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Belief: What I Learned, As A CEO, From The Day I Was Fired

This article is more than 10 years old.

Although I’ve mentioned him in my book, The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning, I haven’t yet shared with Forbes’ readership that Dr. Stephen R. Covey, who passed away last year, has had a special significance in my life. He was a mentor, a friend, and, at one time, my boss. This is why his teachings are woven into my DNA.

Stephen touched millions of lives. I was able to participate in that process as well when I helped to open the First Things First Division of Covey Leadership in the 1990s. My time with the Covey Leadership organization played a significant role in shaping and molding the leadership style that is now uniquely my own. That experience became an integral part of who I am today. Stephen believed in his message, and his word was his bond.

Stephen exemplified the second of the 7 Non-Negotiables: Belief. In my book, I express the principle of Belief as follows:

If you believe in yourself, you can Fail Up and overcome anything.

At Fishbowl, we believe in one another in much the same way. We are perhaps a little less perfect than some of Stephen’s other students; but our “fallibility” (we call it “failing up”) is a quality that most of us at Fishbowl embrace. We don’t quite fit the mold; yet rather than conform, we use our differences and our different abilities to create our own unique style and brand. Many of us have been ceremoniously and unceremoniously asked to exit former places of employment. I understand the hurt and fear that many of my employees feel when they don’t agree with something they see taking place in an organization. I have always deeply respected those who have come in, closed my door, and shared concerns.

My time at the Covey Leadership organization was remarkable. When the company announced it would merge with Franklin, I was open about my less-than-enthusiastic feelings concerning this move. I let my leaders know I would be moving on, but assured them that I would work to ensure a smooth transition. Imagine my surprise and hurt when, a few days later, I drove up to work to discover that I had been unceremoniously fired when I saw my belongings sitting in a box outside of a building I had loved and called home for so many years. The pain of knowing that my former coworkers were watching out the windows while I collected my things and walked away is hard for me to express even now.

How did I “Fail Up” from this experience? In some respects, I am doing so right now by sharing the details of this event. Time has healed the wounds and allowed me to appreciate how daunting it is to stand up for what you believe in. My employees often tell me that I can be daunting also. Yet they know that I will always listen to them, as long as they act from the keystone of respect and make me understand that what they believe is best for the overall good of Fishbowl.

I admire and respect Stephen and the now-merged Franklin Covey organization. Stephen lived up the street from me for 22 years. He was not just a boss, but a friend and neighbor as well. I was able to move on from this experience and continued to deeply respect and admire the Covey organization. A part of their DNA will always be with me, and I’ve learned countless lessons since then, a few of which I would like to pass on here:

1. Don’t judge a company or organization based on the actions of a few individuals within it.

2. There is never a good reason to be unkind. You can never justify an attempt to rob someone of their respect and dignity.

3. Create organizations where individuals can safely voice their concerns. Not everyone is going to like or agree with you, but you can still offer kindness, understanding, and compassion.

4. Failing at a job doesn’t mean life is over. Own it, learn from it, and move on.

What has been your experience? Have you ever failed embarrassingly and publicly? What have you done to believe in yourself by “failing up” from your own hardest learning experiences? This story, which I have also shared in my book, was only one of many experiences that have caused me to grow. I look forward to hearing your stories and I invite you to share them in the comment section below.

The 7 Non-Negotiables of Winning is available from Wiley & Sons on July 29.

Additional reporting for this article was provided by Fishbowl President Mary Michelle Scott. Author: David K. Williams Google+