Tuck Inlet, British Columbia Map:

This page presents the Google satellite map (zoomable and browsable) of Tuck Inlet in British Columbia province in Canada.
Geographical coordinates are 54°25' North and 130°18' West and its feature type is Bay. More information below.

Hotels near Tuck Inlet

Feature Name: Tuck Inlet
Region Code: 59
Region Name: British Columbia
Region Name in French: Colombie-Britannique
Country Code: Canada (CA)
Generic Code: 1411
Generic Term: Inlet (3)
Concise Code: BAY
Concise Term: Bay
Concise Term in French: Baie
Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 54°25' North
Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 130°18' West
Latitude in decimal degrees: 54.416667013429
Longitude in decimal degrees: -130.2999999700114

SOURCE: Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG)