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TO: House Republicans

FROM: Kevin McCarthy
DATE: September ! "#$
S%&'ECT: September A(en)a
Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves,
some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all.
Sam Ewing
* hope everyone ha) a pro)uctive Au(ust an) that you en+oye) time at home ,ith
your -amilies an) constituents. A-ter spea/in( ,ith many o- you throu(hout the
month! ,hat ,e0ve hear) -rom our constituents across the country has been
consistent 1 American -amilies simply can no lon(er a2or) the Obama economy. *t is
costin( them too much in +ob losses! re)uce) ,a(es! an) hi(her healthcare! -oo)!
an) ener(y prices.

For years! 3resi)ent Obama has trie) to use 4ashin(ton bureaucracy to 56
America0s problems. He has ma)e plenty o- promises 1 a -unctionin( an)
ine6pensive healthcare system! a success-ul economic stimulus! a ne, ener(y
economy an) increase) respect abroa)! to name a -e,. 7et each an) every one o-
these promises has been bro/en.
4e must continue to put -orth an a(en)a that -uels the revival o- the American
Dream. An) ,e must remain committe) to unapolo(etically an) bol)ly con-rontin(
the Obama A)ministration an) Senate Democrats as they march to,ar)
(overnment intrusion in every aspect o- our lives.
* )on0t /no, i- you cau(ht this! but last Fri)ay the Forest Service publishe) an article
about ho, to roast marshmallo,s. Tips inclu)e) usin( a roastin( stic/ o- at least 8#
inches in len(th an) substitutin( -ruit -or the chocolate an) slices o- an(el -oo) ca/e
-or (raham crac/ers.
This per-ectly captures ,hat is ,ron( ,ith our (overnment. Har)9earne) ta6 )ollars
supportin( bureaucrats ,ho can0t pass up an opportunity to tell us ho, to live our
lives. For the thin(s that (overnment is suppose) to )o 1 li/e con-ront terrorist
(roups 1 ,e )on0t have a strate(y! but -or thin(s Americans are suppose) to be able
to )o -or themselves 1 li/e 5(urin( out the best in(re)ients -or s0mores 1
(overnment bureaucrats have that 5(ure) out.
Our (overnment to)ay lac/s common sense an) competency. An) the American
people /no, it.

Our conservative a(en)a is about restorin( competency an) common sense in
(overnment an) (ivin( Americans the -ree)om to live their lives! run their
businesses! an) raise their -amilies. *t0s time to create a "$st Century (overnment
that isn0t bo((e) )o,n in unnecessary me))lin( an) harm-ul re(ulatin(! but is
instea) honest! simple! an) e2ective. 4ith a limite) number o- le(islative )ays
be-ore the election! ,e ,ill have a busy September -ocuse) on our vision -or
prosperity an) a (overnment that is accountable to its people.
Defeating our Terrorist Enemies
&e-ore turnin( to the bills currently sche)ule) -or :oor consi)eration! * thin/ it is
important to touch on the topic * /no, each o- us is -ocuse) on: the rise o- *S*;! its
terrorist activities 1 inclu)in( the brutal mur)ers o- innocent Americans 1 an) the
establishment o- ne, terrorist sa-e havens an) sanctuaries in the Mi))le East.
Terrorist threats to the %nite) States an) its allies have (ro,n appreciably )urin(
the Obama A)ministration as the Al <ae)a net,or/ has metastasi=e). The
A)ministration has been too passive as these terrorist or(ani=ations have been
allo,e) to ac>uire ne, sa-e havens an) (ro, in stren(th! ,hether in ;ibya ,here
Ansar al9Sharia terrorists /ille) Americans in &en(ha=i in "#$"! in *ra> an) Syria
,here *S*; has slo,ly an) stea)ily built itsel- into a veritable terrorist army! or in
A-(hanistan ,here a resur(ent Taliban is on the o2ensive.
