“Say No to GMO!” New York Group to Host ‘Organic Thanksgiving’ Event on Monsanto’s Front Lawn


The Monsanto Company was recently voted the third most hated company in the world, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Monsanto has also previously been voted as the “Most Evil Company in the World,” and it’s currently in the running for the equally not-so-prestigious ‘Corporate Hall of Shame’ award.

This Thanksgiving, Nov. 27, millions of Americans will sit down for Thanksgiving dinner, most of them unwillingly consuming turkeys that have been stuffed full of genetically modified corn linked to all sorts of health problems, or other foods that contain GMO ingredients.

Eating meals comprised mostly of GMOs has quietly become a uniquely American tradition, whether those eating them know it or not.

But at least American church group has taken issue with Monsanto’s consent-free genetic modification of our food supply, and has announced plans to openly defy the Monsanto machine on the company’s lawn this Thanksgiving.

An Organic Thanksgiving in the Belly of the Beast

Please join Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir for an organic Thanksgiving meal on the lawn of Monsanto World Headquarters,” the website of the New York City-based ‘Church of Stop Shopping’ reads. “Bring your friends, family and a dish to share. Children are welcome!”

The group’s website includes Google Map directions as well, and plans to host the event from 1 to 3 p.m. at the St. Louis location.

The Stop Shopping Choir calls itself a “radical performance community based in New York City, with 50 performing members and a congregation in the thousands…”

They work to promote “Earth Justice” and tackle several different topics ranging from the destruction caused by BP oil to the ongoing problem of the disappearing honey bees.

Their leader, Rev. Billy (seen below), has been outspoken against many corporations ranging from Starbucks to Monsanto. He also has a message for anyone who can’t attend the Thanksgiving meal.


Rev. Billy of the Stop Shopping Choir.

Rev. Billy of the Stop Shopping Choir.

Can’t Make It? Eat Organic!


For people who can’t make it to the Organic Thanksgiving event, the group is offering an alternative way to stand up against Monsanto. 

Can’t come in person? Take our pledge to cook organic for Thanksgiving!” the group’s website reads.

So far over 90 people have pledged to attend the event. Below, you can watch a video of their performance called ”The HoneyBeeLujah! Show,’ which was part of a campaign on behalf of the disappearing honeybees (No word on whether they will perform in St. Louis yet).

P.S. Find out how Monsanto handled one particular reporting crew near its headquarters; click here

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About Nick Meyer

Nick Meyer is a journalist who's been published in the Detroit Free Press, Dallas Morning News and several other outlets. He founded AltHealthWORKS in 2012 to showcase extraordinary stories of healing and the power of organic living, stories the mainstream media always seemed to miss. Check out Nick's Amazon best-seller 'Dirt Cheap Organic: 101 Tips For Going Organic on a Budget' by clicking here, as well as its sequel Dirt Cheap Weight Loss.