
After 12 years of care giving for my dear Georgie…he passed. I am now living through the changes in my life, day by day. Since Georgie passed in the fall…I thought it wise to share some of my changes as I move towards his Passing Day, on November 1st. 

In a marriage of many years (ours was 32 years together) you move into a dual life. On one hand; I had my partner’s strength and love to carry me though my days. That subtle background strength that George gave to me with his unconditional love was so delicate and sweet. I was always aware of it, but I rarely took note of it. On the other hand; my own high energy gave me the feeling that I was a strong person. I think this is a very normal feeling since each of us experiences life, in the now, in our own minds. So when our partner, friend or family member passes there is an immediate grief…but an ongoing emptiness that overwhelms you depends on the amount of daily energy that person was gifting to you and you – to them.

Today, without George here for me to speak to…to share with…to touch, I feel that life’s current has changed for me. At first I felt the release of my loved one from my life, physically. Then I started to feel the change of my own life’s energy without George’s immediate spiritual presence and his own energy that was gifted with love to me each day. I know these feelings are basically the same for all…but individual levels of separation from the energy that a friend, family member or spouse has with us is unique. My relationship with George was much greater than I realized through the years, we were best friends, business partners, and loving spouses. So all of those connective tissues of life brought deep bonding. Each of those interactive relationships meant gifting energy to each other on different levels…friendship is not like business partner and a business partner is not like marriage partner…so for us…we were in a relationship that was energized on many levels.

You may find that you have lost a Grandma that lives quite far away from you. Your memories of her love and the times you spent with her gives you a hard rip in your heart over her loss. But if that person has not been a dominant part of your life on a consistent basis…the inner core of your daily life’s energy does not take on a huge change. The energy that runs your body, mind and soul on a daily basis is not deeply effected. That means that you, as a loving grand child will heal your grief and find a place for that special grandparent’s memory in your life in a shorter time frame. Yes, sadness will occur…but a feeling of continued grief for a long period of time will not hinder your life.

On the other hand, if your Grandmother has always been a guiding light in your life. If she was someone you grew up with, lived with and imprinted many life changing memories with there is a difference in your grief. The more a person is a daily impact of your inner being and gifts to you love and energy – energy that helps to run your body, mind and spirit…that energy keeps you moving inside your daily life routines. Therefore the more the removal of that person through death makes a mark on your own energy pattern. Does that mean that you loved one type of Grandparent more or less? NO. It means that your daily interactive relationship gives a stronger energy to your own core with one person compared to another.

This under-riding core of energy that each of us have in our lives is the essence of our own life spirit. It matters. To remove a source of this energy in our daily or occasional life pattern makes a big difference. It means that in order for you to stay feeling “safe” and “inline” with your life…you have to make up the difference in energy by producing more of it on your own. By personally increasing your core energy you will fill up the dip that the loss has left in your life. That is where I have been, learning how to adjust my own energy to get stronger within my own self.  George was such a constant supply of love and energy for me…that without him in my life I have had a big hole or drop in energy. This energy does not just mean our body energy, its our spirit energy too. It is now my job to increase my own energy and that takes healing and realizing who I am and walking forward into who I need to be to feel that safety again. It also takes daily routines that re-charge my energy just like exercise re-charges your body. I need to take personal responsibility to increase my own energy to work and live on the same or higher degree to be healthy in both mind and body. I am now aware of this and I am working on many different resources that increase energy for my own mental and healthy core. Not to mention to honor the love and life that George had given to me for all of those years of our joy filled partnership.

TIP: Removing yourself from others a few times a day. Perhaps when you take a bathroom break. Privately doing the ‘three deep breaths’ and taking note of the feeling of re-charging energy through our body and mind. Then remembering to eat small energy snacks of protein every two hours and taking note of reducing exposure to others that tend to drain our own energy…those are just a kick start to the process that Friend individually plans for us… to help re-build after a loss of a loved one. Slowly, our minds and bodies will come together in a stronger form. I know that I now feel the grief lifting and my energy building to stabilize my ability to stay attentive to my own needs. The feeling of being centered again is a relief for me, from the heaviness of my loss. 

Friend can be a steady force in the recovery from loss in your life. You may have lost a job, a home, a friend, a relationship or even a death of a dear person of importance. When that happens the time and actions to help the healing process are assisted by a consultation and re-charging and centering of energy. Friend has many different tasks for us to learn and incorporate in our lives so we can increase our personal energy and feel powerful again. We look forward to hearing from you and scheduling a consultation. Blessings, francy

Click here to schedule a consultation



fall-wallpaper-20.jpgDear Friend: Everyone talks about their “life’s plan” and I do not know how to find my plan. What do I do to connect with the information to guide me to my real life’s journey?

This is the most popular question with those that come and have consultations with Friend. It is so important to individuals and that makes Friend happy. Happy that they are able to be aware and reach out and work to find the answer.

Each consultation is very private and unique for each student…but what you will find is the way to begin your journey is to connect. To learn simple tips to get yourself quiet and relaxed so your inner voices can be heard. If you are living a path, at this time, that is filled with chaos, upset, discourse or illness the back ground noise of your life is very high.

Very similar to getting a mobile call and having a hard time hearing your friend. Then you ask them…are you using the speaker? Then they change over to private call mode and the call comes in crystal clear. Removing the background noise of your life opens up your ability to hear and pay attention to the guidance that we all receive during our day.

So, let’s review a few examples of the feeling of being guided. First example is early morning rush. Up and arranging life within your home. Maybe over-sleeping to start, or preparing children for their day before you get to prepare yourself. It’s a morning of rush and hurry…a morning of trying to make the world work when you are just waking and hitting the floor. Out you go to the car, kids in the back seat and ready to drive out of the garage. But a feeling of something comes over you…a tap on your shoulder or a ding in your mind that something is not right. No time for inner conversations you pull out of the garage and take off to the school. Then arriving at work, you realize that you were to bring in a report that you had worked on a year ago…and was needed for review on a current project. You kick yourself remembering the feeling or pull…that you had gotten that morning and you ignored it.

That is an example of your inner voice trying to help you…but you were too involved with your life to “hear” the voice. You were not willing to take a moment and review your possible needs for the day when you were sitting there in the car…you just went with your immediate need to be on time and get your day going.

Another example; you are at a party and you meet a person for the first time. You shake their hand, or smile and nod in their direction and go on with a conversation that you are involved in at the moment. Something pulls you about that person, in the back of your mind.  Something is in there for just a moment; have I met them before, do they know someone I know, do they have something in common with me…its just a floating feeling. It comes and goes in an instant. You do not take time to talk to the person and ask them about their day or their life, you continue on with your conversations with friends. A week later, you hear that a new person is coming to be your manager at work. This person is of pivotal importance to your success and you wonder how the change in the management will affect you. The day comes when the new manager walks in the room…and you recognize them from that party you went to weeks before. You kick yourself for not interacting with her when the acquaintance could have been very social and enjoyable, showing your personality in a good and strong light at a party. Now, you will wonder if she felt you snubbed her and if she is in a position of judging you before you even begin your work relationship.

Last example; your child has just displayed some really angry behavior and you are tired and over-stressed from your day. Instead of taking time and talking to your child about how that behavior hurt the feelings of one of their friends…you choose to simply give the child a quick look of dread and ask them to go to their room to cool down. A few days later,  you get a call from the child’s teacher leaving a message on your phone. Your child has displayed unkind and angry behavior at school and you are being asked to come and get your child and have a meeting with the school counselor. You instantly remember that you had not followed through with your child’s angry behavior a few days before and you know that lead to this unfortunate outcome. The inner voices, are they really not there or are you ignoring them?

Listening to your own inner voices…those voices that guide you and help you make life decisions that push you on to a path of action that is healthy, prosperous and enjoyable – those are the voices that you need to learn to listen to and be open to their wisdom. Trusting in your own abilities to find the right path in your life…starts with you listening. When you work with Friend, he gives you ideas and practices that bring you back into alignment with a life that is in-focus and intune…instead of a life that is always fighting against the tide.

Tip: Before your feet hit the ground in the morning…take three extreme deep breaths. In with the noise until your stomach rises and out with the mouth. This clears your brain and refreshes it with oxygen so you begin your day with a moment of calm to hear your inner voice and begin with a clear view of the day ahead.

We look forward to working with you in your own private consultation. Friend, works with you on your life challenges and your life questions. Blessings on your day…francy

Click here for a session consultation with Friend

A two day Smoothie Cleanse to honor Health and Unity’s World Day of Prayer -from francy and friend

Smoothie DayTWO DAY – Smoothie Cleanse To Honor
Our own Health and World Day of Prayer

  Hello Everyone –  Are you ready?

 Here is Our Plan of Action:  We will all go and do our shopping for fresh fruit and veggies. If we do not have a blender we will buy some” all organic” smoothies (Pre-made either from a high end grocery market or a health store.)


Audio Attachments will be sent under separate cover email. Free to download and help you with your two day adventure — as a thank you, for joining us…just make sure you leave a message in the comment section so francy can email the information to you…thanks!

Check Off List:

  • Remember we want to stay away from adding sugar, or dairy. You can use fruit to sweeten and Almond Milk if you need to use protein powder.
  • You will use your favorite smoothie drink. Or…go and look up a few smoothie recipes and I have a site here for you that does this sort of thing all the time Click Here for Easy Beginner’s Smoothie Recipe
  • You will add drinking water, on top of the smoothies, make it well filtered water. You always want a thin slice of lemon in your water and you will be sipping on it all day. I like to use a crystal water glass and many like the fun “to go” glass water containers.
  • Your smoothies are either fruit, veggie, protein mix or a combo. You can choose 3 – 5 smoothies a day to keep you feeling strong. This is your Smoothie Fast so it’s up to you to adjust to what sounds right for your body.
  • You will also put some colon cleansing power in one of the smoothies each day to clean out your colon. Plus, drink more water after you take that colon drink! (You can find colon cleanse powder  in health stores or health departments of large box stores- you simply add a spoon full into your smoothie and drink water after the smoothie to flush all the toxins out of your system)
  • No food, soda drinks, gum, candy, breath mints…zippo…nothing…but your pure smoothies and water.
  • You can add tea to the mix…not coffee for two days. The tea is either Ginger or Green tea. That will flush you out and pull out toxins and extra water. I drink my tea in the evening and it relaxes me. (no sugar or dairy in any of your smoothies or tea drinks)
  • This is a two day Smoothie fast and because you are drinking a lot and flushing a lot…you will want to take a shower in the morning and maybe a luxury “40 min Epson salt bath” in the evening so your skin stays clean and clear.
  • You will also want to take it easy. These two days are not to be high impact performance days. Go about your normal duties…but be gentle on yourself. It’s just two days of a cleanse and then you can slowly get back to eating healthy and making the Fall a time to enjoy!

