Australian Senate Kills Civil Liberties with Draconian New Anti-Terror Law in Orwellian Orgy of Baseless Fear-Mongering

Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 11.21.10 AMUnderstanding how the power structure thinks, and how it intentionally manipulates the emotions of the masses, is key to overcoming and rolling back totalitarian ambitions. I have spent the last few posts talking about how instilling fear throughout the general populace is one of their primary tactics. Indeed, to borrow a term from Glenn Greenwald, “fear-manufacturing” has been in overdrive across the Five Eyes nations over the past several weeks.

In the UK, we saw it used to convince elderly Scots to overwhelming vote against independence, thus swaying the result decisively to the NO side. In the USA, we have seen it used to drum up support for another pointless war in the Middle East, which will benefit nobody except for the military/intelligence-industrial complex.

While these examples are bad enough, nowhere is fear being used in a more clownish and absurd manner to strip the local citizenry of its civil liberties than in Australia. This should come as no surprise, considering that nation’s Prime Minister is a certified raging lunatic. In fact, Tony Abbott is such a little fascist in disguise, I dedicated a post to him back in June titled: Video of the Day – Meet Australia’s Creepy Prime Minister, Tony Abbott.

Remember, when the power structure sees a meme is working they double and triple down on it. With the beheading videos effectively pushing the American public back into a post-9/11 fetal position, it became clear that the fear of “beheadings” is enough to send the Western public into a total panic state. Then, suddenly a plot emerges that ISIS related terrorists were planning to publicly behead an Australian citizen in the middle of Sydney. As usual, mainstream media rushed to scare the shit out of everyone. NBC reported the following:

An apparent plot to publicly behead a random civilian on the streets of Sydney in support of ISIS sparked counter-terrorism raids backed by nearly 1,000 Australian police, officials said Thursday. Australian Federal Police said 15 people were arrested in relation to “serious terrorism-related offenses” in a massive pre-dawn operation. Prime Minister Tony Abbott told reporters that the raids came after intelligence showed an Australian occupying a “quite senior” rank within ISIS was making “direct exhortations” for supporters back home to kill. When asked about reports that those detained had been planning to publicly behead a random individual, “that’s the intelligence we received,” Abbott said. “This is not just suspicion, this is intent, and that’s why the police and security agencies decided to act.”

Glenn Greenwald at the Intercept had a very interesting follow up to this raid. He notes that:

UPDATE: A reader writes with an important clarification, supported by various media accounts:

Just one clarification on your article about the Australian ‘anti terror’ raids.

You said that 15 people were arrested. In fact, 15 people were detained under ‘preventative detention’ laws. But only one person has been charged under any terrorism related offence. A further 3 have been charged under non terrorism related offenses.

This despite the fact that the ‘threat’ was so high that the raids involved over 800 police.

A grand total of one person has been charged with terrorism-related crimes—one—and that has triggered a major fear campaign and a slew of legislative demands designed to dismantle basic legal protections. It is, indeed, a microcosm of a core disease of the 9/11 era.

Ah, but as we know, you never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Particularly a story that can be used to strip the plebs of civil rights. Which is precisely what happened last night at the Australian Senate. For details, let’s turn to the article in the Sydney Morning Herald titled, Terror Laws Clear Senate, Enabling Entire Australian Web to be Monitored and Whistleblowers to be Jailed. As an aside, ASIO stands for the Australian Security Intelligence Organization. We learn that:

Australian spies will soon have the power to monitor the entire Australian internet with just one warrant, and journalists and whistleblowers will face up to 10 years’ jail for disclosing classified information.

The government’s first tranche of tougher anti-terrorism laws, which beef up the domestic spy agency ASIO’s powers, passed the Senate 44 votes for and 12 against on Thursday night with bipartisan support from Labor.

The bill, the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2014, will now be sent to the House of Representatives, where passage is all but guaranteed on Tuesday at the earliest.

