What is Behavioural UX Data?

Behavioural UX data encapsulates the actions and interactions of users within a digital environment. It unveils how users navigate through your website or app, where they click, what they ignore, and the patterns of their behaviour during their digital journey. This data is invaluable as it holds the keys to understanding user preferences, frustrations, and the overall usability of your digital platform.

Acquiring Behavioural UX Data

Behavioural UX data can be acquired in a few forms. Data is typically captured by tracking tools, or directly submitted by a user as direct feedback, perhaps in a survey tool, or as a direct response from a call out for survey participants via email.

Analytics Tools: Tools like Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics provide a wealth of behavioural data, tracking user interactions on a macro level.

Heatmaps: Heatmap tools such as Crazy Egg or Hotjar reveal where users click, touch, and how far they scroll, offering visual representations of user interactions.

User Recordings: Services like FullStory provide session replays to observe real user interactions, offering a granular view of user behaviuor.

Surveys and Feedback: Direct feedback from users can also provide behavioural insights, especially concerning their motivations and challenges.

Analysing Behavioural UX Data

The process of analysing behavioural UX data is intended to unearth actionable insights from the abundance of user interactions on a digital platform. To achieve the best results, the analsis of behavioural UX data should be systematic and goal-oriented. 

Setting Objectives: Define what you aim to understand from the data — be it improving navigation, enhancing page loading speed, or identifying friction points.

Segmentation: Segment the data to analyze different user groups, device types, or traffic sources.

Pattern Identification: Look for patterns, trends, and anomalies in the data to understand user behaviour.

Comparative Analysis: Compare data over different time periods or against industry benchmarks to gauge performance.

Setting Objectives

The outset of this venture is marked by setting clear and measurable objectives. Are you aiming to enhance the navigational ease, reduce the page load time, or identify the friction points that are inhibiting conversions?

Having a well-defined objective helps direct your research. Without a clear goal, the volume of data you have access to could become overwhelming, resulting in poor quality research, and flawed interpretations. A clear objective will help you focus on the problem you are trying to solve, without getting lost in the noise created by the rest of your data.


Segmentation is the act of dissecting data into distinct subsets to unveil the variations in user behaviour. This could be based on different user groups, device types, or traffic sources.

For example, the behaviour of users visiting via organic search might differ significantly from those coming via paidcampaigns or social media. Similarly, mobile users might interact with the interface differently compared to desktop users.

Segmentation allows for a more granular analysis, aiding in understanding the unique user behaviours and preferences.

Comparative Analysis

Comparing the observed data against historical metrics or industry benchmarks provides a relative perspective on performance.

For instance, is the bounce rate higher compared to previous months? How does the page load time compare to industry standards?

Comparative analysis aids in understanding where you stand and what needs improvement.

Pattern Identification

Here, the focus is on identifying recurring behaviours, trends, and anomalies. Are users consistently abandoning the shopping cart at a particular step? Is there a specific page where the exit rate is alarmingly high?

Pattern identification helps in understanding the common behaviours and spotting anomalies that might be indicative of underlying issues.

Hypothesis Testing

Based on the insights garnered, formulating hypotheses to guide your research is important and can highlight sticking points. It also helps create a narrative for why users are behaving the way they are.

For instance, if the analysis reveals that a significant number of users are abandoning the cart on the shipping information page, a hypothesis could be that the page’s design or the information required is causing friction.


Validation involves testing the formulated hypotheses through methods like A/B testing to ascertain their accuracy before broader implementation. This step is crucial to ensure that the insights and the subsequent hypotheses are indeed valid and the proposed changes will result in positive outcomes.

Implementing Changes Based on Behavioural UX Data

The insights derived from behavioural UX are only useful if they're acted upon. data are actionable. The next stage in the provess is concerned with how to actually turn your data, and the knowledge granted by it, into actual tangible results.

Prioritisation: Prioritise issues based on the impact on user experience and business goals.

A/B Testing: Before implementing changes on a large scale, conduct A/B testing to measure the impact.

Iterative Improvements: Implement changes incrementally, measuring the impact at each stage to ensure positive outcomes.

Feedback Loop: Maintain a feedback loop with users to ensure that the changes meet their expectations and continually improve the user experience.


Post-analysis, a whole host of potential improvements may surface. Prioritisation is the process of ranking these based on their anticipated impact on user experience and alignment with business objectives.

Factors such as the severity of the issue, the number of users affected, and the ease of implementation often guide the prioritisation process, and the criterea for these will look different to different businesses, operating in different environments, each facing different issues.

Designing Solutions

With priorities set, the focus shifts to designing solutions for the identified issues. This could range from redesigning certain UI elements to tweaking the navigational structure or even enhancing the content to be more engaging.

The solutions should be aimed at addressing the specific issues uncovered during the analysis.

A/B Testing

Before rolling out solutions on a large scale, it's prudent to test their effectiveness. A/B testing allows for a comparative analysis between the existing design and the proposed changes.

By directing a portion of users to the modified version, the impact on user behaviour and key metrics can be measured in a controlled environment. This minimises risk in the scenario the proposed changes do not have a positive impact. It also helps minimise disruption to the majority of users.

Iterative Improvements

The insights from A/B testing often pave the way for iterative improvements. Based on the results, further refinements can be made to enhance the effectiveness of the solutions.

This iterative process ensures that the implemented changes are optimised for the best possible user experience.


Post validation and refinements, the solutions are ready for broader implementation. This phase should be meticulously planned to ensure a smooth transition, with necessary measures in place to monitor the impact on user experience and rectify any unforeseen issues promptly.

Feedback Loop

Establishing a feedback loop with users is crucial to understand the efficacy of the implemented changes. Collecting user feedback post-implementation provides real-world insights into whether the changes resonate with user expectations and if further refinements are necessary.

Monitoring and Analysis

The implementation of changes is not the endpoint. Continuous monitoring and analysis are essential to ensure the enhancements are delivering the anticipated improvements in user experience. Moreover, the behavioural data post-implementation can serve as a valuable resource for future UX optimisation endeavours, encouraging the iteration to continue.