The two different meditation audios have been made to help you get into your health on Wednesday the 10th of September and join in World Day of Prayer on September 11. If you are not on our email listing please send a comment to francy and ask for the FREE Audio Guided Meditation sessions “include your name and email” and they will be sent over to you. francy

 Health & Smoothie Day – Wednesday Sept 10th

Friend has asked all of us to take time a couple times a year to review our health. We are so busy that this process is often ignored until something hits us and we have to deal with it…in emergency.

Our goal is to flush our bodies and then just listen. Listen to our body’s rhythm and hear our inner voice telling us what could be out of place. Friend has done an Audio Tape for you to listen to and review your health in a guided meditation on this day.  He is also asking you to use this day to make appointments for testing that may be needed. If you know you need a breast exam, or colon exam…this is the time to pick up the phone and make the appointment. If you have put off a blood test for diabetes, or an adjustment at the chiropractor this is the day to call and get it on your calendar. If you feel that you want to top off the fast…then  Click Here to make an appointment with Friend for a personal health reading.

You will see the guided health meditation tape will take you on a journey within your body so you can wake and feel refreshed and informed about the workings of your mind, body and spirit.

Join in Unity and Thousands of Others for “World Day of Prayer”


World day of prayerIf you are a Student of Friend, you understand the power of joining with others to create energy for healing and intent work. Our Students of the Energy Table © and Tri-Intent Groups © have such wonderful stories to share… joined prayer is understood because we live it, unlimited!

But if you have always found the concept of a higher power hard to follow…you will enjoy hearing “science” has found that the use of just over 11,000 people – concentrating on any issue, together – is able to be recorded on a special worldwide network of computers. These computers are designed for following trends, events and actually read the intensity of the public on the outcome of world events and issues.

This is why we understand the power of joining with thousands of others who will be using Thursday, September 11, 2014 as a day to honor World Day of Prayer. Friend has prepared an audio file for you to use. This is another guided meditation that will take you through the process of joining your mind, heart and spirit to the world group in prayer. I know you will find this day calming and enriching. To think that you…actually did something to calm the planet, heal your family, gather your country together and infuse wellness and an unlimited love of light,  in all things.

Remember this is also our second day of Smootie Cleanse…you will want to make your smoothies for the day…add in the colon cleanse and the drink the extra water. This is our last day of the Cleanse…it was a short one to get you to experience the process. You have had time to get quiet and hear your inner voice and think on your health…you have had the pleasure of joining others for loving prayer/meditation on the “Let the light shine.” for the whole planet and now…you can go forward with a fresh outlook on your own life and your relation to others.

We as a group will continue our Smoothie Fasting on Thursday and dedicate a time to be quiet and connect to thousands of others with our energy till it grows into a ball of white light of love over the planet.

Please click the join button on the right and you will receive our blogs as they are written…thank you, francy


NOTE:  Click below if you would like to know more about

Unity’s “World Day of Prayer” connection



A great way to begin the New Year with a look at the past and a view of the future…by francy Dickinson

new year loveI grew up with a Grandmother that was from Denmark and she believed in the old ways. Like the Native American’s; the Nordic Peoples had their beliefs of Mother Earth and the idea of all things connected with the Creator’s Love inside of them. The old Nordic traditions are still being used throughout the northern European areas…some of the folks do not even know what the traditions represent any more… they just do them as their family members before them did. The Pagan ways are often mistaken for devil worship…that is not true, Pagan was a way of honoring the earth and the world around the early people of those cold and barren lands. So, I have taken many of my Grandmother’s traditions and brought them into my own life. Finding the helpful tips to add to my own way of living in our fast paced world of today.

Clearing the New Year:

This is such a great ritual that you will want to share it with friends and do it together. On the New Year (It’s my birthday by the way 😉 I had a few girlfriends over and we celebrated the New Year together. We did this ritual and each of them enjoyed it so much they wanted me to write it down and share it with them…like a recipe ~ the rituals are handed down from one Auntie to a nephew or child in the family…I hope you find it helpful…it always clears my mind and prepares me for a healthy new year ahead:

You will need:burning bowl

  1. A fireplace, fire-pit or burning bowl 
  2. Three small pieces of paper and a pen for each person
  3. Then get somewhere to be quiet and walk through the ideas so you can think on them with your mind and heart…then you will work together as a group to do the ritual together
  4. What is written down on the paper is not to be shared – it is your own personal ideas and experiences and although this Clearing Ceremony has more impact when done with a few people…it can just as well be done on your own

Paper and Pen…then think back:

The first piece of paper is a dedication to the past year. Think back..think about the one event that was really a difficult one for you. Something that was uncomfortable or really hurtful. Think on your feelings and how it took you a while to get over the pain of this event and then write it down on the first piece of paper. Really think about the pain and upset that the event brought into your life. When you are done writing fold the paper back and forth into an accordion or fan fold and then mark the outside of the paper with a: 1 Put the paper aside and on to the next.

The next piece of paper is dedication to the past year, too…but in a totally polar way. I want you to think about and hold the thought of the best memory of the last year. A place you visited, a person you spent time with, a special event, a gift you received…what ever the special event was…write it down. Now before you fold your paper…I really want you to ‘think over’ your feelings from this event. That feeling of joy…of happiness, of content, of achievement, of being proud…what did the event gift to you in the way of emotions…hold that thought for a moment and then fold the paper. Once again fold it back and forth like a fan fold or accordion fold…and put a: 2  on it and set it aside.

Now the final piece of paper is in front of you and I want you to write down number 1…then leave some room on the page and write  number 2 and then drop down and write a number 3. We are now going to talk about the year ahead and what it can bring to your life. Thinking of this is important so do not do it lightly…really think on these issues so you can begin to form these thoughts into reality and enjoy — receiving when the three intents come into form.

2013 is the year of the Snake...a twisted journey but the trail can be calm and memorable

2013 is the year of the Snake…a twisted journey but the trail can be calm and memorable

Your #1: Has to do with you as a person and your emotions: It could be you want to begin a new romance, or a new job, or begin a craft project or a garden project thinking it would bring you pleasure. Think of something that will bring you a feeling of safety, pleasure, joy and write that thing down as your intent for your emotions this coming year.Maybe you have been wanting to do or achieve or bring something into your life for a long time. Maybe you do not know what it is…then think of what feeling you want in your mind this year. You want to be more rested, feel a lighter load, a feeling of being loved…that is just as important…to think of what the action or intent is going to give you in the way of emotions…and so the rest can swirl around and bring you to that place of peace.

Your #2: Has to do with only you…if you had some money to spend $10,000 what would you bring into your life? Now put aside the feeling of giving to others, or paying bills, or finishing a project you are working on…only think of this money as a fun gift to yourself…what enjoyable thing would you bring to yourself…just for you…for your own benefit. Once again….thinking of pleasure and fun and write it down, hold it in your mind. Do not put a limit on it…do not think of where the money or the thing would come from, do not think of how it will come or when it will come…just see this thing or event or gift to yourself in your mind’s eye and feel the enjoyment it will bring to you. Know that this is what you want and it will come, from the Universe without you ‘doing’ special things for it.

Your #3: Has to do with your own inner well being…what has been pushing inside of your head about your body this last year. Would you like to go on a trip or feel more freedom, do more walking, start to dance, change your eating pattern, take some new supplements. We all have occasional inner callings about our bodies and what we should be doing. What is in your mind. Maybe it’s having a medical check up, maybe it’s changing a habit like smoking or eating too many sweets…what is it for you? What do you think would make you a healthier person in your body and mind? Write it down and now you will take the paper and fold it as you did the other ones and put a number 3 on the outside of the fan folded paper.

Wait quietly as all of your friends finish the tasks and then you will all go to the fire. It can be a nice fireplace, a backyard BBQ, a wonderful fire pit by the beach or if you have none of those…you can use a big fire-proof bowl that you can burn your papers inside safely. Obviously we want this to be safe but we also want to burn the papers in a special way…so have this fire at the ready for the ritual.

Now you will all stand by the fire and one at a time you will deal with the three papers that each of you have folded up. You will repeat a few words over each and then burn the paper. Then the next person will repeat the actions until you all burn the number one paper….then we will go on to number two paper.

Your number one paper will be held in your mind and you will send the sadness, hurt and bad memories of the event, words, or person on it’s way. You no longer want to feel that sadness, embarrassment or what ever your negative feelings were. You do not want those feelings in your new year. So you need to acknowledge them and then send them on their way, not to be brought back or repeated in the coming year. The word you will use for this is “BE GONE” it is a powerful word and pulls your mind and your own decision that something is uncomfortable or hurtful to you…and you will take note of it and call it to ‘BE GONE’. In a way its like taking charge of your future…you will not allow anyone to harm you verbally, physically, or emotionally. You will be more aware of those around you so you will not be put into that situation again. Using the word ‘BE GONE’ allows you to be in charge of any un-warranted bad energy around you.

One at a time – each person in your group will stand next to each other and they will hold their #1 paper by their heart and take note of the sadness that it caused them and then they will verbally, right out loud say “BE GONE” – It will be said by all in the group three times per person. The paper will be held tight and  ‘BE GONE’ will be said twice and then on the third ‘BE GONE’ the paper will be placed in the fire and as it burns you will take note that the negative feelings are over and gone for good. Then the next person in the group will repeat those actions until all of the members of the group have burned their  #1 paper and sent it away while saying ‘BE GONE’ Remember the power of all of you joining in and saying ‘BE GONE’ is powerful…it means that you and your friends take real note of the hurt that has happened and it is being refused and sent away—never to return.

