5 tips to make 2015 a great one!

I know 2014 came and went. Here are 5 things I took away from this past year that I think will make 2015 even better!
  1. shipping problemDon’t fear the problem. What brings value in business, the market, and life in general are solutions. Solve a problem and money, influence, and growth will chase you down. This past year there were many problems that started to develop in the insurance market. What we learned was finding solutions to these problems opened up all kinds of opportunity, market share, and growth. Had we ran from the problems, or simply ignored them we would have never realized some new growth. Don’t fear the problem.
  2. Enjoy-The-JourneyEnjoy the journey. We are all on a journey in our individual lives. Whether in business, family, or life in general we can become so busy we don’t take time to enjoy the small things. Because I work from home I’m able to see my little ones on a day to day basis. This truly is a blessing, but sometimes I get so busy in my work I forget to simply enjoy the unique privilege I have of watching them from a day to day basis grow up. This privilidge occurred to me a few weeks ago when I was trying to produce some shows for Dollar & Sense. My 4 year old daughter kept coming into my office wanting to go outside and play, but I was too focused on my task at work. It finally occurred to me I could go outside with her and her brother, and record the show at the same time. I ended up recording three shows that day, and enjoyed watching her and her brother play in the back yard. Enjoy the journey.
  3. o-FRIENDS-BRAIN-facebookYou are the sum total average of the top 5 people you hang around. I truly believe the only way to truly reach your full potential in business, family, and life is to be surrounded by people who believe in you. Rugged individualism as President Reagan once spoke about is the foundation of any great business, organization, or country, but individuals are products of those who formed and influenced them. Keep your closest 5 friends around you not only raving fans, but reality checks as well.
  4. Atychiphobia-Fear-of-FailureDon’t be afraid of failure. One of the greatest lessons I’ve probably learned in the last decade is success doesn’t come without some failures along the way. The pain of failure pails in comparison from the pain of unrealized potential. You can play it safe, and many people do. Most never take a chance in business, relationships, or life, however  they also never see their full potential realized. Don’t be afraid of failure.
  5. prioritiesThere’s a yes with every no, and a no with every yes. Every time you say yes to something or someone, you are also telling another one no. This reality tortures those who want to please everyone, but you can’t say yes to everyone or everything. Take time to consider what your priorities are, not what others are for you, but your own. Once you’ve discovered what’s important to you it will make saying no easier. It may not make it easy, but it will make it easier.
I hope you have a  wonderful new year!