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15 Thanksgiving Jokes Your Grandma Will Eat Up

Caution: Fowl language ahead!

1. What happened when the turkey got into a fight?

2. What did the baby corn say to the mama corn?

3. Why did the police arrest the turkey?

4. What are unhappy cranberries called?

5. What sound does a turkey's phone make?

6. What kind of car would a pilgrim drive?

7. What is a turkey's favorite dessert?

8. When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

9. How does a turkey drink her wine?

10. Why did the cranberries turn red?

11. What do turkeys use to clean themselves?

12. Why did the pie go to the dentist?

13. What kind of music did pilgrims listen to at the first Thanksgiving?

14. Why do potatoes make good detectives?

15. How many cooks does it take to stuff a turkey?