29 Heavenly Christmas Foods From Around The World

    Now's the perfect time to host a culturally diverse Christmas potluck.

    1. Coquilles Saint-Jacques (France)

    2. Chiles en nogada (Mexico)

    3. Feast of Seven Fishes (Italy)

    4. Hallacas (Venezuela)

    These little packages of goodness are stuffed with a mixture of capers, raisins, peppers, and various meats and wrapped in maize and plantain leaves. Recipe here.

    5. Zakuski (Russia)

    6. Ceia de Natal (Brazil)

    7. Sachertorte (Austria)

    8. Doro Wat on Injera (Ethiopia)

    9. Chicken Bones Candy (Canada)

    10. Vitel Toné (Argentina)

    11. Stollen (Germany)

    12. Lampreia de Ovos (Portugal)

    13. Imbuljuta tal-Qastan (Malta)

    14. Porkkanalaatiko (Finland)

    15. Ciorba de perisoare (Romania)

    16. Risalamande (Denmark)

    17. Hangikjöt (Iceland)

    18. Mince pies (England)

    19. Bibingka (Philippines)

    20. Pavo Trufado de Navidad (Spain)

    21. Kulkuls (India)

    22. Chicken Soup Avgolemono (Greece)

    23. Janssons Frestelse (Sweden)

    24. Tamales colorados, negros/Chuchitos (Guatemala)

    25. Beigli (Hungary)

    26. Akoho sy voania (Madagascar)

    27. Spiced Beef (Ireland)

    28. Bigos (Poland)

    29. Fried chicken (specifically KFC-brand) and Kurisumasu Keiki (Japan)

    KFC had a very successful Christmas ad campaign in the '70s and ever since, its fried chicken is a must-have for Japanese Christmas. That, and Kurisumasu Keiki, which is a strawberry sponge cake. Basically, Japan wins Christmas.