Macleod’s Clinical Diagnosis International Edition, 2nd Ed.

Author: [edited By] Alan G. Japp, Colin Robertson, Rohana J. Wright, Matthew Reed, Andrew Robson. Pages: 327 Size: 4.56 MB Format: PDF Publisher: Elsevier
Published: 23 December, 2017
eISBN-13: 9780702069635

Macleod’s Clinical Diagnosis demonstrates how to apply the core clinical skills learned from the companion textbook Macleod’s Clinical Examination to maximum advantage. Charting the course from routine work-up to diagnosis, this book presents a modern and realistic approach to clinical assessment and explains how to integrate information obtained from the history, examination, bedside tests and specialised investigations.

  • The first section Principles of clinical assessment examines different approaches to diagnosis, reviews the fundamental elements necessary for accurate patient assessment, provides a helpful template for a ‘routine workup’ and describes how to adapt the assessment to fit the clinical context.
  • The second core section of the book Assessment of common presenting problems contains a series of ‘diagnostic guides’ that lead the reader, step-by-step through the major presenting problems in medicine and surgery, explaining how to recognise red flag features, eliminate life-threatening conditons and generate a logical differential diagnosis.