Genesis 5020

Stories for His Glory

Write to the Point with Bonnie Doran August 6, 2014

Filed under: Author Interviews — Melissa Finnegan @ 12:02 pm
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dora43Today we get write to the point with Bonnie Doran. I love exploring new genres and Dark Biology is in a new genre for me but sounds so interesting. Bonnie has a giveaway for you so read until the end and learn more about this author.

Tell us about yourself, family, where are you from, how long have you been writing?

I’m a Mad Scientist’s wife, which means I hang out with a bunch of technically inclined people. My husband and I are also members of the Denver Area Science Fiction Association. Besides writing, I enjoy cooking, reading, and solving Sudoku puzzles.

John and I have been married for 31 years and are owned by two Siamese cats. We live in Denver.

I lived in Pasadena for the first 23 years of my life, worked as a short-term missionary on Okinawa for two years, and lived on the Central Coast of California for six and a half years before moving to Denver in 1983.

How long have I been writing? Unless you count the poem I wrote in fifth grade, over forty years. That includes newspaper columns, magazine articles, devotions, and currently novels.

How did you come to know Jesus as your Savior?

I grew up in an unchurched family. My sister and I started attending church when I was 13. I learned that Jesus is real and became a Christian shortly thereafter.

Tell us about your latest book(s). What do want your readers to take away after the last page?

My debut novel, Dark Biology, was published by Harbourlight (imprint of Pelican Book Group) in October 2013. It’s a science thriller, kind of DarkBiology2Apollo 13 with a deadly virus. It has a strong theme of forgiveness. I hope readers will understand that forgiveness is possible between friends, siblings, and God, and that they’ll seek it themselves.

How often do you blog and what do you cover in your blog?

I’ve had blogs in the past but now have discontinued them because of lack of followers. I recently updated my website and plan to start a newsletter about my writing.

Can you share with us a favorite book you have read?

Do I really have to narrow it down to one book? I read a lot of fantasy and science fiction. At the moment, I’m re-reading the Harry Potter series.

Can you share with us a Genesis 5020 in your life?

I worked on Okinawa as a short-term missionary with the Far East Broadcasting Company. At the end of two years, I was depressed and homesick. The field director of the radio station reduced my duties, which included what I loved most: hosting a two-hour program live on radio. That afternoon, I prayed, “God, I feel like Job. You’ve taken everything away.” Later that evening, I sensed God telling me, “You’ve learned everything I had for you here. Now let’s go home.” That reassurance of God’s presence helped me through depression and reverse culture shock as I returned home and entered the secular work force.

Do you have a life and/or a ministry verse?

I love Zephaniah 3:17:

“‘The Lord your God is with you,

the Mighty Warrior who saves.

He will take great delight in you;

in his love he will no longer rebuke you,

but will rejoice over you with singing.’”

Where can we find you on the web?

Here are some links:



Twitter: @bonniedoran

Is there anything I didn’t ask that you would like to add?

While writing Dark Biology, I especially worried about getting my facts straight regarding the space program. Through the ACFW’s email loop, I got in touch with a former astronaut candidate, Austin Boyd. He checked my novel for errors regarding NASA. Whew!

Thanks, Melissa, for hosting me on your blog.

You’re welcome. Thanks for sharing with my readers.

Readers, Bonnie is giving away a copy of her book to one commentator. Leave a comment by August 12th at 5:00 p.m. to be entered.


8 Responses to “Write to the Point with Bonnie Doran”

  1. jenlhall63 Says:

    I love Sudoku also! And Zephaniah 3:17. I already have the book. Just wanted to drop by and say hi!

  2. Bonnie’s book sounds fascinating, and I’d love to read it. Thanks for this opportunity to get to know you better, Bonnie!

  3. lib1lady Says:

    The title alone would make me want to read this book. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.

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