* believe that it is critical that ,e con-ront an) )e-eat *S*; an) li/e9min)e) terrorists
,ho )irectly threaten America. * 1 an) * /no, many o- you 1 have personally calle)
on the A)ministration to a))ress this (ro,in( national security challen(e. As ,e
return! our national security committees ,ill continue their a((ressive oversi(ht
,or/ 1 inclu)in( hearin(s ,ith senior A)ministration o?cials 1 on both the rise o-
*S*; an) ,hat is necessary to con-ront an) )e-eat them. * anticipate that
A)ministration o?cials ,ill be up to brie- all Members. *n a))ition! a number o-
other brie5n(s by outsi)e e6perts are currently bein( planne). These hearin(s an)
brie5n(s ,ill be absolutely critical in helpin( us ta/e the appropriate steps
necessary to achieve our ob+ective: the )e-eat o- our terrorist enemies.
America cannot shir/ -rom this (rave an) (ro,in( threat to our national security.
4e un)erstan) the terrorists0 ,ar on the %nite) States an) our allies is not over an)
that military action a(ainst terrorist (roups li/e *S*; that pose a )irect an) (ro,in(
threat to American interests is over)ue. That sai)! the American people nee) to
hear plainly -rom the 3resi)ent about the nature o- the threat an) his strate(y to
con-ront it.
Jobs and Economic Growth
*n or)er to remin) Harry Rei) an) Senate Democrats o- our positive solutions to
buil) a robust economy an) -oster +ob creation! the House ,ill sen) a sin(le +obs
pac/a(e to the Senate assemble) -rom the +obs bills House Republicans have
passe) this Con(ress. This compilation bill ,ill inclu)e:
H.R. "@A@! the Save American 4or/ers Act! authore) by Representative To))
7oun(! ,hich repeals Obamacare0s 8#9hour )e5nition o- -ull9time
H.R. CDD! the %n-un)e) Man)ates *n-ormation an) Transparency Act!
authore) by Representative Eir(inia Fo66! ,hich e>uips Con(ress an) the
public ,ith tools to )etermine the true costs o- re(ulationsB
H.R. "C#! the Achievin( ;ess E6cess in Re(ulation an) Re>uirin(
Transparency FA;ERRTG Act! authore) by Representative Heor(e Hol)in(!
Chairman &ob Hoo)latte! Representative Dou( Collins! an) Representative
Spencer &achus! ,hich promotes +obs! better ,a(es! an) economic (ro,th
throu(h re(ulatory re-ormB
H.R. 8IA! Re(ulations From the E6ecutive in Jee) o- Scrutiny FRE*JSG Act!
authore) by Representative To)) 7oun(! ,hich ensures that Con(ress votes
on all ne, ma+or rules be-ore they can be en-orce)B
H.R. $$#@! the Small &usiness Capital Access an) 'ob 3reservation Act!
authore) by Representative Robert Hurt! ,hich prevents Do))9Fran/ Act
re(ulations -rom )ivertin( capital -rom small9 an) me)ium9si=e) businessesB
H.R. ""A! the Small &usiness Mer(ers! Ac>uisitions! Sales! an) &ro/era(e
Simpli5cation Act! authore) by Representative &ill Hui=en(a! ,hich
streamlines re(ulatory re>uirements to help -acilitate capital -ormation to
(ro, small9 an) me)ium9si=e) businessesB
H.R. 8A! the Hire More Heroes Act! authore) by Representative Ro)ney
Davis! ,hich incentivi=es businesses to hire veterans by e6clu)in( them -rom
Obamacare0s employer man)ate threshol)B
H.R. $@"I! the Restorin( Healthy Forests -or Healthy Communities Act!
authore) by Chairman Doc Hastin(s! ,hich ,ill put Americans bac/ to ,or/
by promotin( responsible timber pro)uctionB
H.R. AI$! the Jational Strate(ic an) Critical Minerals 3ro)uction Act! authore)
by Representative Mar/ Amo)ei! ,hich allo,s the %.S. to )evelop resources
that are critical to our economic competivenessB
H.R. 8#CI! the 3ermanent *nternet Ta6 Free)om Act! authore) by Chairman
&ob Hoo)latte! ,hich protects internet access -or all Americans an) -osters
(ro,th in the )i(ital economyB
H.R. 8C! the American Research an) Competitiveness Act! authore) by
Representative Kevin &ra)y! ,hich ma/es the RKD Ta6 Cre)it permanent!
