-level personnel as it requires a great deal of concentrated resources.

Collective leadership development is where businesses address leadership at the organizational level. In this strategy, businesses seek to mitigate systemic hindrances to leadership while improving the systems that facilitate it.

What exactly is “leadership development”?

Leadership development has rightfully been receiving a lot of attention recently, but with the attention it’s become something of a buzzword. So, it’s best to clarify what it is and what it seeks to do.

Leadership development is the process by which organizations transform managers in leaders. It increases the capacity of high level members of a business to inspire and motivate those under their direction, rather than simply delegating tasks and telling direct reports what to do.

From here leadership falls into two larger, but not mutually exclusive, camps:

Individual leadership development is where businesses provide coaching to those in key roles requiring greater leadership. This strategy is usually reserved for executive and C-level personnel as it requires a great deal of concentrated resources.

Collective leadership development is where businesses address leadership at the organizational and cultural level. In this strategy, businesses seek to mitigate systemic hindrances to leadership while improving the systems that facilitate it.

The Details

What does leadership development offer?

What Leadership Development Offers

Leadership Development Syles

Leadership Styles

Leadership Development Media

Purposeful & Conscious Organizations

Adam Fridman

The (uncomfortable) truth of HR and leadership development

Patrick Vermeren

Why Leaders Eat Last

Simon Sinek