Jose Canseco accidentally shoots himself in hand

Jose Canseco (AP/Patrick Doyle)

LAS VEGAS — A representative for Jose Canseco says the former major league slugger is recovering after shooting himself in the hand at his Las Vegas home.

Agent Jose Melendez says Canseco was resting at home Wednesday, and friends and family were hoping his finger would respond well to a surgery.

Officers responded to a call of an accidental shooting shortly after 2:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Police said the former Oakland Athletics outfielder said he was cleaning his gun in the kitchen when it fired, shooting a finger on his left hand.

Canseco is a right-handed batter who hit 462 career home runs and was a six-time All-Star. He also played for Texas, Boston, Toronto, Tampa Bay, the New York Yankees and Chicago White Sox during a career that spanned from 1985 to 2001.

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