John Boehner: I Can 'Absolutely' Make Republicans Pass Immigration Reform

John Boehner: I Can 'Absolutely' Make Republicans Pass Immigration Reform

Sunday on ABC’s “The Week,” House Speaker John Boehner said he could “absolutely” get immigration reform passed.

Boehner said, “We had a flood of children coming across the border, once again, proving that no good immigration bill can pass until we have real border security. Big things in Washington take bipartisan majorities. The issue of immigration, only way to do it and, frankly, the right way to do it is to do it in a broad, bipartisan way.” 

He continued that he could “absolutely” get Republicans to sign on to immigration reform, adding, “I said the day after the 2012 election it was time to do immigration reform. I meant it then and I mean it today.” 

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