The MPR Drug Reference Database for Healthcare Practitioners

Our drug database contains more than 4,000 concise product monographs (for both over the counter (OTC) and prescription drugs). Each monograph includes indication, dose, contraindications, precautions, interactions, adverse reactions, manufacturer, and how supplied information. You can browse drugs by brand, generic, therapeutic category, or manufacturer. Also, you can view new drug products and monograph updates, as well as use our drug treatment tables as a reference. Reviewed and updated by a team of pharmacists, MPR traces its origins back to when it was first published as a print drug reference in 1985. Now, a truly digital reference that also includes drug news and much more, it is intended for physicians and other medical professionals who rely on accurate and up-to-date prescribing information. MPR remains a leading authority in prescribing information for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other healthcare practitioners. Our drug database covers all therapeutic categories, from cardiovascular drugs to oncology drugs, to flu medications and much more. Questions that can be easily answered using our drug database:
  1. What is the correct dosage for a specific drug?
  2. What are the indications and contraindications for a drug?
  3. What are the adverse reactions for a specific drug?
  4. Is a generic form of this drug available?


Click on the subcategory below to find drug monographs for that particular area.
Key Offerings include:
  • Education on new drug products
  • Alphabetical Index (find drugs listed by brand name, generic name, and/or medical condition)
  • Concise point-of-care drug information
  • Real-time drug updating
  • Search by brand, generic, or therapeutic area
  • Comprehensive treatment comparison tables
  • Medical calculators