Beauty brands and celebrities have always promoted the idea of perfect beauty. However this year, we saw a change in the trend with some of the major beauty and fashion brands, like Dove, Aerie, ModCloth and Dear Kate, focusing on Real Beauty instead of using Photoshop and makeup to promote their products.

In line with the rising awareness of just how fake the concept of perfect beauty is, Victoria’s Secret is being bashed for their new bra campaign. Their latest campaign, featuring the tagline, “The Perfect Body”, has angered many women all around the world. Their campaign using the images of models flaunting the perfect sized bodies are seen as an insult by the audience.

Over 12,000 people have already signed a petition, to ask Victoria’s Secret to “Apologise for, and amend the irresponsible marketing of your new bra range ‘Body’”.

The petition further states, “All this does is perpetuate low self-esteem among women who are made to feel that their bodies are inadequate and unattractive because they do not fit into a narrow standard of beauty. It contributes to a culture that encourages serious health problems such as negative body image and eating disorders.”

The #iamperfect campaign is also running on Twitter to put social pressure on Victoria’s Secret to make retractions. Some of the tweets from angry women and even other beauty brands demanding an apology: