What Are the Best Teaching Methods for Getting Students to Behave Well in Class?

Connor Schiefer logs a point for good conduct with the ClassDojo app at Hunter Elementary School in Hunter, N.Y. Related Article Credit Nathaniel Brooks for The New York Times
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Questions about issues in the news for students 13 and older.

Have you ever been in a class where all the students were focused and engaged? And the class seemed to run perfectly? Or have you experienced the opposite — where most students were misbehaving or, at the very least, distracted? Why do students behave in one teacher’s class — but then misbehave in another’s?

What are the best teaching methods for getting students to stay focused in class?

In “Privacy Concerns for ClassDojo and Other Tracking Apps for Schoolchildren,” Natasha Singer writes:

For better or for worse, the third graders in Greg Fletcher’s class at Hunter Elementary School always know where they stand.

One morning in mid-October, Mr. Fletcher walked to the front of the classroom where an interactive white board displayed ClassDojo, a behavior-tracking app that lets teachers award points or subtract them based on a student’s conduct. On the board was a virtual classroom showing each student’s name, a cartoon avatar and the student’s scores so far that week.

“I’m going to have to take a point for no math homework,” Mr. Fletcher said to a blond boy in a striped shirt and then clicked on the boy’s avatar, a googly-eyed green monster, and subtracted a point.

The program emitted a disappointed pong sound, audible to the whole class — and sent a notice to the child’s parents if they had signed up for an account on the service.

ClassDojo is used by at least one teacher in roughly one out of three schools in the United States, according to its developer. The app is among the innovations to emerge from the estimated $7.9 billion education software market aimed at students from prekindergarten through high school. Although there are similar behavior-tracking programs, they are not as popular as ClassDojo.

Many teachers say the app helps them automate the task of recording classroom conduct, as well as allowing them to communicate directly with parents.

But some parents, teachers and privacy law scholars say ClassDojo, along with other unproven technologies that record sensitive information about students, is being adopted without sufficiently considering the ramifications for data privacy and fairness, like where and how the data might eventually be used.

These critics also say that the carrot-and-stick method of classroom discipline is outmoded, and that behavior apps themselves are too subjective, enabling teachers to reward or penalize students for amorphous acts like “disrespect.” They contend that behavior databases could potentially harm students’ reputations by unfairly saddling some with “a problem child” label that could stick with them for years.

Students: Read the entire article, then tell us …

— What do you think are the best teaching methods for getting students to behave well in class? What motivates you to stay focused? Have you ever behaved well in one teacher’s class and misbehaved in another’s? Why?

— The article reports on ClassDojo, a popular behavior tracking app used by many teachers. Do any of your teachers use ClassDojo or a similar technology? Would you want your teachers to use this kind of app?

— Do you think a system of extrinsic rewards and punishments, with points being given for good behavior or taken away for bad, is an effective way to motivate students? Would you be motivated by seeing your point tallies go up or down based on your class conduct? Why?

— Do agree with the author Alfie Kohn, who argues that methods like ClassDojo “treat children like pets, bribing or threatening them into compliance?” Or do you agree with Sam Chaudhary, a co-founder of ClassDojo, who argues that the app gives students valuable feedback that can help them become better students, leaders and team members? Why?

Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.

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It’s kind of strange to ask only students aged 13 and older to comment because it’s mainly used with kids younger than that.

My little brother uses it at his school, and he loves it, as does my mom. She stays in touch with what he’s working on in class and he loves earning points. My mum sits down to review his account with him each week which he looks forward. It seems like a pretty positive thing to me, but it’s targeted at younger kids.

I believe that class dojo has a negative connotation and could have a great impact on young children who might have only forgotten their work. Seeing and having classmates see the negative points added to his character might pressure kids at a young age. However it might also pressure them in a positive way such as influencing kids to do their homework.

I think ClassDojo is a cool app, but it should be used differently. Points should be kept private; both from the company and other students. And it should be used for behavior only, not academics. If we just change this a little, it could be an excellent thing to use in the classroom.

My teacher used class dojo in 4th grade, and I remember that I thought it was kind of weird. I don’t think it really set any reputations for anyone as a “problem child”, it only really proved the “badness” that those kids already had a reputation of. I remember that sometimes we had “class goals”, and if we reached a certain amount of points altogether as a class, we would get some sort of prize. I don’t think I really like it, though, and I wouldn’t really want to use it in my classes now.

Well since this class Dojo is for pre-k up I think that younger people should be able to respond as well.

My younger siblings use it and I find that it is a fairly effective system. It seems that kids, younger especially like the system. Also, they like to hear the noises even though when they get a bad point they tend to be disappointed. It really seems to cheer them up when they get good points.

Classroom dojo is somewhat effective on some students, or when used in private, but when shown to the class, or when teachers announce that a student did something wrong, it can upset or embarrass them and effect their learning and even effect them long term and cause more embarrassment than necessary.

I thought that this could be a great app, with some changes. If they did not have as many ads then parents wouldn’t stray away from ClassDojo. Also, the fun monsters make it exciting for the students.

I think it depends on what the student did and how the student will react.

