
It is not to be taken lightly the events that are prevailing in Ferguson since the verdict that was rendered as a matter of fact some would say that was the expected decision. As in the case of shootings with black being the victim it’s usually viewed  in an unfavorable light. But what it is even more alarming from the vantage point of just us why is it that there is not the same level of concern when there is an in injustice against a black person by another black person.

Our communities have become virtual killing field with the ongoing senseless murders occurring on a routine basis in the black community. It is as if the life of black people has no value regardless to who the perpetrator is. Essentially we have no value across the board. As noted we are under siege from a hostile element within our community as well as outside our community.

We have never fared will in this system but now is the time to assess our situation and make a radical change in how we view one another. One can always say we had no recourse in the law but we always sought justice in another venue through our connection to God.

We must be mindful that we are the recipient of the prayers and aspirations of a people who projected their hopes on to a generation that would not have to contend with what they dealt with. They had no recourse in the law but they knew that they would be delivered at some point in time.

Well here we are proud and determined to make it free at last free at last we have crossed the Jordan River in the land of milk and honey and in spite the appearance of things it is our time. We know that these are perilous times but as it is written this is not as it gets NO TO THE CONTRARY THE BEST IS YET TO COME IF YOU ONLY BELIEVE.

We must be mindful of the fact that God is our inexhaustible vein of supply and that whatever we need God has it. No God did not turn his back on us we turned our back on him. He brought us out of the darkness into the marvelous light. In our deliverance consciously or unconsciously we lost perspective on things. We embraced foreign customs and ways which were not pleasing to God.

Our cars our zip codes me myself and I became the norm of the day. Not only was that our norm but it has become the norm of our children as well. I will get mines by any means necessary. Drugs vanity the pursuit of happiness regardless to how much pain it causes you or others. Is this the vision that our ancestors had when they projected their hopes and aspirations onto this generation. Think about it are we really free or are we being held captive by our lack of imagination. We must focus on elevation as it is written God expects more out of then what he is getting.

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