‘DWTS’ Shocker: ‘Twinkle Toes’ Jack Nicholson!


Swiftly sinking ratings on “Dancing with the Stars” are being blamed on the sinking number of REAL stars dancing – as opposed to reality TV bottom-feeders and washed-out Hollywood has-beens – so producers are working desperately to book bigger names, but keep getting stiff-armed by A- and even B-listers!

So imagine their STUNNED kissers when they scored a major mind-boggler – a courteous return call back from feisty Oscar-winning legend JACK NICHOLSON! Say waaaat? 

Giggled an insider: “Producers are shocked Jack even bothered to respond – but it gets better! What he actually said was, ‘I love the show … I’ll think about it.’ Nobody’s totally holding their breath, but they’re mega-excited … because Mr. Mega-Star DID call!”

(NOTE TO JACK: Come on, pal – give our dreary world a dream come true. Just IMAGINE the ratings!) Stay tuned.