Working on Tomorrow

Working on Tomorrow December 18, 2014


In two weeks, we will be in a new week, a new month, a new year. Many of us are working hard to accomplish goals we set for this year before it ends. Some of us are even trying to get a head start on our goals for next year.

It is helpful for us to know where we are going and when we hope to get there. What we do grows out of who we are. It is critical that our goals and objectives reflect our core values and vision. Meeting our commitments for this year is a good thing to do. Preparing and setting out in advance on next year’s exploration will probably pay us dividends next December.

It can be easy to overlook or forget that we take our journey of discovery one step at a time. We may be rushing ourselves forward, dragging people with us toward the end of the year.

“If we can just get through the next few days, two weeks, month or so . . .”

It is difficult for us to work on the next two weeks or the next few months. It is easy for us to get lost in the big picture and forget what we hope to do tomorrow. We need to work on tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the next step on our walk together. The progress we make on the course we set for ourselves depends on what we do tomorrow.

Each of us can do one thing to make meaningful progress tomorrow. We may not make up for time we have already lost, but we can begin again each tomorrow.

We have 12 tomorrows left this year and 365 new ones next year.

What would you like to accomplish tomorrow?

Where will what you do today take you tomorrow?

[Image by jenny downing]

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