Now paper #2 is important because it represents the happier times of your past year. It holds a special moment of time that you and each of your group members had a pleasurable time or event. And when you begin this ritual…you want to take a moment and remember that your year was filled with remarkable, loving and pleasurable events…and you want to have more of those in the year to come. So, with #2 paper…you want to say “MORE” — Bringing your mind to the idea that you want to capture that joy and repeat it again and again in the new year. If it means you need to go on a few more trips or weekend outings, you need to be around your friends more or if you need to just be with the people who bring you a feeling of happiness…you want to be repeating the actions that the joy-filled event gave to you. So as you take your turn by the fire, you hold the paper close to you and you repeat ‘MORE’ twice and then on the third time you say ‘MORE’ you burn your paper. Your group will once again take turns and each of you support each other as you all call out “MORE” three times for each paper and remember to burn the paper on the third time. Watch it burn down and then move on to the next person in the group until all of you have now burned your #1 and your #2.

The #3 paper is the Intent of your New Year…it represents thoughts of how you would like to have the year work in your own direction…you want to really enjoy this paper. Every time you write down an intent during the year…at the end of the list…you want to write down, “This or something more…” Because even in our greatest moment we do not know what the Universe has for us…we do not want to ‘limit’ our own gifts…we want to open ourselves up to ‘unlimited’ possibilities. So, as you step-up and begin to repeat the words, “This or something more…” remember you are asking for new beginnings, new health, new emotional strength and peace, and prosperity to remove the worry of lack from your life. As you burn your #3 paper….’This or something more’ is what you and your group repeat…saying it twice as you hold your paper and then the third time as you burn the paper. The the rest of the members of the group will repeat the actions one by one. For each member the true friendship of support should be felt in the words; ‘This or something more’.

It will be a fun procedure ..we all enjoyed it very much. You feel like you are taking stock of the sadness and the happiness of last year…and programming in a more comforting and joyful new year. You are not trying to hide your feelings — you are trying to understand that you deserve to be filled with safety, peace and joy….and your actions will help to bring those feelings and the events around them into your life — even more often during this current year.

Traditions or Rituals, they make a mark on a person's life and a deeper meaning when done with family or friends

Traditions or Rituals, they make a mark on a person’s life and a deeper meaning when done with family or friends

My group of four had a great time…and we were surprised that the flames in the #3 paper burned brighter and longer like the fire was happy…we had such good ‘Intents’ for the coming year. It was a fun little surprise for us. Our group was three friends and a teenage daughter…we felt we all bonded during the ceremony and that the teenage girl was honored for her womanhood and friendship…I hope she felt she made a change that night for the best. I know I did.

Blessings on your ~ Clearing for the New Year

francy and Friend

Channeling Friend’s Daily Offering, information taken from Life Readings Channeled through Friend since 1983 and edited for privacy by francy Saunders

It may seem like setting our clocks back an hour is a hopeless way to welcome in spring…but in the long run…that extra sunshine comes along and we are so glad to have the extra time to enjoy it!

There are so many different issues around depression. From the simple down feelings after a long day to the heavy heart and mind over deep depression. What Friend has long shared with us is the importance of finding out what the ‘root’ cause is of those down feelings.

Saying you can ‘work your way’ out of depression, or take medications to relieve the deep dips of depression is easier said than done. There has to be another side to the personal search for a lighter heart and relief from the frustration of the dark obis of long term depression.

Friend does a reading with his clients and they talk about the reason for the depression in the first place. Finding the cause means that the treatment you choose to improve your depression becomes more successful. That cause can be a lot of very small events, or the constant pull from events that have been very big and hurtful in your life. This review and getting down to the beginning of pain and fear is the way that wise life-travelers find their lives have less stress.

This process of life review for those hurtful feelings and events, is in combination of knowing about your own body and what can be done to improve your inside health so the emotional health can take hold and find peace. This step is so important that if you want to schedule a session you can do that here.

The process of combining the emotional and the physical process of getting stronger and well is the key to being a person that finds joy back in their lives.

Here are some other keys to start you on that process of healing:

  • Do something so simple….DRINK water. If you are in stress and your body is producing stressful toxins, your job is to flush them out. If your days are filled with hours of high powered rushing and doing…you need to take time to drink and let those toxins flush out. Even if you can not halt the insanity of your job or your family chaos — you can drink water.
  • Add Vitamin D. Sunshine is not on the top of all of our lists. It takes time to go out the door and sit in the sun and takes time to relax. Not to mention, if your life in an area where the sun is not as high on the list as it is in California or Florida…you need to add Vitamin D to your intake. I started my husband George on 1,000 units of Vitamin D each day and after two months his emotional health was markedly improved. Even his Nurse Practioner noticed on his next visit. It is such an easy thing to do and inexpensive.
  • Breathe fresh air. Even if its on the way from your car park to the office building. Really do some deep breathing on your walk across the parking lot. Breath in with your nose and out with your mouth. Feel your chest fill up with the air and then allow it to slowly push out your mouth. That fresh oxygen will go to your brain; it will perk you up and get you started on your day with a calmer  feeling around you.
  • Take note of the longer days of light. Don’t just go home to a dark room and the TV. Take time to sit outside or stand in front of the door and drink in the sunshine. The light itself will really give you a boost. If you have a day of sunshine, go out to lunch…do a short walk and get as much of the sun as you can absorb. It will really uplift your spirits. If your days are marked with gray days or lots of rainy days…then make sure you turn on lights in your home…so you can feel the brightness.
  • If its a Kindle or a MP3 player take them along with you and allow your mind to have a fun book on the run. Even if it takes a couple of weeks to finish it…let yourself have a way to remove yourself from the pressure around you. Even if it’s for 10 minutes here and there…you will be thinking of a different story than your own life patterns.
  • Write a list of friends you have not connected with in ages. Then appoint a lunch time, each week, to make one call to a dear friend. Take a sandwich to your desk, or grab a few minutes while your kids nap…and make a call. Surprise that old friend and get caught up with their life and share your’s. That re-connect is so important to remind you – you have friends that love you. This allows you to get through a day with fellow employees, boss, or family members that do not seem to appreciate you.
  • Wear color in your wardrobe. If you are a guy, that tie is there to shake up your world…work it with a bright color. If you are a gal; buy that bright yellow hand bag and wear it with pride. Showing your color, means your heart is out there floating free…not caught up in grays, blues and black for days on end.
  • Walk your dog, or throw the ball around with your child. Interaction with those that you care for will fill you with joy. Thinking of other’s needs means you are not thinking of your own worries. You lift yourself up and spend an hour enjoying life.
  • STOP the sugar. You can do it. Remember sugar is in carbs. So that means that rice and white bread give you just as much sugar as a candy bar. Be honest with yourself. You need to remove that sugar so you stop the ups and downs in your behavior and sugar levels. Find snacks that are low in sugar and find fruits or veggies you can take with you to boost your energy without the crash from the sugar.

All of these things are easy to do, but they do take thinking ahead and being prepared to move through your day on a little different path. If you are thinking that depression is becoming a bigger issue in your life. Give some of these small changes a try to help relieve the pressure in your daily coming and goings.

Give the idea of working through personal issues that may be adding to your difficultly fighting the depression in your life. Healing the whole in your life is a process that can bring joy back. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could really enjoy your spring/summer…instead of just getting through it again, this year?

We hope to meet with you in session. Blessings, francy

Channeling Friend’s Daily Offering, information taken from Life Readings Channeled through Friend since 1983 and edited for privacy

Daily Stress


Calming Moment

Moment to calm stress and see clearly

MJ during reading with Friend:

It seems like the daily stress is rising for me and I’m constantly worried about forgetting things. I have a calendar, a day planner; I put my reminders in my computer and phone. But I feel as if I am always behind. I’m running forever running to catch up.

Friend during a Channeling Reading:

This has become a very real problem with certain people and I do understand your dedication to your family, job and community…that shows you are trying to please and do well. As well as make changes for the good. But obviously if you can put your feelings in such a precise way saying; ‘always running’ then it has to be time to slow down and become more relaxed about your hours in the day.

Here are a few things you might try and see if it helps:

  1. Allow yourself to check for email three times a day only and to respond twice. You will see that when you set your pattern other people will adjust to it. They will know you do your mail at the beginning and end of day and that you only respond in the morning for the days issues. With the exception of high priority emails…you will simply know that there may be email in your inbox all the time…but you do go through and edit on a set schedule.
  2. Tell yourself that certain times are turn off phone and text times. Maybe for ½ of your lunch hour you go silent…and after 7PM you are silent. This means that others will soon learn your routine and respond in kind. Just because someone sends you a text or leaves you a message, does not mean you have to respond. Don’t allow yourself to respond to each message…respond when you have time and ignore the pull to have your fingers in movement at all times. For instance…when you are driving or shopping or at the library…you need and must have free quiet time so your mind can regroup.
  3. Take time, each time you go to the bathroom…to take deep breaths as you wash your hands and think of yourself as re-energizing yourself. This is like a mini meditation. It will keep you centered and allow messages from your own guides to filter through, as well as energy from those that you love.
  4. Journal each evening before you go to sleep…get quiet and just write things down…lists, to do’s, ideas, and prayers…just write for a few minutes. It will clear out your mind each evening so you can have a restful sleep. It will also allow your dreams to guide you with answers to your questions or worries.
  5. Stay sharp on your diet. If you are in a run, your food is running with you. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make in their thirties and forties…they begin to think food is unimportant and before they know it  their health starts to slip. That is really unwise thinking. Your body will not function well without the proper food. I don’t have to inform you on food, I know you know what is good for you or not. But I will remind you there is no excuse for not taking good food with you during the day. Get a good chill bag and pack it with the right snacks, filtered water, and supplements…so you can find that boost of energy when you feel down and out late in the afternoon.
  6. Finally, remember that you have to set rules for yourself before you set them for others. You have to say to yourself…’I’m important, what I do and say is important…so I am going to give my energy at a time and place that is good for me’. Feeling like others will judge you if you are not everything to everyone, is immature thinking – change it!

