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Three Ways To Bounce Back After Adversity

Leif Walcutt
This article is more than 7 years old.

If you’ve gotten into a good groove at work/life, nothing is worse than a hiccup to throw you off your game and lose your focus. Instead of staying in that rut, follow these tips to recover quickly from your next setback and propel yourself towards success.

1. Put everything in perspective: Looking at your current situation from a fresh point of view can ease any tension you might be feeling.

2. Focus on things you can control: Just because you didn’t get that promotion doesn’t mean you’re not good enough. Instead, it might mean you were simply competing against someone more qualified. Focus on doing your best instead of on the expected outcome.

3. See bad luck as an opportunity to better yourself: Failing can open up the chance to improve the skills you currently have and gain insight into what makes you unique.

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