I think the best teaching methods are to keep teaching and if a student does something wrong then you can punish them accordingly. What motivates me to stay focused are my grades and my parents because my parents push me to do my work. Yes I have because one teacher had the proper methods int heir class for punishment while another one had unfair punishments. No, and I would kind of like it because I would like to get rewarded for good behavior. Yes, because that would motivate me to get more points for the period I have to get them. I agree with Sam because I think it is a good teaching method.

– The article reports on ClassDojo, a popular behavior tracking app used by many teachers. Do any of your teachers use ClassDojo or a similar technology? Would you want your teachers to use this kind of app?

Yes, My teacher using ClassDojo and i think it is a grade way to grade someone by there.

In my opinion, the best teaching methods a teacher can use to get the children in the class to behave well, is just to make it fun. Interact with the kids and maybe let them write what they think the answer is on the board. If the child gets the answer wrong, teachers shouldn’t make fun of them (not that they would intentionally but some kids will take it that way), but tell them that it was a nice try and then explain how to do the question. I also think that if you have “team points” and a reward at the end of the week for the group who has the most team points, which are gained by answering a tough question or acting in a way that should be commended, the children will maybe cooperate better than they would with nothing.

Personally I don’t think I would want to use an app like ClassDojo because I feel like it could be used as a way to publicly embarrass students who might not behave well or who make a mistake. When people make mistakes it’s a good idea to tell them but you don’t need to share their mistake with everyone. Although for some kids, this kind of tough love could be good for them, for others it might be a loss in confidence. So overall, I believe that an app like this could be effective, just not for everyone.

I think that the best teaching methods in class are not to talk for too long give a quick explanation then ask for questions afterwards ( there will always be a lot of questions) but when giving a lecture try to give examples or pictures

I think the best teaching methods to help students behave in class are to make the learning fun, motivate the kids make them want to learn. Make sure to get them involved, if you are doing things on the whiteboard or chalkboard let the kids write, let them come up to the board and answer the question. I find most kids like to interact when learning they like to do things in fun ways, maybe if you are doing math instead of doing paper work do a math game.

In the opinion of a student, I believe that teachers need to have contact with the parent or guardian. I don’t believe that a students “positive points” or “negative points” should be shown publicly in classroom, or how ClassDojo allows. Showing that a student has negative points may influence his or her’s peers to act negatively upon that student, bullying or embarrassing. It’s a great idea for parents to have an idea of their child’s behaviour, but it’s not necessary for anyone else to know, because it is private information.

I think a system where kids are rewarded for being good, and punished for being bad through a point system is definitely a good way of motivating kids. Personally I believe that kids should be rewarded for being good and those who choose not to be good, should be punished. Even with points, those who are keen on doing the best they can do in school will have recognition to not only them, but to everyone else in the class. Therefore I believe ClassDojo is an efficient use of rewarding and punishing kids.

I would want my teachers to use the app ClassDojo. My classes could be more behaved if this app was used. My peers would work harder and hand in their work on time. Our classes would be controlled and our average for our class could improve. Some kids don’t think they have to try because they don’t think their parents will know or because they think they could get away with it. With this app, parents can sign up and keep track of what their child has accomplished and what they need to improve on. This way parents can help their kids with school work and help to boost their marks up. Also, with this app, the child that has this app in their classroom may become better behaved in school and at home.

I think the whole idea of teachers “rating” their students with points and scores takes away from the lesson we have been taught ever since we began school, that everyone is equal and we should treat each other the same way. I feel this app is another way to judge your peers and judge yourself depending on how many points you have. After experiencing this app on hand i can say that even older kids get over attached to this idea of having more points than anyone and everyone else.

Personally, I find that the best teaching methods for a positive learning environment are those that lightly reward good behaviour and character traits. I
say lightly because we do not want children growing up accustomed to the idea that they will be rewarded for every good act they accomplish. We want children to grow up knowing that a good act is good; not for themselves, but for the person it targets. But children are children, they deserve a sense of achievement when they accomplish a good act, but it should slowly ebb away as they mature. Now, to the topic of punishment for negative acts. I find that this method is frowned upon mostly by parents and students themselves. Parents don’t like the idea that a 3rd party is taking it upon themselves to discipline their child. The children themselves don’t like the punishment either, but for quite different reasons. On the other hand the teachers like this method because it normally has a good outcome. But does that mean it is right? To me, no. I find that reward should always be used above punishment, even if reward doesn’t work punishment is not the answer.

I think is a good idea for kids like in middle school to have that program, because alot of kids don’t listen to their teachers. And with that program you could take points off if don’t listen or do’t do their work.

I think that hey should use this so they could behave good in school and home so they can’t disrespect the teacher

I think the best reaching methods for getting students to behave well in class was interactive. The funny things motivates me to stay focused. I had behaved well one teacher’s class before. Because she was good, and she makes the class be funny. My English teacher use Class Dojo.

i think you should keep doing homework and dont let them have free time because they will just talk on there free time

i think that teachers should make claases more funner and more entertaining. and thats my opinoin on the classes

i think you should keep doing homework and don’t let them have free time because they will just talk on there free time that’s what i think teachers should do to keep them behaved.