To book your personal phone reading with Friend
Please call the office and leave your message at 253-216-6157

Channeling Friend’s Daily Offering, information taken from Life Readings Channeled through Friend since 1983 and edited for privacy


Reading Client: I have done a lot of research on aliens and I feel very strongly that we have had contact. If that is so then what happens if contact becomes an issue that is worldwide and we actually have the aliens from off world…here on earth? Are there really aliens in our skies?

Friend on phone reading with Client: You have been coming to me for readings for a few years now. During that time there have been many things that I had helped you create along your path. At the time those things were first brought forth you would reject them, as impossible and yet…they have come into reality. You have worked with me on many of these issues and through the years you have become stronger and stronger in bringing your desires into reality. Is that not so?

Reading Client: Yes, I have had some amazing stuff come out of my readings. Like the time you told me I would go to Italy and I could not imagine my self leaving the country at all or traveling on a plane that far away. Then two months later, my boss comes strolling into my office and tells me he needs me to take a part to Italy. Escort a part for a plane, on a plane…it was quite the treat. I will never forget that prediction since it was really not something I would even give a thought to, let alone work on bringing it into reality. As you say…why?

Friend on phone reading with Client: Well you see, in your mind it could never happen. It was far away from your needs in life and so you had no reason to believe that my words would come into your life as reality, not just another prophecy. But it did happen and happened fast and you enjoyed the experience. So if you take that small idea and expand it into believing that there is nothing anywhere and on any subject that can not come into your reality. Nothing. It’s a big thought pattern to adhere to, but to be a student of metaphysics you have to learn that saying the Universe…means the Universe and all that is within…because there is certainly more than the Universe. But we will go there at a later time.

To accept that off-planet life-forms come to visit, or land, or are blown into our earth’s orbit is simply a statement of truth. It is not a question, it’s a truth. It may be a truth you find as hard to accept as your sudden trip to Italy was, when you had never travelled farther than the next state over. But when you think of it; Italy was always there…you have seen it on a map, you have eaten food from there and you may know friends that are of Italian heritage or from Italy. Just because you had not been there before did not mean it did not exist. That is how you must begin with this thought pattern. The meteors from outer space have been found, rocks, dust, and other elements have been found from space…we have them in museums and university labs…so we know they are real. We can pick them up and touch them, they are in our real world time-line.  

You have to avoid saying NO to anything in your life. That does not mean you go and jump off a cliff if someone asks you. But it does mean you would tell your friend that told you to jump…that you understand their need for humor but it will not be you to bring them to their total joyous rapture. You will stay put and live to party again. But it does mean that ideas that are not comfortable for you…are still ideas. People you do not know are still people. Places you have not gone are still places. Inventions that different people bring forth may not exist today, but they will exist and be used tomorrow. You have to open, open, open your mind to ideas that are brought in front of you.

If you find you are thinking of aliens flying around in the starry sky or actually look for them in the sunny skies – there is a reason. You are fascinated with the idea because it has come into your mind and is taking residence. That means that something has sparked those thoughts and you need to examine them, not ignore them. You need to think on it, not learn about it. There are reasons for ideas coming into a mind and those reasons are of Divine Order and should be worked on and allowed to grow.

Reading Client: But what if aliens do actually appear and want to change our way of life, here on earth…will we be safe?

Friend on phone reading with Client: Well let’s think on it. If they did land and you lived where you live. Do you think they would land close to you? Maybe they will- so where would you go to be safe? Take a moment and just think on it. Where would a safe place be?

Reading Client: Well many UFO experts say we should be moving to the mountain states, inland and we can be safe there. Around caves and places we can live with running water and food. I have seeds saved in my freezer, special food in storage just in case and a water filter for any emergency.

Friend on phone reading with Client: Ok, so you think that living in a mountain area, close to water and caves and having seeds will make you safe? Then what will happen to all the people who are unable to move to those places? Are they doomed to destruction? I mean do you think an alien that does arrive on earth will some how ruin the civilization that is currently inhabiting on the planet? What would they gain with that? What would these aliens look like and what would their lifestyle be like? Would they eat our food, or their own food. Would they want to take over the planet and rule, or just co-exist? You see having questions about things in your life is a good thing. But the questions have to be broad to include all aspects not just rumors from so-called experts or books. The more questions you have the more we can work on narrowing down the actual reality that will present itself.

I want to show you how to bring your knowing of any subject out into the open. Not just an understanding of aliens but an understanding of all situations in your life. I will work with you and together we can come to see a full picture of your life and its many questions. You need to know that you have the answers within you and working on how to bring out that information will help you in your life path – is a must. The key is that we need to work. Because it is all connected like little dots of stars in the sky. Let’s get busy.

To book your personal phone reading with Friend
Please call the office and leave your message at 253-216-6157

Channeling Friend’s Daily Offering – information taken from Life Readings Channeled through Friend since 1983 and edited for privacy

Jacob talking to friend in his reading: I have had a friend since I was first working at a grocery store…15 years ago. This guy has been a fun and long time pal and yet for the last year he has not spoken to me. I understand he was upset with my choice of divorcing my wife. I miss his friendship and hope to re establish it again but I dont really know where to begin?

Friend to Jacob in reading: Well I feel the rift was more than over your choice to divorce. I think your friend felt you were not able to share yourself in friendship since you were so pre occupied with a variety of things in your life. He has now gone on to have other good friends that give back to him in friendship and holds no ill will toward you.

Jacob to Friend; So you think I should just call him and try to set up a date to meet for a drink or something?

Friend in reading: You know even when men joke around, they do have friendship bonds that are established. You broke your bond with him by ignoring his calls and not spending any time with him even on the phone. Before you call him, I think you need to take some time to look over your life and see what you are willing to give to others. Can you commit to calling a friend on at least a weekly basis and then making an in person time each month?

Friendship is not you and he saying you are friends, its having time to share life with each other. To talk about everyday events and support each other through the different ups and down of life. If you are not able to do that…then it is pointless to try to reopen the friendship.

Jacob: Well I am very busy at work, I have my new girlfriend now and I am just looking for a new place to move. I could not say that I would be calling him on a daily basis or anything and I would be able to join him in a drink now and then. But he is more into sports and works for a printing company so he travels a lot.

Friend; So, he is out of town or on the road for hours each day. He is limited in his time and his friends have to know that he could be tired and only have a few minutes to enjoy some short words a few times a week. That would mean you sending a text to him a few times a week telling him of a funny event in your day and touching base with him by voice once a week. You see you are the one that bowed out of the relationship. Even if you thought he did not agree with your maritial choices, he still was there and you stopped calling him and including him in your life.

There is a time in each man’s life that he has to realize that time is very prescious and how you dole it out during the day is the key. The key to a life is joy and peace so life has to be filled with working, family and community and then add in the spice of good friends and relationships. So the decision is not do you call or not. The decision is do you honor your friend with your friendship and give him time during your days? If that is something that you feel you can do, your friendship will bloom again and you will enjoy the benefits. But if you feel that you can just call each month or when you have an evening free. Don’t bother, that is not a friendship, thats a night free that you can spend with your business clients or work friends to let off steam.

As your life goes forward and more and more life events crop up. Having a friend established in your everyday routine is like having a bar of gold on your shelf. The friend will support you through hard times and wish you well in times of fun and happiness. But you have to make your own mind up about commitment to friendship. Even if you think commitment is a chore you will need it to keep a friend over a long period of time.

You are coming into a time of change for yourself. You are taking on more challenges in your career and starting to think about commitment to a lady again and now thinking about your friend. All of this may feel like walking into a life where you are trapped by responisbility, but I assure you that is not the case. Giving yourself to others in friendship and relationships will only make your life richer. You may not have extra time for naps on the couch, but you will have people around you to share fun, food, events, holidays, support and personal back up. Those are things that come to people who choose to mature with style. But it is a choice and I think you need to ponder over it for a couple days before you call your friend back.

I would also suggest that you write down some things that you want to bring into your life. Just keep an easy journal and at night before you sleep write down a few things you want to accomplish. See where you are after a few days and the choice to add friendships to your already busy life, will show or no show. Always write down not a thing you want, but a feeling you want from your life. Like: Enjoying life with friends, coming home to a house full of love, having someone to share my ideas with and someone to meet and laugh about life. You will have your own words but they help guide you to an answer that really fits who you are, not who you try to be.

Now lets begin with your other questions….

Blessings from Friend –to you on re-establishing friendships – they are always worth the investment of time and energy.

Channeling Friend’s Daily Offering – information taken from Life Readings Channeled through Friend since 1983 and edited for privacy

Success – I have actually made my goal in acting, but now I’m surrounded with people that want a part of me >said Actor to friend in a reading

Actor speaking to friend: I am very disappointed in the fact that I am unable to enjoy my new success. I have finally gotten a good part on a TV show that’s successful and I have made a couple of movies and life seems to have lots of different opportunities in front of me. But which to take? I have an agent, a publicist and a company that represents me, I have a business manager, a CPA, a nutritionist, a personal assistant, a wardrobe specialist, a hair and makeup guy. I have a cook that comes in and prepares my food twice weekly, household help to clean my home and water my plants, I have a travel person, a voice and speaking coach, an old teacher that gives me reviews of my work and a family that loves me but thinks the acting is an awful life. It has taken me 6 years to get to this stage in my life, I went from small apartment living with no acting and part time jobs to where I am today. I am so busy I can hardly make myself sleep, my days off are spent doing PR for projects or in meetings with my management team. Now what, who do I listen to, who is really there to help me, or are they all there-just to take some of my hard earned money?

