Marketing quick tip – stop liking your own stuff on Facebook (or how to use your Page as you the person)

by on August 18, 2014

This might be the quickest quick tip of all but it’s something that I see often enough that I figured it warranted a mention.

Have you ever noticed on Facebook pages posts where the page itself has liked the post? Or perhaps commented on the update? I see it all the time and it looks a little silly or sometimes just plain doesn’t make sense.

But I also know what’s going on. A page admin using Facebook as a person wanted to interact with the post.

This is super common, especially when a business has several page admins that use the page. You or your team want to interact with the post to get it in front of your personal network, but you’re inadvertently using Facebook as the page. The implication is that if you or staff members have liked something in the hopes that friends will see it, they actually won’t.

Why does this happen?

As a default, a Facebook page admin is set up to use Facebook as the page for any interaction with the page. So even if a post from the page pops up in your personal newsfeed, if you like it, it wasn’t you personally that did, it was the page.

But the good news is is that it couldn’t be easier to turn this off. Simply go to the page, and right at the very top click to use the page as yourself the person.

Use Facebook page as personal

Now, every time you use Facebook with your page, it will be as yourself, until you click that area again to bring it back.

It’s important to note that once this has been set, any page admin that actually wants to use the page as the page, such as when posting new content, adding a comment or addressing a question, they will need to switch their mode to using Facebook as the page.

Use Facebook as your page

Share this quick tip with your staff, your team and anyone that is an admin for your page to ensure that your posts are getting the reach they should and to avoid that whole liking yourself thing.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Laurent August 26, 2014 at 4:16 pm

I’ve made this mistake many times in both ways… using the Page as myself personally when posting things and using the Page as itself when replying or Liking.

How many times have I had to go back and delete posts that have been made from the wrong “personality”.
Laurent recently posted..Rhode Island Little League coach Dave Belisle Speech


Martina Iring August 27, 2014 at 7:39 am

I hear you Laurent, that’s happened to me all the time too 🙂


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