globeOur thanks to Brendan Brown, founder of Global English Editing, for this guest post.

There has always been a certain appeal about being a writer. Being able to express your feelings, thoughts, ideas and opinions, and getting paid for it, is a lot of peoples dream job. In the past it was notoriously difficult for both authors and journalists to get published, but these days the internet and the demand for knowledge and information has made writing a much more accessible occupation. It is also one that has become more rewarding. With the internet allowing people to read, comment and share articles all around the world you get near instant feedback and praise for your ideas.

As well as an enjoyable job there are many other perks to being a writer – you get to set your own schedule, there is no commute to work, you can choose your own office (or cafe), you can work your own ideas and you usually don’t have a boss. Sure, there may be an editor or publisher that you need to deal with but they are usually rooting for you to produce your best ideas. Surely being a writer is too good to be true? Keep reading, it gets even better!

In the last five years there has been a boom in ‘digital nomads,’ ‘online entrepreneurs’ and ‘freelancers’. With the rise of the book “The 4 hour work week” people have started to realize that most jobs these days can be done over the internet, and writing is no exception. So why stay in your grey hometown, working a 9-5 job in a sterile office when you can travel the world while you work. And what more enjoyable way to work and travel is there than being a freelance writer? Go where you want to go, write what you want, tap into your creativity and get paid for it.

Becoming a freelance writer isn’t easy (or everyone would be doing it) but it isn’t difficult either. It just takes time and persistence, and once you get the hang of it you will want this job for life.

But how do you start writing your way around the world? Here are 10 tips to get you started:


Look online

The first step to becoming a freelance writer is to do some research. If you know what you want to write about then find magazines and websites related to that subject e.g. fashion, DIY, sports, fitness etc. On every major site you find start to look for the ‘work with us’ or ‘contact us’ page. Some sites like are always looking for freelance travel writers in specific countries. If it is obvious that the content of the site comes from a range of different contributors then email them and suggest an article you’d like to write for them. Don’t email asking them about how much they would pay you or demand a price, get them interested in your idea first.

Write for exposure but not for free

There are very few freelance writers that have never written articles for free – sometimes your name on a prominent website such as CNN travel, Asian Correspondent or the Tripadvisor blog can lead to other magazines being interested in your writing abilities. Think about what names would look good on your CV and pitch them stories. However, there are also a lot of websites and blogs that want content for cheap or for nothing. If you are going to write for free then pick your sites and articles carefully, writing for free is sometimes worth your while for exposure as a writer but sometimes it is just other people benefiting from your work.

Write what you are passionate about

To some writing about motorbikes or the latest virus protection software is dull, to others it’s fascinating. One of the benefits of being a freelance writer is that you can choose what you write about (to an extent). It is difficult to write about subjects that don’t interest you, and it will likely feel like hard work. However, it is easy, enjoyable and sometimes effortless to write about things you like and are passionate about. Many people get by being freelance writers by writing SEO (Search engine optimization) content on lots of random topics, but the best freelance writers write what they know and enjoy.


One of the hardest things about writing is deciding what you should write about. Write what you are passionate about but also try to make it interesting. One of the easiest ways to find stories is to travel. Explore the world, your city or even your neighborhood. Open your eyes to gain a new perspective. Ask questions and don’t assume you know what is happening – keep an open mind. This will allow you to experience some amazing places and dream up some amazing stories, which in turn will fund your travel around the world. It’s a win win situation!

Set up an online portfolio to showcase your work

If you are emailing newspapers, websites and magazines with your story ideas then it is useful to also send them a link to your other writing work. allows writers to create an e-portfolio with links to previous articles published online. This helps potential clients see your work and writing style and will save you having to write an example article to show them your writing ability.

Create a personal blog or a website

If you want to write for online sources then it is important to know a little bit about the online world. You don’t need to learn how to read python or code, but the skills you learn when creating a wordpress site or building your own website will be extremely useful. From choosing a site name and writing a description to SEO content and working out how to get your site to rank high in Google searches, this will all be useful in making you a better writer. You can even use it as a way to showcase your stories and articles when you start freelancing.

Monetize your blog

If your blog becomes popular then why not make some money off of it. Affiliate links, reviews and ad space are all useful ways to create a bit of extra revenue from your site. And why not write about your experience in travelling (while working as a freelance writer)? With a well written travel blog you can request free hotel stays, flights and tours in exchange for writing about the experience.


If you intentionally set time aside to network then your chance of exposure is higher. Look for writers circles or online networking parties. Most of the young generation who are travelling around the world will be able to offer you something – from advice, recommendations, stories or even friendship. If you are lucky you may even meet an editor in need of a new writer for their magazine.

Editing and proofreading

If you are a great writer, you may also be a great editor. Although not all writers will have the skill set to edit and proofread professionally, for those that do, editing is an excellent way to earn an income and leave plenty of time to work on writing projects. Online workplaces such as Elance and oDesk are a popular option for editors, as are online editing and proofreading companies such as Global English Editing.

Find your niche

After dabbling with the first nine tips to writing your way around the world, you should know more about what you enjoy writing and what you are good at. Now it’s time to further specialize. Approach magazines or websites and ask for a weekly column (this will allow you creative writing freedom and a regular income). Focus your personal blog or start a new one focusing on your niche (this will allow people to Google and find you easily). Explore your niche and partner with companies or even start to write a book on that subject.

Writers are not the most well paid out of all the professions but for many drive, enthusiasm, personal enjoyment and waking up with a spring in your step is more important. Write what you love and travel where you want to – the work will follow!

4 thoughts on “10 Ways to Write Your Way Around the World

  • December 18, 2014 at 7:25 am

    I’ve been freelancing for just over a year and I love it. Writing and editing are my “thang.” 😉

    I’ve not considered a travel blog, however, as I’m currently caring for my elderly parents, but… one day… who know what the future holds?

    Great tips!

    • December 18, 2014 at 10:06 am

      Who knows, indeed! Have a wonderful holiday, Lorraine, and thanks for weighing in 🙂

  • December 17, 2014 at 2:23 pm

    Best article yet! Maybe that’s because it goes right to my heart strings. All I can think of is how much I love Italy. Thank you. You’ve inspired me once again:)

    • December 17, 2014 at 3:35 pm

      Fabulous (me too!) Meet you in Portofino 🙂

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