Friend to Actor – Both, there are always people that make their living off of others and their interests are usually tilted to their own income, not your income. They do want you to be successful because they make more money, but they do not look at you as a person that they represent as much as a person that makes money for them to gain a percentage income.  That leaves you in trouble. Here are some ideas to help you with your success:

  1. Get average people to help you as much as possible. Your business manager and other money people take education and experience to make them successful, not stars. So look for those professionals in another city than the one you are living and working in at this time. I would look to San Francisco for your money city. They will have a large accounting company that has lots of experience and you can find this through word of mouth or by doing some research on your own on the Internet. Let this company handle your income and the money decisions. They will then overview what your management and PR staff is doing. It means you have people on your side looking over you. They will not be in the loop and have loyalties to others in your acting community. That is important-they will look at you as any other successful client with ideas that are more based in reality not in LA LA land thinking.
  2. Know that no matter how upset you are you do not talk to your close personal group of workers. Your assistant, your hair person, your wardrobe stylist are there to guide you and make your life easier. You want them to do that by being kind and considerate, but not sharing your inner personal feelings, relationships and so on. They will not be long time loyal friends to you, they will be with you when you can afford them and need them when that time ends, they will leave and use the information you have given them to work against you. So stay private; it is not true that any PR or scandal is better than none. That is untruthful. You have to establish the point that you are a good person that acts. Not that you are a messed up person that is paid to act. Set your own standard of living high, talk to your family and long time friends or a faith based mentor, not to gossip prone employees. They may feel like your friends because you are around them all the time, but that is not a truth, they are hired by you – not paid friends.
  3. Have a modest apartment/condo in your LA area to live while you work but have a home out of the town to enjoy real life. I would think a drive of 60-90 minutes out of LA would bring you to a place that you could buy a private home in a nice neighborhood that has a view or on a lake/water. That way you can take your time off to wander around as a regular person, go shopping, go to the grocery store, the coffee shop and enjoy being with everyday people. That keeps life real for you. Once out of LA you can really recharge and see your life and work from eyes of reality, instead of a swirl of fame. Plus you can continue to get ideas for your acting by talking to and watching real people in a real town.
  4. Ask yourself what you need not what you want or what is accepted in your field. You may think that a certain watch will make you look “in” or that a certain nite club makes you popular. But the truth is that who you are is what brings you fame. You have to stay real and relevant. So, set a budget for yourself and ignore all the push for silly things and silly events. This makes you wise and the really successful professionals in entertainment are the ones that are wise and have long lasting careers.
  5. Find three organizations that fit your interests to volunteer with your time and efforts. If you have little free time, spend it helping those that you care about, not running around to events that get your picture in the papers. Be someone that can dedicate time, energy and money to three groups and that intense impact will find you on top of lists of people to watch.
  6. Each time you go to another set look around and find the true professionals on that set. Introduce yourself to the man that has been a successful camera man or light person in many TV or movie projects. Ask them questions, get them on your side, work hard to impress the director and read other works from the writers. Introduce yourself to the actors that are working well, not with fancy names, let people know you are a person that is interested in the business of entertainment, not a flash in the pan that has a hit TV show. Some day one of them may use your name for a project that could change your life. Be kind, be wise and be interested in those around you. Do not get hung up on being important, concentrate on your own work and honor others around you that do a good job. Thank you cards or small thoughtful gifts to those that you work with and then leave for another project is always very smart.
  7. Force yourself to read scripts not have others do it for you. You may find a gem in the pile. Learn how to read fast, or read the first middle and end to get the feeling for the piece. If you are stuck with a pile of scripts and no time find honest help. Get a librarian or a college English or drama teacher to read them and take notes on them for your review. They will have talents and thoughts that you will find helpful. Your professional people will look at scripts and projects as which will make you the most money, not which will help you learn and experience and become a better actor that will work for years. Your goal is not a flash in the pan. How many hit TV show stars or boy band singers have to sell their big homes just to have money 10 years down the line? Learn from them, stay in reality and keep looking towards your next job.
  8. Looking and acting successful is important and you do that with your mind, not your group of helpers around you. You do not need silly friends that mean nothing, you need to be reading scripts, writing things yourself, coming up with ideas for your talents and resting to restore your health. That is how success will stay around you.

Actor to Friend- So, I should not be afraid to really be picky about my assistants that are around me? I know so little about success, I just thought that these people have done so much for others success that I should follow their advice.

Friend to Actor– What people have they helped? How long have they been in business, how long are the actors and performers that they represent been in business and how financially well set are they? You see you have to look at acting like any other business, you have a small window of success and that income has to be invested well for you to take that money on to your later years when work will be harder to find. You are like a dancer or sportsperson, you have a window of opportunity and then it will be over. So do not look at your work as a hay day and just to have fun. See it as a gift of a great job that you have to do at your best so you can go on to another project.

You can do this, you can listen to opportunities that come to you and take time to think them over. If you need more insight you can come back to me and I can review it with you.

Long life and working with all of the talents you have is success…you have so much in front of you, so keep looking ahead. You are too creative to find yourself without work, you need to lift up those wings and learn to do all things, from acting to directing, to teaching and writing scripts or project ideas, from investing in a business owned by someone as hard working as you are to developing your name into a brand and enjoy the world open to you.

Actor to friend – I always get honest insight when I have readings with you, thank you for that. Its good to know I can talk to someone that has no ball in the game and is just thinking about me. Thank you, I look forward meeting with you in person next month on my trip up north. I told you about the friend that wants to have an in-person reading with you, too.

Friend to Actor – I am proud of what you have done and how you are taking time to keep your feet on the ground even when you have so much success around you. I look forward to our next time together.

Channeling Friend’s Daily Offering – information taken from Life Readings Channeled through Friend since 1983 and edited for privacy

Nothing is Working Out >said Dan to friend in a reading

I had a relationship and was ready for a commitment and she broke it off. I had long time friend that simply was not honorable to me. I wanted to find a new job and I am still unemployed. I moved to a new area and now I have to return to my home area to find work. I used a plan of action, positive motivation and worked the plan. I feel hurt and defeated. Why did it all fall apart?

Friend to Dan> You know going over and over your choices is pointless. You have taken enough time in worry over it all. Let’s do what we can do and regroup and get it right this time. Lets leave it behind as you drive away and have a smile on your face for the new start – 

  1. You left a very sad marriage that was not working and you began to find your own self again. You found a person that you enjoyed and her children that you found fun and charming. You got along, learned to talk things over and you even went so far as to start to think about making another commitment. If you take it from a higher view, you can see how far you have come in your growth. You have learned what does work and does not work. You have become comfortable being on your own and now you are prepared to sort through people and find a person that hits all of your needs and at the same time know how to give them support and caring back. Good Job!
  2. You made a big investment decision in your life on the advise of along time friend. That investment did not pay off, but even more important your friend did not stand by your side during the ride. That was a very hurtful event and I understand that hurt. Once again, you stood tall, you followed the rules, you stayed loyal and you were and are a good friend. Your hurt is the grief of losing a life long friendship and those are worth greiving over.  You win – he doesn’t.
  3. You have perfectly good skills for the job market and you have not been successful in gaining a job. You have filled out forms, taken classes, talked to new people about work, keep a weekly log of your job hunt. I see that as outstanding work. The fact that you have not found a job where you are and you feel you have to return to a home base area where work is more plentifull is not your failure it is your wise move.
  4. You feel you are being forced to do work that you do not want to do and you need to make a change. That is true but your developed skills will carry you through for the next year or two until the job market refreshes. You can continue to look for a job in different fields and now you know how to look, you know how to use the computer, you have new skills and you have nothing to stop you from growth. Your age may have been a hurdle before, but now you are updated with new skills and you can make a change much easier than ever before. Good steps of growth on your part!
  5. You have had so many health challenges that you are in debt and feel totally helpless with no income but employment benifits. You have decided to file for bankruptcy and you feel that will lift you up to begin again with a new job after your move back to your home area. I think your steps to keep your creditors in line and informed have been well done and now the legal reboot will allow you to see new release in your spirit and allow your health to continue to strengthen.
  6. Your long hours of reading, journal, doing to do lists, motivation study and giving back in support of your friendships has done nothing but strenghten you. You see the world in a larger view, you feel the right and wrong of life in a more realistic eye, you have your own agenda in order and that makes your life more centered. It may feel like failure to you, but to me, it is more than success, it’s growth.

There are times when taking a path that is new and purposely choosing to learn means the way is really rough and hard. It has been that for you as well as lonely. But you have made the journey with honor, you have learned so much along the way. The man that hated his life, his job, his wife, his living area, his health and his pathway – that man has left the room. He is gone. Instead of seeing your last three years as failures take another look – you have left something behind, you left your old you back there-

You are now a new person;

  • You know what kind of person you want to commitment to and how to talk to them and make decisions that are dual not one sided. You know they must have to have their own demons worked out and be ready to grow. You are ready to give, but you know you must demand respect and your own behalf of the relationship in return. You know the age range and personality that is right for you and you will wait to find her, instead of settling on anyone at the door of life.
  • You know that children are not something to avoid but to enjoy and find fun to be around on a full time basis. That you do have a father side to your personality and you enjoy sharing it. you have history and stories to share to others and you find children absorb those things and make them theirs. It is an excitement to see you can enhance the life of another with your love and attention.
  • You know that work is not something to be done without proper rest and mental adjustment. That working with others takes patience and good polite behavior so you can be a part of a team, not always work alone. That your skills and life of experience in many things, mean you can do many different jobs not just one.
  •  You have found that friends do not know all – that they can not always have your own best interest in their mind. That they are to be enjoyed and remain special, but that your own ideas and decisions have to be based in your mind and heart. Friends are to enjoy and give to, but true friends give back. Being with a friend means you are happy when they leave you, not upset and sad. Giving should be equal in heart not overloaded on one side of the friendship or another.
  • You learned that saying NO is important to learn. You have had to say it more in the last few years than ever before, but each time you do you get stronger. No to bad behavior in your own life and No to others who take advantage of you. No is now a part of who you are.
  • You now know that your working skills are at a high level and you have no reason to tell yourself jobless means skill-less. That is not true, you are simply going to a new area to find work that you can do easily for good money. It is your choice for a less stressful life, and that is always a good choice.
  • You now know that your future means a new type of work, so your new computer skills, people skills and review of life will help guide you to a new type of job that you can do in your mature years. You love to be busy and working is important to your mental health.
  • You now know that you can live on your own, but you choose to be surrounded by friends. Your life can not be tucked away for days or nights at a time. So, once you get yourself working again, you can spread your wings on your days off and go and see friends, visit those that need you in care centers, and develop your spiritual side to fill you.
  • Most of all you have found that making a decision to move from one place to another is not a failure, it is a choice. It is based on your review of what is available for your best interest and then making a move on that information. At any time you can move again, and make another change, life does not have to be spent inside a 100 miles circle, it needs to grow legs and expand.
  • Your skills with reading ideas, journaling, doing motivation and listening to your own heart now has you on a self guidance course. That is the best way to live – to bud an idea, then review it, learn about it, get quiet and pray over it and then to walk the walk to make it real. Those are the steps and you will do them where ever you are living and who ever you are loving. You have won the battle, you are a new you…stronger and more knowing.