pavin( the ,ay -or increase) innovation an) investment in the %.S.B
H.R. @A! the AmericaLs Small &usiness Ta6 Relie- Act! authore) by
Representative 3at Tiberi! ,hich ma/es section $AD e6pensin( permanent
ensurin( that our small businesses have the certainty they nee) to (ro, their
businesses an) create +obsB
H.R. @8! the S Corporation 3ermanent Ta6 Relie- Act! authore) by
Representative Dave Reichert! ,hich provi)es the necessary :e6ibility -or S
corporations to access capital an) ma/e ne, investmentsB an)
H.R. A$C! authore) by Representative 3at Tiberi! ma/in( bonus )epreciation
permanent in or)er to lo,er the cost o- capital -or businesses.
Lowering Costs on Gas and Groceries
4ith (as prices still hoverin( near M8.@# per (allon an) ener(y costs siphonin( too
much out o- -amilies0 paychec/s! ,e must enact policies that encoura(e an
American ener(y revolution. That is ,hy ,e ,ill sen) to the Senate a sin(le!
common9sense ener(y plan comprise) o- House9passe) bills -ocusin( on pro)uction!
in-rastructure! reliability! an) e?ciency. This pac/a(e ,ill inclu)e:
H.R. 8! the Jorthern Route Approval Act! authore) by Representative ;ee
Terry! ,hich allo,s construction o- the Keystone N; pipelineB
H.R. $DI8! the &ureau o- Reclamation Con)uit Hy)ropo,er Development
E>uity an) 'obs Act! authore) by Representative Steve Daines! ,hich
streamlines the )evelopment o- hy)ropo,er on -e)eral lan)sB
H.R. "I#! the Central Ore(on 'obs an) 4ater Security Act! authore) by
Representative Hre( 4al)en! ,hich allo,s -or construction o- a hy)ropo,er
-acility at the &o,man DamB
H.R. "A"C! the 3rotectin( StatesL Ri(hts to 3romote American Ener(y Security
Act! authore) by Representative &ill Flores! ,hich protects American ener(y
pro)uction by reco(ni=in( states0 authority to re(ulate hy)raulic -racturin(B
H.R. C#$! authore) by Representative A)am Kin=in(er! ,hich stu)ies the
impact an) cost e2ectiveness o- thermal insulation in -e)eral buil)in(sB
H.R. 88#$! the Jorth American Ener(y *n-rastructure Act! authore) by
Chairman Fre) %pton! ,hich stren(thens our partnerships ,ith Cana)a an)
Me6ico in or)er to buil) a more secure an) e?cient Jorth American ener(y
H.R. I! the Domestic 3rosperity an) Hlobal Free)om Act! authore) by
Representative Cory Har)ner! ,hich e6pe)ites the e6port o- %.S. li>ue5e)
natural (as to our alliesB
H.R. $@C"! the Ener(y Consumers Relie- Act! authore) by Representative &ill
Cassi)y! ,hich ensures Con(ressional oversi(ht o- ener(y9relate) rules
costin( more than M$ billionB
H.R. $D##! the Jatural Has 3ipeline 3ermittin( Re-orm Act! authore) by
Representative Mi/e 3ompeo! ,hich mo)erni=es the revie, process -or
natural (as pipeline permit applicationsB
H.R. "I$! the Responsible An) 3ro-essionally *nvi(oratin( Development Act!
authore) by Representative Tom Marino! ,hich establishes a more
streamline) an) transparent -e)eral permittin( process -or construction
H.R. 8C"I! the Electricity Security K A2or)ability Act! authore) by
Representative E) 4hit5el)! ,hich protects reliable an) a2or)able electricity
H.R. "C"! the 3reventin( Hovernment 4aste K 3rotectin( Coal Minin( 'obs in
America Act! authore) by Representative &ill 'ohnson! ,hich prevents the
A)ministration -rom )evelopin( ne,! +ob9/illin( coal re(ulationsB an)
H.R. CDD! the ;o,erin( Has 3rices to Fuel an America That 4or/s Act!
authore) by Chairman Doc Hastin(s! Representative Dou( ;amborn!
