What Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Firms Do

There are generally two ways a business can get bigger, either through internal growth or external expansion. Internal growth occurs through the regular growth trajectory of an entity, whether by the use of new technology, an acquisition of assets, better supply chain management, or new lines of products. This path often takes time for the company to yield results. The other way companies look to grow is by exploring the option of corporate restructuring. This can be achieved through different types of corporate actions such as mergers, takeovers, or acquisitions.

The external pathway of growth is very popular among companies globally as it helps in crossing trade barriers and building capital across countries.

Key Takeaways

  • Businesses can get bigger by internal growth or by external expansion through mergers, takeovers, or acquisitions.
  • The term merger and acquisition (M&A) refers to the consolidation of companies or their major assets through a series of financial transactions.
  • The additional value created by the merger or acquisition process is called synergy.
  • The M&A process can be daunting: this is where merger and acquisition firms can help facilitating the buying and selling process and guiding the companies.
  • Investment banks, law firms, audit and accounting firms, and consulting and advisory firms can act as M&A firms.

What Is a Merger and Acquisition (M&A)?

The term merger and acquisition (M&A) refers to the consolidation of companies or their major assets through financial transactions between companies.

A merger or acquisition is one of the most significant corporate events for a company, an action that becomes stamped in its history forever. In an atmosphere of increased competitiveness, this strategy is common for both small and large businesses.

The intention behind such a move or decision is unique to every business but is based on the principle of creating more value (after combining) than the individual companies are worth individually. The additional value created by the merger or acquisition process is called synergy. Though it sounds simple, the whole process of a merger, takeover, or acquisition to create synergy (financial benefit) is daunting. It involves large sums of money, paperwork, government regulations, legalities, and accounting procedures.

How Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Firms Run the Deal-Making Process

The merger or acquisition deal process can be intimidating and this is where the merger and acquisition firms step in. They will facilitate the process by guiding their clients (companies) through these transformative, multifaceted corporate decisions—for a fee.

The various types of merger and acquisition firms are discussed below. The role of each type of firm is to help successfully seal a deal for its clients, but they do differ in their approach and area of focus.

Investment Banks

Investment banks perform a variety of specialized roles. They carry out transactions involving huge amounts of capital in areas such as underwriting. They act as a financial advisor (or brokers) for institutional clients, sometimes playing the role of an intermediary.

Investment banks also facilitate corporate reorganizations, including mergers and acquisitions. The finance division of investment banks manages the merger and acquisition work, right from the negotiation stage until the deal closes. The work related to legal and accounting issues is often outsourced to affiliate companies or enlisted experts.

The role of an investment bank in the process typically involves providing vital market intelligence and preparing a list of prospective targets. Once the client is sure of the targeted deal, an analysis of the current valuation is done to know the price expectations. All the documentation, management meetings, negotiation terms, and closing documents are handled by the representatives of the investment bank. In cases where the investment bank is handling the selling side, an auction process is conducted with several rounds of bids to determine the buyer.

Some of the major investment banks are:

  • Goldman Sachs (GS)
  • Morgan Stanley (MS)
  • JPMorgan Chase (JPM)
  • BofA Securities (BAC)
  • Barclays Investment Bank, Citigroup (C)
  • Deutsche Bank (DB)
  • Credit Suisse Group (CS)

Law Firms

Corporate law firms are popular among companies looking to expand externally through a merger or acquisition, especially companies that cross international borders. Such deals are more complex as they involve various laws governed by different jurisdictions, and require very specialized legal handling. International law firms are best suited for this job with their expertise in multi-jurisdiction matters.

Some of the leading law firms engaging in mergers and acquisitions are:

Audit and Accounting Firms

These companies also handle merger and acquisition deals with an obvious specialization in auditing, accounting, and taxation. These accounting firms are experts in evaluating assets, conducting audits, and advising on tax considerations. In cases where a cross-border merger or acquisition is involved, an understanding of the tax implications becomes critical. In addition to audit and accounting specialties, these companies have other experts available to manage the other financial aspects of the deal as well.

Some of the well-known firms from this category with specialized services in mergers and acquisitions are:

These companies together are often referred to as the "Big Four" accounting firms. 

Consulting and Advisory Firms

The leading management consulting and advisory firms guide clients through all stages of a merger or acquisition process, whether they are cross-industry or cross-border deals. These firms have a team of experts who work towards the success of the deal right from the initial phase to the successful closure of the deal. The bigger companies in this business have a global footprint that helps in identifying suitable targets. The firms are tasked with working on the acquisition strategy followed by screening, due diligence, and advising on price valuations to make sure that the clients are not overpaying and so on.

Some of the well-known names in the business are:

What Is the Purpose of an Acquisition?

There are many reasons why a parent company may want to acquire a target company: the acquisition can help expand the parent company's product lines or sevices, it can reduce production costs, and it's also a way to reduce competition and maintain market share if the target company is a competitor.

What's the Difference Between a Merger and an Acquisition?

The two terms overlap, but, in general, "acquisition" describes the transaction process. "Merger" is used to refer to the new entity resulting from the combination of the parent company and the target company.

What Is the Largest Acquisition in History?

As of 2023, the largest ever acquisition was the takeover of German telecom Mannesmann AG by British multinational telecom company Vodafone Airtouch PLC in 2000. Mannesmann accepted the $180.95 billion acquisition, making the takeover the largest M&A deal in history.

The Bottom Line

Every year companies enter into inter-industry, cross-industry, and cross-border deals running into the trillions, though the success rate of such deals is under 50%. Huge sums of money are paid to companies for being a dealmaker or facilitators. The fee for these services is dependent on the size and worth of the companies involved in the merger and acquisition process.

Article Sources
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  1. The Big 4 Accounting Firms. “The Big 4 Accounting Firms.”

  2. The Wall Street Journal. "Vodafone, Mannesmann Set Takeover At $180.95 Billion After Long Struggle."

  3. Harvard Business Review. “The Big Idea: The New M&A Playbook.”

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