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message 1: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Wright (imahappywriter) | 15 comments Mod
Tell us about you through the following questions:
1. Name
2. Website
3. Twitter Handle
4. Favorite Book
5. Favorite Movie
6. Favorite Song
7. Worst Book You've Ever Read (remember to be nice)
8. Worst Book to Movie Adaptation
9. The Book to Movie Adaptation You Crave
10. Are You Published, Writing, Want to Write, Want to Publish?

message 2: by Anne (new)

Anne | 1 comments 1. Name - Anne
2. Website -
3. Twitter Handle: @HeadOverHeels_A
4. Favorite Book: Too many really. But, I can read anything by Archer and Grisham over and over.
5. Favorite Movie: Again, too many.
6. Favorite Song: I'm old school in my tastes. From Neil Diamond to Springsteen, Anka to Heart. Give me ballads and/or rock and I'm a happy camper.
7. Worst Book You've Ever Read (remember to be nice): Nothing that left a horrible enough impression.
8. Worst Book to Movie Adaptation. HP7
9. The Book to Movie Adaptation You Crave: None.
10. Are You Published, Writing, Want to Write, Want to Publish? - Writing/Want to publish.

Thank you for this group.

message 3: by A.M. (new)

A.M. Harding (AMHarding) | 1 comments 1. Name: Andy
2. Website:
3. Twitter Handle: @A_M_Harding
4. Favorite Book: Dune by Frank Herbert
5. Favorite Movie: Star Wars: a new hope
6. Favorite Song: Good Riddance, Green day
7. Worst Book You've Ever Read (remember to be nice): Jane Eyre (don't hate me)
8. Worst Book to Movie Adaptation: Dune
9. The Book to Movie Adaptation You Crave: it hasn't been written yet, but I'm working on it
10. Are You Published, Writing, Want to Write, Want to Publish? I've self published a small collection of short erotic stories and there is more on the way.

message 4: by Day (new)

Day Parker | 2 comments 1. Name: Day Parker
2. Website:
3. Twitter: @DayParkertales
4. Favorite Books: Mercy Thompson series
5. Favorite Movie: Practical Magic
6. Favorite Song: All Summer Long
7. Worst Book You've Ever Read (remember to be nice): Can't think of one
8. Worst Book to Movie Adaptation: Not movie, but TV Sword of truth novels
9. The Book to Movie Adaptation You Crave: Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs
10. Are You Published, Writing, Want to Write, Want to Publish?

message 5: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Wright (imahappywriter) | 15 comments Mod
Welcome and thanks for introducing yourself!

message 6: by Helen (new)

Helen Stephens (lemay) | 10 comments Hi everyone, nice to meet you all.
I'm L, @lemay_fiction

My favourite book is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
My favourite film is Thoroughly Modern Millie.
My favourite song is 'love will keep us together' by the captain and tenille.

I don't think I've read any bad books. If I can't get into it I just stop reading and forget all about it.

I'm not certain about this but I saw the trailer to the time travellers wife and was so disappointed that I didn't bother watching the film even though I was very eagerly awaiting it as I had loved the book so much.

I would love to see a film of Minology by Mark Murphy. Or maybe my own novel!

I'm published. Working on my second novel at the moment.


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