Often goals are not met and it’s only natural to think you failed. But when you take time to review it you can see that your ideas were not wrong, nor were your actions – the timing was just off. You just need to tweek the idea again and start the process all over. That is what life is about, how you handle the daily challenges with spirit and your own mind and then begin again. I am proud of your efforts

Begin again – friend

Channeling Friend’s Daily Offering – information taken from Life Readings Channeled through Friend since 1983 and edited for privacy

ESCAPE Friend in phone reading with client: I understand you feel totally terrified. You have no money, no job, you have no place to live and you have left the relationship you thought would make you happy. So, just know I understand that every single step you have taken is scary and you have no other alternative but to make all of these changes. You are the brave one, you are the one to celebrate as FREE – you have chosen loving yourself over losing yourself – I am very pleased with your actions and proud of you.

  1. First, you have to find a place to live. I would march right up to the nearest church and ask them for their community outreach program to help you. Even if it is one night’s rest in the church, you will be able to sleep and get rest. They will help you, they are there to help you. Do not be afraid to ask for help, that is what people have been giving their Sunday collections toward. You will get a connection for emergency money for food and a place to live.
  2. There are special shelters for those that have fear from abuse, you need to ask about them and have someone take you there. Do not wander around where you can be seen – if you are in danger, ask others to help you out of danger.
  3. Then the next step is to go to the Department of Human Resources in your area and get bus passes, food coupons, and direction with job placement. They will give you a listing and ask them as many questions as you can. You will need to have a mail box for most of your information coming to you. I would ask at the church or the shelter if you can use that address for a month for a mail box – so you can get your help and then you will be in a new place to live and you can use your own address.
  4. Just stand in line and stand up straight and tell them your story as you know it to be true. There is nothing you have done to be ashamed of – you have just had things happen that now have to be corrected. The staff at these places are trained to help you, they may be over worked so be very patient and always smile and say thank you for your time. That is how you get helped before others, you show them you appreciate their care, not act like you deserve the help.
  5. Now the hardest thing is to begin to think of yourself as already in your new home, in your new job and in your new life. You have to sit and wait in lines at these places, so just rest and think about your future. What type of apartment you want to have around you. Picture the windows bringing in light, the paint all clean and the kitchen all bright. Picture nice furniture in the place with a special chair for you to use at night. Then picture a job place, busy, interesting, nice people to work along side of and the boss welcoming you into the job. Keep your mind focused on success even if all around you says failure – you have to think success.
  6. Force out the old negative bad thoughts, the worry over the past, the fear over the physical violence – everytime you catch yourself in worry – think about that new apartment, what color will you paint it, what kind of furniture will you fill it with and what will be in your cupboards or closets. Force your mind to think positive and fruitful thoughts…keep on the future, make your mind work in a way that will bring good things into your life, not repeat old ways of sadness.
  7. Think of three things that you are going to do for yourself when you get your job. A. buy a new purse, B. buy bananas just for you C. pick up a green plant at the store to enjoy. This is your life, what are your own three things to look forward to bringing into your life?
  8. Write down notes, take note of the names of people that help you and are kind, you can call them back if you get into a problem or have a question. Write down your personal information in a good easy to read printing. You do not want to have anyone skip over you because your form was not filled out.
  9. Remember, you are not at this point because you did any thing wrong, you are here because you are choosing a new life and that’s a good thing that has an element of excitement in it. Yes, it is scary, but Yes it is exciting. Keeping safe, if you need a shelter..you have to admit you are in trouble and you need a haven to be safe. Just as you would reach down and pick up a small kitten in the pathway of a large charging dog…so will others reach over and guide you to a shelter that is protected from anyone that wants to do you harm.

Your mind is your key…your mind, not your body. You have to think; I have a new job, I have a new home, I am safe and I am ready to begin this new life. No matter what you age, or how you look, or how you talk, you have to think NEW LIFE. You have to repeat it over and over and even when you are confronted with fear, you have to repeat it and believe it. Others will help you, but you have to ask. This is not the time to be the independent uppity lady who knows it all – this is the time, when you simply are honest about where you are and ask to be guided to places that can give you assistance.

To be brave enough to leave an uncomfortable place that still gave you a home, food and a place to belong – that was very hard to do. You have already taken those steps. The rest of your journey is just a journey. If you take it wisely, the journey will find an ending that gives you peace and your own life back again. No more living through another’s life…now you will have your own.

Now remember, do not allow yourself to think, I haven’t worked in a long time I don’t know what kind of a job I could get! NO, you have to think about how the job is going to make you feel…not what kind of job…how it will make you feel. I have a good job with a paycheck, I go to work with nice people, I stay busy and feel good about my work and I come home and can afford an apartment and food and I am safe. That is how you think about the job, not in terms of fear, but in terms of being content and happy to go to work, again!

Stop thinking about how you look, if you are to thin or too heavy, or have no clothes no one cares about those things but you. No one sees that but you, you have to force yourself to see your own loving body in a healthy light with new, clean clothing and know you are going to be health and well and serve your new life with joy, no fear. (End of shared reading)

If you would like to share your life challenges with Friend with one of his personal readings, just read the about pages and then contact francy. Thank you for your reading time. Share this with someone that might be facing a hard time – francy

Friend’s Daily Offering is collected from Channeled Readings since 1983 and is edited for privacy.

Deep Worry Over Moneya condition that affects so many people in different ways that Friend wanted to share how he handles it on a one on one – this is totally different for each person that comes to him for a reading – the following is just a sample of one of his readings.

Client to Friend in Channeled Reading: I am overwhelmed with fear over money. I simply am stuck in the middle of so many different things that are affecting me that I find myself trapped in fear. I try to change my brain but I am thinking panic all the time and it is ruining my relationships and my whole life.

Friend to Client via phone Reading: I am so sorry you have this in your life. So, let’s talk a little about it. You have been a person in the past with a good income; I can feel that you have had a lot of prosperity, so I suppose this down turn has you confused.

Client to Friend: It does, you are right, I have had a good job all my life and now the work is simply not there. Plus, my wife’s health is not good and she has required a lot of time off from her work and our son is now in need of extra help financially and I am just not there for him at all.

Friend to Client: I understand that means that you are stuck in a place where you began to have lack and then it just got caught up in more and more. So, first, let’s talk about being brave enough to believe in a plan of action. What I will share sounds so benign that it could never help you…but I assure you it does help. So, I am going to ask you a favor and to follow these steps and just give it a try. After all, you are talking to me today because things are so bad you need guidance, so give this a chance.

Now we will begin. Fear is simply not allowed in your life, because it kills so many other emotions. You do understand that everyone has fear, but it has to be put down immediately in order for your life to flow. So fear is out. Now that sounds easy but before we talk about prosperity, we have to deal with this overwhelming fear issue right now to get it taken care of from this moment on.

  • The moment that you feel fear, just let it flow over you. Take note of what the source of the fear is at the time. You may automatically think its fear of not having enough to pay bills, so you ignore the bill pile. But it may be that you’re really fearful of telling your wife that money is at a very critical low and she has to understand that spending needs to be stopped not just reduced. What is your fear? You see, fear could be something totally different from what you think and to dissipate the fear, you have to know what it is that you are worried about to the point that brings feelings of fear.
  • Once the feeling of fear comes over you. How is it starting to form in your mind? Do you feel alone, do you want to hide the feelings; can you share your feelings? Many times people find that the feeling of fear is more the feeling of being totally alone facing a problem. That brings on the feeling of fear, so this is when you have to reach out and talk to your wife, or your best friend, sibling, parent or so on. The person you confide in to bring you a feeling that the worry you have is now voiced and out in public. Many times keeping problems to yourself, because you feel they will bother others, or bring embarrassment, will start the downturn of worry into fear and then make it worse and worse.
  • Facing the problem, talking about the problem is the way that you can take the fear down into small pieces to get rid of it or reduce it down to a place that you find it less stressful.
  • Dealing with the worse. I have many clients that come to me for reading in the middle of a crisis. They may have a spouse in hospital and they want to talk about how to deal with their health and get them through the crisis. They are often shocked when I ask them to spend a moment to think about what would happen if their spouse was suddenly gone. They do not want to talk about anything that depressing – they want to think of how to make the spouse well. I do not bring up the subject to depress them; I bring up the worse thought – to give it light. If you talk about the worse that could happen and get a feeling for it and roll it around in your mind. Then you can put those feelings away and re-direct your mind to the present and the healing of the spouse. The mind is now able to release the inner fear of the unknown and deal with the current emergency with a clear view.
  • I would like you to do some journaling. I know you are busy, tired and journaling may seem childish. I assure you it is not childish, it is how you figure out problems for yourself. Journaling is done in private; your thoughts are your own, so make this a private task. Get a spiral notebook and just sit down before you go to bed and write a few things down for me. I want you to do this for seven days. The mind and body have a rule of healing that is seven days to make a start, 21 days to change a habit, 84 days to change your health – so there is some work to do.
  • Write down each evening one page with three things that are the worst outcome to your current top three problems. Face it and write it down. You would lose all your money in your savings, you could lose your home, you could lose your job, and you could lose your marriage. Write down only three problems that would be the worst, then under each of those write down three things that you think would be the worst about those problems. If you lose all your savings you would probably lose your credit line and that would start another line of problems and so on. If you lose your marriage, you would have to move out and live on your own, not see your children as much, suffer from the loss of your friendship with your wife. You see how it goes, you face – not solve – just face the worst of your issues. The worst thoughts right on the paper…day after day.
  • New Journal Page each night: Three things that you want to do when the money comes back into your life – just three things each night. Maybe you will buy something, repair something, or go somewhere. But write three things down on a new page, each night.
  • New Page each night: Three things that you can do to bring in money from the universe that you are not doing now. Think about this. You cannot write down more work at work. No, you have to think of things to do to bring in money from any other source than you already have at your finger tips. You could write down something that you could sell on eBay, you could write down a service you could do for others, a small business that you could start, a second job you could do on the weekends, or any other way that money could come to you from the universe. The Universe meaning from any and all directions in any or all ways – without limits.
  • Now, one more thing. In a private place you need to write down a line of positive thinking that you can see during the day. Maybe put it on your computer screen or your bathroom mirror, or on your car dashboard, or the refrigerator. You need to write it down and you need to say it a minimum of three times a day – out loud…so, you can hear yourself saying the words: “I have an infinite abundance of love, money and health in my life and my needs are always met – I feel safe and I feel loved”


OK, that’s that for now. You have some thinking to do on this. Each night you have writing to do. Each day you have thoughts to review and change. You have your positive motivation to read and you have to trust in me. I know this is not giving you a check to walk out the door with or solving world peace. But you have to understand that it takes small movements to begin a big change. If you watch a bird, they will begin to just flap their wings and then they rise. This is just wing flapping I know, but trust me when you come back to me for your next reading in a week – we will both feel a change in your prosperity to the better. It may be tiny or it may be a big boost, but there will be a change and then we will take the next step.