Representative Scott Tipton! an) Representative &ill 'ohnson! ,hich removes
-e)eral (overnment barriers that bloc/ pro)uction o- %.S. ener(y sources
o2shore an) e6pan)s onshore American ener(y pro)uction by streamlinin(
(overnment re)9tape an) re(ulations.
The House ,ill also consi)er H.R. @#AC! the 4aters o- the %nite) States Re(ulatory
Overreach 3rotection Act! authore) by Representative Steve Southerlan)! ,hich
protects the lon(9stan)in( -e)eral9state partnership in the re(ulation o- our ,aters.
The Obama A)ministration0s -e)eral po,er (rab 1 attemptin( to literally )e5ne
pu))les as navi(able ,ater,ays so they can re(ulate them 1 ,ill have broa)!
ne(ative impacts on a ,i)e ran(e o- %.S. in)ustries! most notably a(riculture.
3lacin( a))itional bur)ens on our har)9,or/in( -armers ,ill result in hi(her -oo)
prices -or American -amilies an) * commen) the Transportation K *n-rastructure
Committee -or its commitment to a))ressin( this important issue.
4hile the 3resi)ent has -aile) to live up to his Oi- you li/e your plan! you can /eep itP
promise! House Republicans remain committe) to protectin( Americans -rom the
crushin( costs o- Obamacare. An estimate) $$ million small business employees
coul) 5n) themselves ne(atively impacte) by the increasin( premium costs
associate) ,ith this la,. That is ,hy House Republicans ,ill pass H.R. 8@""! the
Employee Health Care 3rotection Act! authore) by Representative &ill Cassi)y!
,hich ensures that these ,or/ers can! in -act! /eep the plan they have an) li/e.
Than/s to the (reat ,or/ o- Chairman Darrell *ssa an) the Oversi(ht K Hovernment
Re-orm Committee an) Chairman Dave Camp an) the 4ays K Means Committee!
House Republicans have not only been un,averin( in our pursuit o- the truth behin)
the *RS tar(etin(! but have put -orth solutions to prevent -e)eral a(encies an) their
employees -rom breachin( the trust o- the American people.
To -ollo, on to the (reat ,or/ ,e have alrea)y )one on this issue! the House ,ill
consi)er a series o- bills -rom the 4ays K Means Committee that ,ill authori=e the
Secretary o- the Treasury to )isclose in-ormation about the investi(ations re(ar)in(
lea/e) ta6payer in-ormation to victimsB prohibit any *RS o?cer or employee -rom
usin( a personal email account to con)uct o?cial businessB an) co)i-y the ta6payer
ri(ht to appeal the *RS0s )etermination o- a (roup0s application -or ta69e6empt
status. 4e ,ill also consi)er H.R. @$ID! the Senior E6ecutive Service Accountability
Act! authore) by Representative Tim 4alber(! ,hich ma/es Senior E6ecutive
Service employees sub+ect to the same employment stan)ar)s as other civil service
personnel! an) H.R. @$A#! the Fe)eral Recor)s Accountability Act! authore) by
Representative Mar/ Mea)o,s! that establishes a process -or removin( a -e)eral
employee -or the -alsi5cation! the-t! or )estruction o- a -e)eral recor).
7ou may have also seen the recent HAO Report con5rmin( that the A)ministration
violate) the la, in its release o- 5ve Taliban terrorists -rom Huantanamo &ay! Cuba.
The la, is clear! an) there-ore the House ,ill consi)er H. Res. I! authore) by
Representative Scott Ri(ell! ,hich con)emns the -ailure to comply ,ith the
statutory re>uirement to provi)e a)vance notice to Con(ress.
Finally! the House ,ill also pass a Continuin( Resolution that ,ill continue
(overnment operations as they are on September 8#th into the ne, 5scal year.
* loo/ -or,ar) to seein( you all ne6t ,ee/ as ,e ,or/ to buil) a bri(hter -uture -or
our country.
*n the meantime! let0s see ,ho ,ill be the 5rst to correctly i)enti-y the room in
,hich the &ritish starte) the 5re that )estroye) most o- the Capitol on Au(ust "!

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