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corrugated fibreboard traywith two/four identical compartments

Unique packaging for apples

Packaging multinational NNZ has, in cooperation with Schut Systems and Pillopak, developed a unique packaging for apples. The design consists of a corrugated fibreboard tray, comprising two or four identical compartments. Each of those compartments can contain one apple, and the whole design has been constructed in such a way that it provides optimum protection against specific apple damage. A second advantage of this packaging concept is the printable surface. This can be put to great use for marketing purposes, specifically for storytelling and branding.

Furthermore, recent research has shown that the new tray has a positive effect on consumer appreciation. This goes for both the product (apple) and the product category (fruit). Another outcome of said study shows that the design – portable and attractive – can stimulate the impulse to buy.

For the market introduction of the new packaging, NNZ has sought a partnership with an apple packager that supplies to retail. This partnership has led to the introduction on store shelves of the 4-piece tray this month.
In addition, NNZ will further publicize the packaging during Interpoma in Bolzano, Italy. Interpoma is internationally regarded as one of the foremost apple trade shows.

For more information:
Aarhusweg 1
9723 JJ Groningen
T 0031 50 520 7800
[email protected]

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