Anyone — including journalists, whistleblowers and bloggers — who “recklessly” discloses “information … [that] relates to a special intelligence operation” faces up to 10 years’ jail.

Any operation can be declared “special” and doing so gives ASIO criminal and civil immunity. Many, including lawyers and academics, have said they fear the agency will abuse this power.

Those who identify ASIO agents could also face a decade in prison under the new laws, a tenfold increase in the existing maximum penalty.

These changes have opposition support and would make it a criminal office to travel to a terrorist hot-spot without a reasonable excuse.

Oh, and this is just the first of three new anti-terror laws set to be introduced in Australia intended to neuter civil liberties. This is how freedom dies:

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G’night mate.

In Liberty,
Michael Krieger

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11 thoughts on “Australian Senate Kills Civil Liberties with Draconian New Anti-Terror Law in Orwellian Orgy of Baseless Fear-Mongering”

  1. Keep up the good work Michael – sadly, I don’t think that the Internet will be available for much longer – my “guess” is November 2015…

    BTW, the OZ terror campaign helped the NZ Nazional Party slithered into a third term in power with 38% of the possible electorate – of whom only 77% bothered to vote. This disenfranchisement by deceit was much more effective that Hitler’s pogroms against Jews and Commies. He only got 39% out of an 88% turnout.

    The other little plus Abbot provided Key was a rigged result in a major trans-Tasman sporting fixture…ate Eden Park in Auckland (Orcland?).

    Our Fuhrer, John Key, was the progeny of an ex-British soldier (military intelligence) G E Key, and Ruth Lazar, an Austrian Jewess, and was born here after they emigrated. He is very tight with Liz, even being invited to Ba’almoral last Autumn equinox for a feast…I think they are kissing cousins…yech!

    Did we notice that Obama’s back door incursion into Syria commenced on the Autumn equinox? As in sacrifice time? Funny how they just HAD to take out Syrian oil installations controlled by Mossad, I mean Isis…

    What I would love to see is Dr Philth or Dope-Ra interviewing Syrian, Palestinian or Iraqi women about how they are coping and what it is like to live in constant fear of the Beast. For who is like unto the Beast and who can make war with him? Living in a sewer of sanctified hypocrisy must make life shit for you mate, as it does here too. Our National debt has gone from 8 billion (popn 4.3million) to 80 billion (popn 4.5million) in 6 yrs.

    Off the books and derivative debt adds another 115 billion – our dollar runs about ,80 against yours.

    Finally, there are seven points on the Australian Federation Star, but only 6 states – NZ, once administered from NSW, will revert to that when the PTB decide to depopulate NZ to get it ready for the UN/US/NWO invasion, a la Haiti. Will that be when I hear the knock kicked in at 3am?

  2. Do yourself a favor, before callously using a word like nazi, make sure it’s appropriate. The non-army body count at the hands of the Nazi party is estimated to be north of 20,000,000 men women and children by way of genocide, civilian bombings, murder and execution, starvation and torture, mass shootings, carbon monoxide poisoning, cyanide, horrifying medical experiments, cooked in ovens….Google some pictures if you need to remind yourself. Do you really think the Australian govt.’s intentions are the same as the NSDAP in the 1930’s? Or do you think maybe they just want to keep all options on the table when it comes to those whose modus operandi is really the closest thing we have to the word nazi the world today?

    • As far as I am concerned, Hitler is an angel compared to the psychopaths who run the show today. 20 million? Today’s world population is around 6 or 7 billion and the so-called elites intend to reduce the population by around 90% in order for the survivors to “live in perpetual harmony with nature” – presumably in a type of human zoo. You do the maths.

      These criminals are already hard out at it, destroying our immune systems and reducing our fertility with fluoride, vaccines, chemtrails, GMO foods etc.

      People like this Key, Cameron, Abbott and Obama are just puppets in the service of evil. If you think the Nazis were bad, you have seen nothing yet. Wake up and smell the stench of corruption!

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