Understanding Medical Coding with HCC Coders

Medical coding is an extremely important aspect of the medical industry. It might seem like a waste of time and money, but medical coding has a variety of benefits aside from the claims process.

Medical Coding – What is it?

Understanding Medical Coding with HCC CodersThe simple explanation of medical coding is thinking of it as a translation. Doctor’s all have their own scratchy handwriting and shorthand. This can make it difficult to decipher for billing, diagnostic and tracking purposes. With medical coding, coders take the reports from doctors that include conditions, patient diagnosis, prescriptions, and procedures and turn them into medical coders. This code makes up the majority of a medical claim.

Why We Use Medical Coding

You think it would be simple enough to just list everything out without going through the hassle of medical coding. You’d be wrong. Even a simple case involves a massive amount of information that needs to be easily disseminated.
Take going to the doctor for a sore throat as an example. The doctor will note your symptoms, diagnosis, prescription, and follow up information. This is a simple case, but the pile of information quickly adds up. Now consider something serious like cancer or a serious injury. As the diagnosis becomes more complex, so does the accompanying information.
With over a billion patient visits annually, imagine how much information is compiled. Even if there is just four pieces of information for each patient, that’s already over 4 billion pieces of information in one year. In a system that loads and tracks this data, medical coding allows for huge volumes of information to be loaded and operate efficiently.
Medical coding also allows for uniform documentation throughout the medical field. A code for a specific strain of the flu in one facility is the same in another. Even if the facility is in another state, it would still be the same. This makes research and analysis much simpler than if every facility had their own codes and shorthand. Government agencies can simply search a code and have access to accurate, nationwide data. This simply would not happen in a world without uniform medical coding.
Coding also allows for better treatment throughout facilities. Administrators can track the effectiveness of treatment in their health facilities and make informed decisions based on the analysis.

Need help with your medical coding?

Now that you’ve got a better idea of the reasoning behind medical coding, does the importance of it start to make sense? These codes not only make the billing claim process easier, but they also improve research efforts and analysis of treatment and procedures.
If you need help with the important task of medical coding at your facility, HCC Coders can help! Our team is comprised of professional, certified coders that will work hard to produce accurate, up to date coding. Don’t let your coding tasks slip through the cracks. Call us today at 877-328-2343 to learn more about what we can offer.