5 ways to develop a strategic mindset for business growth

One of the most challenging things for a business owner to grasp is that his or her mindset is the biggest obstacle to growth.

I’m not talking about anything esoteric — I’m talking about how you specifically view your role in your business.

That’s one of the reasons why The Growth Coach program has a heavy focus on developing what we call a “strategic mindset.” Just like coaching and repetition make someone a better athlete or performer, coaching and repetition turn a business owner into a real CEO and a strategic thinker.

One aspect of the strategic mindset is an understanding that, whatever industry your business is in, you are first and foremost in the sales and marketing business. If you’re like most small business owners, your approach may be a bit too tactical, and your focus too spread out, to spearhead ongoing growth. Tactical approaches work and are appropriate during startup, but your capacity limitations demand that you become more strategic in your view of marketing as your business grows.

There are five areas we have our clients focus on to help them think strategically about revenue growth. Ideally their plans encompass most, if not all, of these

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