Thank you for reading through this small edited version of a Reading with Friend. We would enjoy working with you, on your own private concerns please visit our pages about us and how to schedule an appointment with us. We do our appointments over the phone and talk about personal issues, business and spiritual questions. Thank you, francy

Zapping Energy – Friend’s Daily Offering; On zapping energy from others and not knowing you do it. This is edited from many Channeled readings with Friend since 1983 – details and names held for privacy.

Are you finding you have not heard from close friends lately? Do you find that when you are out and about others tend to stand back from you, or sit away from you? Are you giving others your thoughts and ideas and nothing seems to be coming back to you from them? Do you feel family or friends are not paying as much attention to their relationship with you, as you are to them? Are you not getting attention at work, or having negative job interviews?

Some times, just when you feel that you are the stand up guy and you are doing so much for others – there is a quiet under current of your feeling that you do not get what you deserve or the attention that you enjoy. In your mind you tend to think, “They don’t love me, or like me, or care about me.” – Is that true?

Client to Friend during Channeled Phone Reading:I have been feeling left out of things for quite some time now. I attend a family function and find siblings that do not spend time talking to me. I go out after work with co-workers and they tend to ignor me, they are pleasant enough, just not interactive. I try to do things for others and I do not understand why others do not respond with friendship towards me.

Friend to Client: I know that you do good things for others. I’m thinking of how you helped your neighbor recently with his car and that was kind and giving and no money was exchanged, just you giving to him. So, the idea of your giving is there but I think it may be lost some where behind other things in your life. You want others to see you as the friendly, giving and loyal person you are, not a person that gives off negative feelings.

Client to Friend in Channeled Phone Reading: I don’t understand lost, what is lost? I helped the neighbor, I watched my sister’s kids last week and she arrived took them home with out even staying to visit. I finished a big report at work that was really to be done by two other people but they were swamped and so I did the work and they did thank me, but they didn’t buy me coffee or chat about the report at all. It ‘s like I’m not there – I’m being ignored.

Friend to Client:I don’t think that’s it at all – I think it may be just the opposite. You see you have been very down in your emotions for a long time. You are still upset over your relationship break-up and that was almost two years ago. It has changed you, you have gotten yourself in such a down mode and so involved with overall sadness that your energy level is really dipping. You have had quite a few colds and allergy attacks lately and that’s unusual for you, you usually have a high tolerance to illness. You have withdrawn from your usual hobbies, you rarely hike, do not spend time on the yard – just mow the grass and you no longer even get your motorcycle out of the garage to clean – let alone ride, is this not the case?

Client to Friend: Yes, that is true, I just feel tired all the time. Maybe there’s something wrong with me physically? Should I get a check up?

Friend to  Client:  I do not think it’s physical in that way, I think what has happened is that you are so low in your emotions that you are carrying around a dark cloud over your head. Do you understand what I mean by that? You certainly do not want this low energy to come across in a job review, or hiring, or just that your boss sees you as tired.

Client to Friend: Well, I suppose so, it has been a long time since I have done anything fun, but that’s because my friends just do not seem to want to be with me any more.

Friend to Client:I’m sure that’s how you see it. But I think what’s happening is that when you are out and about and you are feeling a bit  low and tired, you tend to be drawn to high energy people. The most productive people in the office were so busy that you gave them a hand with their project that was due. That is a kind thing, but you were drawn to them with their energy. When you were around them you felt good, excited to be around high energy people. The same with your family members. The problem is that when you are around them, you are feeling their energy and it makes you feel good…so you actually take their energy. I know it may seem strange. But that is the reason that they do not stay in close to you…they feel you drawing from their energy when they’re around you -they walk away tired, frustrated, or confused. You become someone that does not make them feel good to be around. Now, I did not say you did something nasty to them, they just get an inner pull that you’re not giving them energy back, your interaction is not pleasant for them. So they retreat. If asked they would never say they disliked you in any way.

Client to Friend:You know I have to tell you something odd. My niece told me last week that I made her tired. She’s only five so I thought that was a strange thing to say, but she is a very sweet little thing and I wondered where that came from.

Friend to Client:Energy is a strange thing. You have it, but you don’t wear it on the outside of your clothes so it’s hard thing to check on its level. What you can check is how you feel. Lately- that has been down, tired and now rejected by friends. Since there is nothing about you that is bad or nasty, you are a nice person…the energy level thing is very important to look at. You can not tell if this is really something that’s true for you or not – so let’s just go over some things for you to try – so you can bring your own energy up instead of gleaning energy from others when you are around them.

  • In the morning when you wake up. First thing, stand up and stretch. Just a stretch like a cat would do…nice and tall. Stretch yourself out and tell yourself that you have had a good night’s rest and you are ready for the day. (even if you feel tired, tell yourself you have had a good night’s rest)
  • Do your morning toilet, shower and make sure you eat a meal. Now if you find eating is hard, then be prepared. Buy food that can be heated quickly and eaten, like frozen quiches, or frozen pancakes. Fast and easy, but real food that will fill you up and give you energy for the morning, not just coffee.
  • Before you leave for the day….take three deep breathes and feel the oxygen pulled up in your lungs and into your brain. Then take off and do what ever you do during the day.
  • Sit something on your desk at work that draws people over to you. How about a jar of candy..that will pull folks over to take a piece. You keep it filled for a while and when they come over, just look up and say, “Hi John, have a good day.” Turn around and continue to do your work. What you have done is given John a candy and a positive response to his visit with you. You have taken nothing from him. He leaves feeling good about you.
  • If you feel tired around 11ish, then you know you have a fall in energy. Since that is not a good thing for you, since you have a problem with energy overall…then get up from the office area and walk and take in a few deep breaths. Have an energy drink or bar in your office drawer to give you power to continue on until lunch. Then at lunch you will have energy on a higher level, you can invite another worker and when you go out, you are not dragging. Your energy is still in a good place and you’re able to have a higher level conversation, eat good things and leave your friend feeling he has had a nice time, not time with a person that pulled him down.
  • Repeat the action in the mid-afternoon. Another walk around the office or the outside of the building, a few good deep breaths, an energy bar or drink and then back to work to have a renewed boost of energy.
  • Home to meal that is good for you, with all the different type of foods. I you are living alone, then buy food that can easily be heated and give you good meals, do not stop off and get garbage food, it will just pull on your energy and give you nothing in return.
  • Two nights a week, you will be doing something you enjoy doing. It is up to you, you can take your motorcycle out of the garage and go and visit family or friends, stay for a short time and then leave before you get to tired and start to pull on them for energy. This will increase your energy by doing things that bring you pleasure, instead of staying home and worrying about live. You are taking charge and others will start to feel it -as pleasant to be around you.
  • Do something new, take a class in something fun at the local community college: Latin dancing, computer sciences, property investment, anything that will give you a feeling of learning and increase your excitement and energy level. Something new for you to talk about to friends and family. Something new for you to think about. Maybe even new people to meet and enjoy!
  • Keep your mind on the goal – of rising your energy level and decreasing your low emotional levels. Eat good food, breath deeply, get some exercise, exercise your brain with new ideas and start to give to others in small ways with no strings attached from you. I think that you are going to find it will slowly turn your mind around to a better place and you will interact with others in a stronger and more positive way.

Often Friend finds that people come to him with ideas and questions on life issues and do not realize that their problems stem from small underlying troubles. Easier things to change than the big problem that’s effecting them. It’s always hard to get the client to see…that the small changes, can make such a big effect on the big challenges in their life. But every time, they trust in Friend and do the homework, no matter how strange it seems at the time – a change does happen for the betterment of their life. Please do read about Friend and Francy and call in for a private phone reading on your own personal issues or business soon. Thank you, francy

Confusion – Friend’s Daily Offering; On removing Confusion on life choices and bring them into clarity
 There are so many words, actions, responsibilities and time constraints coming from all sides of your life, to add upset and confusion over an unexpected incident is totally understandable. Reacting to that incident is now your choice. You must learn to react to a negative situation slowly with calm, let it flow over you and let it unfold in front of you before you react. Keep your anger, fear or confusion to yourself and just let the energy of the situation surround you. Know that your own inner strength will keep you safe and allow the people around you to act out their frustrations or anger. As soon as you can, remove yourself from the situation.

Give yourself private time to replay the incident or situation in your mind as you lift yourself up and away from it. View it as if it were happening to another. See if you played a part in the incident or if you were just a viewer. Think it over; do not make a statement on your own behalf or for the other person. Think it over; replay the incident/situation again in your mind’s eye. See if you heard the words and actions in correct order. When you have done your work on this issue and you feel you have put it into its own place, then allow yourself to feel.

Is it anger, it is disappointment, is it sadness, is it doubt? Take a few moments of quiet and talk it through in your mind to yourself. Lay down the ideas you have – what did you do to begin the incident, did you add to the fire, did you simply stand and become a part of it, or did you get swept up in someone else’s negative energy? Now that you have gone over it in your mind – release it.

To do that-  take three deep breaths and then just blow out the confusion and let it dissipate. If the situation made you uncomfortable, you know you will not repeat the action you took nor will you encourage the actions that others showed to you. You will look at the incident as a negative action that you do not intend to allow around you again.

