24 London Underground Signs That Will Brighten Your Day

    And you thought that the tube was there to get you from A to B

    1. Have you seen these signs on the London Underground?

    2. They are not just for service information any more. These boards are now full of quotes.

    Archway Underground station quote of the day.



    Archway Underground station quote of the day.

    / Via

    3. Thought provoking, inspiring, life-enhancing quotes.

    4. Some of them help boost your spirits...

    5. ... and put everything you've achieved into context.

    6. Some of these signs will make you more resilient...

    7. ... force you to look back at the bad times from a different perspective...

    8. ... and make you much more determined.

    9. Well, some of these signs will make you more resilient and determined.

    10. Some of these signs will make you reconsider your life goals...

    11. ... and will encourage you to become more creative.

    12. Some of these signs will force you to change your circumstances...

    13. ... and guide you towards the answers you've been searching for.

    14. Some of these signs will encourage you to take more risks...

    15. ... and actually start on that project you've been neglecting for a long, long time.

    16. Basically, these signs will make you think.

    17. Really think.

    18. Really REALLY think.

    19. Especially this one.

    20. Not all of these boards dish out quotes though. Some of them provide REALLY useful information.

    21. Ensure that you arrive at that all-important event on time.

    22. And most importantly, make you feel special.

    23. So if you're having a bad day, just look out for signs like these.

    24. It will be OK.