Make a list; actually write down three things that will alert you to the same behavior in yourself or others in the future. These three things will then be the keys to avoid. If you see them coming into your life again, you will walk away and make serious changes to remove the negative actions before they manifest into a repeated situation.

My example to you may be: 1/ your day was very stressed and you were down in energy 2/the communication between you and another was just not successful and you both interpreted words in the wrong way 3/the other person was on a short fuse of temper and you may have sparked it with your body language or words. Learning these or other actions that were taken before the incident, means you can make changes. Your personal energy must be stronger and if you need to take more breaks or eat, drink or nap than that is what you have to do during your busiest days. You have to work on your communications skills or learn to read others when they do not understand you and give it a break.  Be aware that others have days filled with just as much, if not more, stress than your own. Or they have a special emotional or physical challenge that is pushing them into negative energy.  Read those things and do not judge, just take note not to allow the combination of them to mix and explode into a situation in the future.

Since you are unable to change the past, or change others there is only the future and your own actions. If you took a neutral stance during the situation, you did not respond or entered into the negative energy – that was a strong position to take. You then removed yourself from the negative energy and have taken time to review the situation again in your mind. Showing self honesty of the review as if you were a neutral self-judge – you have pulled up and away and taken a look at your actions and those of others with a third person’s view. You have taken your deep breaths to release the confusion. You have written down three key things that will signal the oncoming of a similar incident in the future and how to avoid it. Now, you have to do the hardest thing, you have to refocus your mind to a new thought pattern and let this one fade. In order to be productive, you have to learn to experience, review and release. It’s now time to release and move on leaving the negative energy and feelings of confusion behind.

This is a lesson that is very hard to do and really takes repeated practice to perfect. But once you start to do this with little and large incidents that upset and confuse you in your life – you will see that they will not be repeated. They will diminish because you take note of the cause and then you empower yourself to move forward to a new thought and action so your future is in your own control.

To achieve a circle of comfort and positive actions around you at all times is something that has to be practiced to succeed. But once you have the steps in place and you have experienced the change of negative to positive thought patterns – you will find your life changing dramatically.  

The easy life choice is to react to a negative situation or person with your verbal skills and debate and argue with them. To inflame the situation and make your own thoughts on the matter the most important heard that day. To walk away knowing you were right  – and they – wrong.

The hard life choice is to restrain yourself from reacting, to make your involvement nonexistent and allow the incident to work its way out to nothing. Being a controlled student of metaphysics is always challenging are you up to the challenge? Do you really think you can walk and experience the path, or just talk about it?

The most successful people in all walks of their lives are the ones that are true to their own actions and not afraid to review and change those actions and their forward direction for the better of all. 

 Would you like to have a reading with friend? Please read more about him and schedule a reading today. He has been Channeling through Francy since 1983 and would be pleased to work with you on your own personal issues and challenges.

Protection –from a sudden change into a downward spiral of life – Friend’s Daily Offering

When you find that you have things happening to you that are out of your own normal range of functioning – many times that signals that you have stepped out of bounds of your own personal protection bubble.

Each person has a range of protected area around their body that they keep on a daily basis. This area can be large or small that’s set up between each person’s feelings of well-being.  But the important thing is to start to be aware of this protection area and enlarge it as you move through life.

Your protection can be attacked by your own energy level. If you have had health challenges even as small as a cold or bad allergies, your body and your mind are tired and the protection level can be down. Your mind can wander and think about other things and not pay attention to the small clues your body is giving it that something is amiss. Then add different things to that like stress, a break-up in a relationship, a move, a new job, or an upset in your finances as examples. Those all will bring your energy down and therefore your protection level around your body grows weaker.


So let us talk of examples. Roger had a very good job in real estate and was producing a solid income which gave him a lifestyle that was very comfortable. He was a person in his late 40‘s and was working out on a regular basis. Life was good until one of the homes he sold had problems with the sale and the buyer was upset with him and started to make a fuss over the sale. This moved Roger into a place at his work that was very difficult and his sales started to slump. He was trying everything to get his sales up when he injured his body at the gym in an equipment mistake. This forced him to stay at his home and just rest for a few days and during that time period both his furnace and his refrigerator went out of order. On his recovery from his injury and his return to the office he found that his job was in trouble and he was fighting just to keep his license with this broker so he could work. The next thing that happened is that his car lease was up and he had to renew it and when he went to do so he had a problem with his credit because the last two months had caused him so much financial ups and downs. The next thing that happened to him was that he was robbed, his home was entered by a group of young people and they not only took things they left the house in a bad condition. When Roger came in to have a reading with Friend he was really off his place of feeling safe and into a place of fighting for his way of life to be returned to him. What could he do to remove all of this chaos and return to his happy and prosperous life again?

Friend consulted him on a reset of his Protection Area and give his body, mind and spirit more room to feel comfortable. The area around him which had once been so strong was now eroding away and he had to concentrate on rebuilding his comfort zone and his positive outlook on his life.  

Friend had him begin with a look at the different events in his life that seemed to start and then just allow the downward spiral. That way Roger was consciously aware of these things and could take actions to counter his thoughts about them. He could not change the past, but he could make his future stronger. He was asked to start a journal and write out the different things that had started to bother him and see if they had a string running through them. This step cannot be ignored, it has to be done. To change the future into a positive, you have to know and accept that you have had negatives in your past. Friend asked him to write down five things that he had always enjoyed about his life and how he felt about them.
 Roger chose to write:

1-      His home was so peaceful and very organized that it gave him a feeling of joy each time he went home. Now, he had lost that feeling because first the two major repairs signaled to him that the house was getting old and would need updating.  Then the feeling of invasion of his privacy and peace when the young teens had robbed him. He was now thinking that he would have to move to feel safe again in a home.

2-      He had always opened his eyes in the morning and felt happy about going to work. He would review his day and be excited about the prospect of new sales and new clients. Now, he dreaded going to work and felt that the clients all disliked him and although he had done nothing wrong in his business dealings, his colleges were treating him as though he was not a sincere business person. He was feeling trapped and did not know how to get over this hump.

3-      He had felt no worry over money for a very long time. He lived within his budget because reality had its ups and downs. Yet, he always felt if he saw something he wanted he could buy it within a month or so and get it paid off right away. Now, he felt he was walking on eggshells with his income. His business was down so much that he was afraid to buy anything and he had even started to take a lunch to work to keep his monthly costs down.

4-      The one thing he was most proud about was his body and the good shape he was in now that he was middle aged. His recent injury had been his first and he was shocked at how painful it had been and how long it was taking to heal. He felt out of shape and his body felt like it had changed into an older version of who he thought he was before.

5-      He had always felt good about his alone time. He enjoyed working out, reading and listening to audio books and music. He had taken a few classes at night and he loved to sail and play poker with friends. Now, for the first time, he really felt lonely. He did not have anyone to share his problems with the last couple of months and he realized that even friends could not be told about his business problems and no one had been there for him when he went through his injury.

Friend’s Next Step:

 Friend put Roger on a mission to bring a state of protection back into his life and then work on each of the issues and find ways to make them work for him again. He was to begin with getting quiet in the morning, before he began his day, and to feel and see in his mind’s eye a whirlwind of white light swirling around him until it left a clear cylinder of energy around his body. This energy could not be seen by others, but it could be felt by Roger. This was to be his actual protection bubble and he was to be very serious about building it and keeping it a few inches away from his body each morning.  As he went forward during his day he was to take a few moments of quiet to re-energize his bubble of protection.

Friend asked Roger to tackle his work place problems. Was he able to mend the unrest he felt from the staff or was it time to start at another company and begin again? He had his own list of clients so the move would not change the quality of care he gave to them and the change would not mean any financial hardship, since his commissions would be the same. Friend asked Roger to write about his feelings over a new job for three nights. When he was back talking with friend again, he felt excited about making a change to something new. He now had ideas of a new marketing theme and he was really on his way to a new job place before he actually left the one where he had worked for the past seven years.

The house was next. Friend cautioned Roger not to make too many changes in his life all at once. He felt the change in the job was enough and it would take a few months for him to relocate at the new position and get feeling confident in his income. At that time, if he really felt his home was bothersome to him, he would be in a better place to make a change.

Roger continued with friend’sreadings working on ideas for sales and marketing – even in a down turn economy and Roger started to feel the renewal of his personal business strength. He worked at his new job and then in about nine months Roger worked with a buyer that needed the exact description of Roger’s home. Roger told him he had been thinking of moving and the buyer was free to come and see his place. The buyer was interested and Roger invited in another Realtor to oversee the transaction so it would be right for them both. Within sixty days Roger was in a new home and had adopted a dog and started to run every day and enjoy getting his body strength back again.

In his next reading with Friend – Roger discussed the renewal of his life. He not only felt strong again, but he felt he was in control and it was up to him to stay aware of Protection even when his life seemed so good. That protecting his body, mind and spirit on a daily basis kept him closer to his own strength and closer to his feelings of spirituality. It was at this reading that Friend mentioned to Roger that he would be meeting a person very soon that he would find attractive and very funny. Four months later Roger helped a lovely lady unload her rented moving truck, next door. He not only helped her place her things in the house but he began dating his new next door neighbor.

Roger’s success came from not giving in to things around him and allowing his life to slide downhill. He refused to take on the spiral effect and just paddle through it. He took action and with Friend’s guidance, Roger worked for and found the answers to his questions. He learned more about his own reactions to negative things floating around him. He noted that he had to be aware of his own personal protection and keep it strong. As he went forward with his life, he was not afraid of taking new steps and repairing old challenges. Roger now feels that he should not let his life just drift without being aware at all times that good things come with consistent movement towards a plan of action, work and creativity.  At the same time, others may find Roger’s success something to envy and even want to harm in some way. But Roger now is keeping a protection bubble of awareness around his body. He’s aware to keep the protection pumping when he feels tired or unwell, upset, or stressed. Keeping his core strong and protected is now allowing him to keep growing and enjoy all aspects of his life. 
Friend has been doing readings since 1983 and he is always pleased to help others with his insight to information – Please read how to schedule your reading with friend…thank you, francy